Friday, December 27, 2013

FBI agent quotes Texas man bragging about 'Knockout, baby!' -

 These people running around thinking this "knock out game" is fun need to be knocked out themselves and see how funny it is. This guy needs to be put away for a long time, first of all regardless of race to think it is funny to run up and hit a 79 year old man in the head (or any where else) and then add the fact that he did target someone of a specific race he should never see the light of day, because if he think it's OK to act this way now, wait until he spends time in a racially segregated prison full of prison gangs he forever will be a danger to society.

I honestly do not understand what is going on in this country, why can't people treat others with respect, this individual thought it was alright to walk up and hit a 79 year old man in the head, and he wanted to see if it would make the national media. Well it did and like I said above I hope this guy never see's the light of day, of course that is unreasonable in this day and age, he will probably get 3 to 5 years not including parole which will probably happen in 2 and he will be again running around a danger to everyone.

The thing that scares me is he will go to prison, a place that is totally racially segregated  and he will have a target on his back because of what he did and he will have no choice but to go into what ever prison he is sent to and seek protection from a white prison gang, which will be ingrained in his head when he is released, and the next time he will be on trial for murder. This is what these "funny games" like the "knock out game" leads to. America grow up!!

FBI agent quotes Texas man bragging about 'Knockout, baby!' -

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