Friday, January 17, 2014

Supreme Court to decide fate of warrantless cellphone searches | Al Jazeera America

 This is a very controversial subject but it shouldn't be that hard to decide, the police should not be able to search your cell phone if you are arrested, so many people have every part of their life on those phones and not just theirs as they may have the info about other family members and friends on the phone.

The thing about this is the fact that if the police want to search the phone then they need to get another warrant to search the information on the phone which if they have the person already in custody I'm sure a judge will give them a warrant.

The problem here is there is a difference between having someone in custody and placing someone under arrest. Yes the supreme court has ruled that if they have someone in custody the police officer can search pockets, bags and their car mainly for the reason to protect the officers and to see if the suspect involved has anything linking them to the immediate situation such as an armed robbery on their person, car or bags.

The problem with searching a cell phone without a warrant is the police officer will have access to information that has nothing to do with a crime they may be currently investigating and things the police officer has no right to see.

Supreme Court to decide fate of warrantless cellphone searches | Al Jazeera America

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