Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Negotiators miss deadline for Afghan security pact | Al Jazeera America

 The Soviets are the one's who destroyed Afghanistan, although we didn't help by coming in the way we did, the thing is if they want us out than we need to get out.  Iraq also was a mistake but now that we are out they are once again asking for our help. We will leave Afghanistan than there will be a coup, the Taliban will once again be in charge and harboring terrorists and we will be back because when there is a strike again in the US it will point back to Afghanistan.

Negotiators miss deadline for Afghan security pact | Al Jazeera America

Happy New Year? Will It Be?

Well we are down too the last few hours of 2013, I will be honest this year sucked for me and I am sure that 2014 will be my year. There are forces trying to destroy my life and take my son from me, but I promise I will fight for him.

This year my family will be brought back together and another part of the family will no longer be a part of our life. The in laws, specifically my mother in law who is an addict thinks she is a drug counselor and a psychiatrist and has actually told the court I am a man filled with rage, I promise you I would not hurt anyone. I am a great father and my mother in law hates me to the point she is trying to destroy my life but she has nothing.

She tried to take my son away in California and lost in the courts and she will loose again in Washington and she will never see my son again until he is 18 and can make the choice himself. We shall see.

Good luck to everyone this year, Pray for the people involved in the Sosi Olympics and that all will be safe!! God Bless You All

8 people killed in violence in China's Xinjiang region - CNN.com

The Chinese don't mess around, if you attack interests in China the people responsible and probably a few innocent bystanders will be taken out, it is amazing that these terrorists are attacking governments in nearly every corner of the world!!

8 people killed in violence in China's Xinjiang region - CNN.com

Friday, December 27, 2013

Icebreaker sent to rescue ship trapped near Antarctica can't penetrate ice | Fox News

 Here is the thing that amazes me about this whole situation, I am not worried about the people on the ship, they are safe, have plenty of supplies and this is something they will remember for the rest of their lives as a good memory, something few people in this world will ever experience.

The thing that amazes me is how the governments of the world and certain scientists proclaim that the world is in a state of global warming, although I do remember as a child in the 70's people running around declaring we would soon be in a new ice age, is that they are retracing the steps of a expedition from a hundred years ago, and the funny thing is that expedition also got stuck in the ice for a time during the Arctic Summer, not only that they where originally frozen in two miles from open water and now the ice has expanded to a point they are now 13 miles from the open water.

Icebreaker sent to rescue ship trapped near Antarctica can't penetrate ice | Fox News

Japanese prime minister Abe visits controversial war shrine - CNN.com

There are 14 people listed in this shrine convicted of war crimes, but their are millions listed who did only what their government ordered them to do, just as the United States did in  every war our country has been involved with, most because of patriotism some because they didn't want to go to prison for refusing, the same would go for those who served in the Japanese military in every war they where involved in, it is a shame that those 14 are listed in the shrine but those that honored their commitment to their country and lost their lives deserve to be remembered and honored by their fellow countrymen.

Japanese prime minister Abe visits controversial war shrine - CNN.com

Report: At least 12 killed in blasts at Egyptian government building - CNN.com

The Egyptian people and government must be careful now, since the Muslim Brotherhood has been declared a terrorist group, true terrorist groups will now attempt to take advantage of the situation in order to attack and let the blame fall on the brotherhood. To the military government of Egypt, don't jump to conclusions, and don't start bombing your own people just so you can put the blame on the Muslim Brotherhood, I wouldn't put it past some members of Egypt's military and that will only make you a terrorist!!

Report: At least 12 killed in blasts at Egyptian government building - CNN.com

Former Egyptian Prime Minister arrested - CNN.com

This needs to stop, the problem is that the Egyptian military has realized they lost all the power they had when the Egyptian people elected it's first democratically elected president and now want their power back, that is why the Muslim Brotherhood is now considered a Terrorist Group in Egypt

Former Egyptian Prime Minister arrested - CNN.com

South Sudan's neighbors threaten to step in to end fighting - CNN.com

It is awesome that South Sudan's neighbors are ready to step in and help the UN ensure that the democratically elected government stays in power. It is a shame that the different tribes in this modern age still act like they are in the 1500's and fight each other over things as simple as water and grazing for their animals. Then someone is elected into office and instead of trying to bring the different tribes together as one single peaceful nation the former Vice President use's his tribal connections to start a new civil war.

The people of South Sudan have been under the gun for so long they deserve peace in their lives, they fight a civil war to win independence, vote to make their nation legal and now because of tribal disagreements they again face violence to include mass murder because of the tribe they belong to.

The United Nations and IGAD will get in their and protect those innocent people, and Machar and his followers need to be tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity and as long as the United Nations and IGAD get in their quickly and stops the fighting that is exactly what will happen.

South Sudan's neighbors threaten to step in to end fighting - CNN.com

Lebanon's Mohamad Chatah, a Hezbollah foe, killed in blast - CNN.com

 My prayers go out to those who died in this horrible attack, the people of Lebanon are strong and will not succumb to terrorists, just as they did not succumb to the occupiers of Syria. The United State and Lebanon have a long history of friendship and that will not change no matter how many bombs go off in their country.

I still vividly remember the bombing of the barracks in Lebanon in 1983 we have always attempted to support the people and government of Lebanon who has been a friend in a hostile area for America, it's terrible that the Syrian civil war is spilling over into Lebanon and my prayers go out to the country that the violence will did down and not get any worse.

Lebanon's Mohamad Chatah, a Hezbollah foe, killed in blast - CNN.com

Official: 4 U.S. military personnel detained by Libya - CNN.com

 I'm not sure if we have a status of forces agreement with the new government of Libya, I pray that we do or Libya's Interior Ministry will be able to do as they want with these four service members (Most likely US Marines). I hope this situation is straightened out soon before something happens to them.

For those of you who don't know what a status of forces agreement is, it is a protection for American service members serving overseas, in case they are accused of a crime in the host country that the host country agrees the service member will be tried by the United States military and not the host country.

The reason for a status of forces agreement is that some country's punishments for some crimes can be quite harsh compared to the United States judicial system, for example in some nations the punishment for a first time DUI can be death, or for theft the penalty could be the cutting off of your hand.

These status of forces agreements also mean that US service members fall under US laws in many cases, for example now that it is allowed for openly gay service members can now serve in the open, in some nation these men and women serve homosexuality is actually illegal in their judicial system. This status of forces agreement keeps them safe while serving say in Saudi Arabia.

Official: 4 U.S. military personnel detained by Libya - CNN.com

A white mayor for 'the chocolate city'? - CNN.com

 In this day and age when the United States has it's first black president I see race becoming less and less an issue in politics. I have always believed that the person you believe can do the best job is the one you should vote for, who you vote for is a secret so race should not be an issue and I see America trending that way all over the nation, it will still take some time but it will happen!

A white mayor for 'the chocolate city'? - CNN.com

U.S. Okinawa base will be allowed to move after 17-year deadlock - CNN.com

It's good this base is being moved away from the heavily populated area, mainly because a serious accident could take many lives on the ground, as far as the crimes by the American serviceman moving the base isn't going to change much because they will still spend time in the Japanese towns and cities. 99.9% of American service members are great men and women, it's a shame you have those few that do these terrible things. Before I retired from the US Navy I remember an individual from my ship stole an ambulance from the scene of a traffic accident in Perth Australia when he was drunk, it happens and there is no excuse but believe me the US Military punishes these service members way worse than the Japan legal system ever would.

U.S. Okinawa base will be allowed to move after 17-year deadlock - CNN.com

FBI agent quotes Texas man bragging about 'Knockout, baby!' - CNN.com

 These people running around thinking this "knock out game" is fun need to be knocked out themselves and see how funny it is. This guy needs to be put away for a long time, first of all regardless of race to think it is funny to run up and hit a 79 year old man in the head (or any where else) and then add the fact that he did target someone of a specific race he should never see the light of day, because if he think it's OK to act this way now, wait until he spends time in a racially segregated prison full of prison gangs he forever will be a danger to society.

I honestly do not understand what is going on in this country, why can't people treat others with respect, this individual thought it was alright to walk up and hit a 79 year old man in the head, and he wanted to see if it would make the national media. Well it did and like I said above I hope this guy never see's the light of day, of course that is unreasonable in this day and age, he will probably get 3 to 5 years not including parole which will probably happen in 2 and he will be again running around a danger to everyone.

The thing that scares me is he will go to prison, a place that is totally racially segregated  and he will have a target on his back because of what he did and he will have no choice but to go into what ever prison he is sent to and seek protection from a white prison gang, which will be ingrained in his head when he is released, and the next time he will be on trial for murder. This is what these "funny games" like the "knock out game" leads to. America grow up!!

FBI agent quotes Texas man bragging about 'Knockout, baby!' - CNN.com

10News - Man buys an iPod for Christmas, finds a surprise inside; new box filled with erasers - 10News.com - News

Honestly, I can't believe people are saying this guy is responsible for switching these I phones, tell me how is he going to package the replacement exactly as Apple would have after manufacturing the iPod. Someone in the Apple or Target supply chain is making the switches and I'm sure this isn't only happening to this guy, if we do so research on other news station web pages around the country and Canada you will find more examples of this. If all the occurrences are from Target stores it is probably someone from Target, if the stores vary then the culprit is from Apple. There is no way a customer could do this, however now you will probably have people going to stores now saying he look I bought this iPod and this is what we found in the packaging on Christmas morning rather than the iPod even though they really got the iPod, we all know there are a lot of dishonest people in this world!!  

10News - Man buys an iPod for Christmas, finds a surprise inside; new box filled with erasers - 10News.com - News

Thursday, December 26, 2013

In video, American abducted in Pakistan says he feels abandoned - CNN.com

 I feel for him and his family and my prayers go out to them but, as a former service member who served 20 years it was made clear to me if I was captured by a terror group their would be no negotiations to win my freedom, that is also made clear to civilian overseas government workers and contractors when you sign your employment contract. If the government started negotiating with terror groups they would start taking more and more hostages to try and get money or something else from the US Government. It is part of our job 

In video, American abducted in Pakistan says he feels abandoned - CNN.com

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas

I want to take this time and wish you all a very Merry Christmas, It was for me most of the day and at this time I'm not ready to fully go over parts of my life in this blog, but it was a great Christmas and here is a hint, because I got to spend the day with my son Jesiah.

My wife Sandi and my son are my life, they are what I live for and presently Jeisah doesn't live with us because grandma is a psycho. We lived in San Diego and against my wishes he was sent on summer vacation to visit grandma and then she refused to send him back.

In 2011 she tried to take him away from us in San Diego, we fought her for a year in court and the court and CPS found in our favor and she lost, this was the reason I said he was sent against my wishes because now that my wife's mother was in a different state I knew she would try again, and she is the only difference is she hasn't got the Child Protective Service in this state involved because she knows they would investigate and she again would loose, so now what she is doing is basically going to the courts and trying to feel the judge with lies about us, using the same statements and lies from the same people in San Diego but in the courts of this state which at this time I am not ready to mention.

But enough of that, I had a wonderful Christmas because I got to spend the day with my wife and son, and it was a blessing despite the fact that her mother was there and was verbally abusive, to the point she caused our son to cry, but we consoled him and told him not to worry he will soon be home with us and then he won't be sad and locked away in his bedroom all day as his grandma keeps him now.

Goodnight all and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

In South Sudan city, victims of violence reliving memories - CNN.com

The newest nation of the African continent, who finally won their civil war against Sudan and became South Sedan and after two years is now itself falling into civil war because of tribal strife. That is the problem in many of the African nations, they are still divided into tribal areas, with tribes still consider themselves independent of the central government until this problem is solved civil strife will not end in some of these nations.

In South Sudan city, victims of violence reliving memories - CNN.com

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Top Chicago cop calls rapist 'monster' in school Safe Passage case - CNN.com

Such a shame that a little girl can't even walk safely too school, this is not only a problem in Chicago things like this are happening in all parts of this country, the United States is loosing it's moral ground and if this continues this country will fail

Top Chicago cop calls rapist 'monster' in school Safe Passage case - CNN.com

Passengers evacuated just before Israel bus bomb - CNN.com

 In Israel they are very experienced in detecting terrorism, at one time you couldn't even go into a grocery store without going through a security check point, walk through a metal detector to go into a night club or say a prayer before riding the city bus,  I just pray that the terror groups don't begin hitting the United States that way because the results would be a disaster wouldn't be at the scale of 9/11 but it would put fear in the hearts of every American, not that it would stop us from living our everyday lives because Americans are very brave and wouldn't let terrorist's ever scare us to the point of hiding under a rock!

Passengers evacuated just before Israel bus bomb - CNN.com

Saturday, December 21, 2013

10News - Arapahoe High School shooting victim Claire Davis dies from injuries - 10News.com - News

My prayers go out to her family, I wish all this would stop. I know that different people blame all this violence on different things. You hear people blame it on television, music, video games, you name it it's been blamed for the violence in our schools. I have a different theory, the problem today is adults are not being parents as God created us to be, in many cases there is nothing some families can do about it when today's economy requires both parents to work to make it in today's economy. This leaves our children fending for themselves and hanging with other people we would not normally allow them to.

Here is the deal however, as parents we must make time for our kids, we can't go to work all day then come home and just plop down on the couch and call our selves mom or dad, we must make time for our children, quality time where they can talk to us, let us know what going on in their lives. Take time for play,, no matter how old or young your child is. Take a soccer ball, football or baseball out and kick or toss it around and they will talk and you will learn I promise you that. The word is trust, your child must trust you and you must trust your child, when one of those are not there then all is lost. Love your child, guide your child and communicate with your child and you will have a child you will be proud of.

10News - Arapahoe High School shooting victim Claire Davis dies from injuries - 10News.com - News

10News - LCS Freedom due in San Diego Monday - 10News.com - News

 I kept a close eye on the deployment of the USS Freedom as it was on it's deployment to Singapore, first of all deploying to Singapore its self is different but even though there where a few problems, the crew and the ship itself performed excellent and made a great show of the flag in the Asian area of the world as China begins to show it's own flag in the area.

10News - LCS Freedom due in San Diego Monday - 10News.com - News

Report: Woman gives 19 students poisoned yogurt - CNN.com

Report: Woman gives 19 students poSee what is going on in this world, even in China people are attempting and actually killing innocent children, why?  What is happening that our children are no longer safe, it us adults who God made responsible for the little children, even if you don't believe in my Christian God every civilization teaches that the children are innocent and to be loved and cared for. Please these children our our future and when they grow up not feeling safe or believing in the sanctity of life and the violence we see today but did not see in the 60's and 70's will just increase beyond the human ability to understand and the entire world will be doomed to anarchy.    isoned yogurt - CNN.com

Report: Air Force Maj. Gen Michael Carey boozed, misbehaved in Russia - CNN.com

 I'll tell you right now, this activity is unbecoming an officer of any branch of the United States Armed Forces. He does not need to be reassigned, he needs to first receive treatment for substance abuse than stand court martial for his actions even though he did not hurt the substance of the United States Nuclear Program he did hurt the way Russian and other World leaders look at members of our Armed Forces.

In the Court Marital he should be found guilty of all charges, spend time in the brig and be discharged with a dishonorable discharge from the United States Air Force. What the US military tends to do is let these officers move over to work in a less sensitive areas and then allowed to quietly retire.

I myself did 20 years as an enlisted man in the United States Navy and I know that if I was overseas and did this the officers would waste no time in discharging me from the service;, it wouldn't have mattered if I was a couple days from  discharging me honorably with a retirement ceremony, the ceremony would have been cancelled and I would have been whisked away to a military prison with a guilty verdict. Don't let t;his happen anymore, make officers of the US Military Forces accountable. If a US Navy Captain is relieved of their command of military vessel than they do not deserve to quietly slink away and retire. I had to perform honorably for 20 years with no actions against my integrity as a member of the United States Military to receive my retirement  and it should be the same for a officer.  

Report: Air Force Maj. Gen Michael Carey boozed, misbehaved in Russia - CNN.com

Friday, December 20, 2013

Dozens of stolen Fred Meyer guns still on streets | KING5.com Seattle

 A horrible story repeated all over this country, from the largest cities to the smallest town illegal drugs control this nation's young people.  There was a time when heroin was considered the skid row drug. Not anymore heroin is becoming the drug of choice among people of all walks of life, first it may start with someone suffering a painful injury such as a broken arm, being prescribed a opiate pain killer such as Vicodin.

Yes the Vicodin helps with the pain, but a problem begins to develop, the patient also begins to like the feeling the pill gives him/her and they begin to overtake it and suddenly the realize they are out. At first they may be able to get an extra prescription or two but soon the doctors shut off the supply and the patient starts experiencing withdraw symptoms and that's not a good feeling.

The patient then finds out through friends or acquaintances that they can obtain the pills off the street for a price, but for some the price is to steep and the dealer offers them a cheaper option and that option is heroin and desperate people do desperate things, and for most people one use of heroin no matter the method they are hooked and these young kids like the 12 year old in the story, who are usually addicts themselves are the suppliers are more desperate than other users because they need to sell it and get it for themselves and that's when these guns come in play as they rob people and business's to keep the supply and demand moving    

Dozens of stolen Fred Meyer guns still on streets | KING5.com Seattle

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Syrian refugees who know they can't go home | Al Jazeera America

 It is so sad that minorities such as these people are slowly disappearing from their native lands, lands where so much of their traditions are based and once these people are totally removed whether voluntarily or by force their traditions will change and be lost, especially with communities such as the Yazidi  people who's traditions are passed down orally.

Someday this world will find peace and different groups will live in harmony and be able to practice their religious traditions in peace, it breaks my heart that the major religions today who preach peace and love then turn their backs and persecute those of  beliefs other than their own despite what they teach.

The Syrian refugees who know they can't go home | Al Jazeera America

Declining executions could become obsolete in US by 2025, advocate says | Al Jazeera America

 I don't care what anyone says, the death penalty is a perfectly legitimate punishment for a heinous crime resulting in the death of the victim.  My disagreement with the death penalty is that I am 100% sure there is at least one innocent person on death row and that if states want to continue using the death penalty, first they must, for new cases which fit the criteria for the death penalty must have DNA evidence that connects the defendant with the crime. In the case, say, the crime is committed with a fire arm and DNA evidence is not available the crime must be caught on video or by a eye witness who is trusted, if there is any doubt of the facts then the death penalty should not be considered.

Second any inmate who is currently on death row in any state or federal facility should have their executions postponed while they are reviewed and if these cases where not based on a 100% DNA match or as stated before a video or eye witness who is trusted then their punishment should be changed to life in prison with NO possibility of parole.

So Yes I believe in the death penalty as do many other Californians since we recently voted to keep the death penalty a couple of years ago, however what I do not believe in is the execution of a man or women who is innocent.

I also understand that there are many, many people in jail and prison right now who are innocent, and that is why if the evidence don't match as I wrote above if there is even the slightest chance that a person was falsely convicted at least when their penalty is reduced too life in prison there is always a possibility new evidence may come to light and someone will be vindicated

Declining executions could become obsolete in US by 2025, advocate says | Al Jazeera America

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

2 teens dead, driver charged after game of 'leapfrog' | KING5.com Seattle

 Alcohol was not a factor but stupidity can be just as dangerous as drinking and driving. My prayers go out to the families of the young ladies who lost their lives. People need to use their common sense that they where born with. If you are doing something and you have this feeling in the pit of your stomach that something bad could happen from your actions, something bad is probably going to happen. Maybe not during that particular incident.

I remember at that age and the feeling of invincibility that I had, that feeling that I was young and will never get hurt or die and I'm sure I did some stupid things when I was young, but most of my dare devil tricks where usually done playing sports, some extreme but in the process I didn't put anyone else in danger.

What it comes down to is the parents, mine constantly talked to me about driving safely as well as other safety related things, for example growing up in Kansas we did a lot of hunting but from the time I can remember picking up my first gun my dad constantly pumped fire arm safety into my mine.

Also like I said at the beginning, common sense is something everyone one possesses, the question is if we decided to use it. Again my prayers go out to the families of these young ladies and Rundquist as well, remember the driver of the other car was playing this game as well, but she payed the ultimate price. Mr. Rundquist's life and the lives of everyone in his family has also changed forever as well because of this accident and they need prayer as well.

2 teens dead, driver charged after game of 'leapfrog' | KING5.com Seattle

10News - Thief pretending to be with charity caught on camera stealing Christmas presents - 10News.com - News

 During  the rest of the year the amount of packages delivered to homes is at a minimum, most of the packages delivered go to businesses and in those cases they do go in and get a signature, I think it is bull that you have to pay extra to get a confirmation of delivery signature when the mail man is already standing at your door step. The only thing that can be done right now is if you want to ensure your package goes to the person on the address you have to pay for that 1 minute extra service, as it's about profit now not about customer service.

10News - Thief pretending to be with charity caught on camera stealing Christmas presents - 10News.com - News

10News - National City police officer injured rescuing unconscious driver from crash - 10News.com - News

First let me say I pray the woman driving the car will be OK, it's amazing that so many people supposedly dislike police officers  but these same officers are so willing to jump into action and approach a possibly burning vehicle to save a persons life. For those of you who have had a bad experience with a police officer somewhere, try not to lump them all together, there are bad apples in every aspect of society whether you are talking about someone in law enforcement, a stock broker, fireman or even a plumber. For example there are great plumbers who do quality work at great prices then you have the guy who will charge you a fortune for crappy work. The next time you see a police officer why not thank him for what he does, don't lump him in with the one that screwed you over.

10News - National City police officer injured rescuing unconscious driver from crash - 10News.com - News

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Sea Mar takes over troubled Recovery Services in Island County - Whidbey News-Times

This is a very important program and one that should always be taken seriously in the community. In today's world people should no longer look at the person requiring Alcohol and/or drug counseling services as the criminal element. Today's patients looking for help in overcoming addiction are moms, dads, lawyers, clerks and even police officer and I hate to say an increasing number of our veterans who have served in Iraq or Afghanistan. Without a properly run program all it does it hurt the client and the community in a whole. I am looking forward to seeing Sea Mar's progress in running Island County's program

Sea Mar takes over troubled Recovery Services in Island County - Whidbey News-Times

Monday, December 16, 2013

10News - San Diego man tells Team 10 driver told him to sit in back of Greyhound bus without explanation - 10News.com - Team 10 Investigates

I ride greyhound quite often, and not short trips to LA, usually it's 2 or 3 day trips and everyone is sleeping and I've never in 20 years been asked to move back to the back because I was sleeping and never seen other sleeping passengers told to move. Maybe this is normal practice for short hauls but many of my trips are to LA and the transfer and I sleep on them too. I think the driver should not just be talked too, there should be consequences

10News - San Diego man tells Team 10 driver told him to sit in back of Greyhound bus without explanation - 10News.com - Team 10 Investigates

10News - Report: Fugitive sex offender was 'dumped' in San Diego - 10News.com - News

I have another fear, I don't think this hospital from Nevada is the only one that dumps to San Diego and other "warm" cities in the nation, such as Los Angeles, Miami, Ft. Lauderdale and I believe there are more than once city that dumps in our area, not only patience from mental patience but also some children who are not in homes but in the equivalent of an old style orphanage are also sen to Southern California cities and towns when the reach 18, it's horrible I know but it happens. 

 10News - Report: Fugitive sex offender was 'dumped' in San Diego - 10News.com - News

Friday, December 13, 2013

North Korean execution raises more question than answers - CNN.com

Exactly what is happening here? Just as Andrei Lankov say's in this report, I believe that Kim Jong Un is getting tired of the 60, 70 and a few 80 year old men cackling in his ear, probably many times telling him how his grandfather and father would take care of business and as anyone of the younger generation he most likely doesn't want to "do" things the way his elders would take care of business. Kim Jong Un is starting to think about his own legacy and that he is not immortal and to protect himself he knows he is going to have to put people of his own generation around him. Does this mean things are going to get better for the North Korean people? Not necessarily for awhile anyways people could be once again hiding in their closets afraid they may be purged for one reason or another. I believe more leadership positions have "opened up" in the upper ranks of the military and all the way through national and local political organs of the country.

North Korean execution raises more question than answers - CNN.com

Sunday, December 8, 2013

10News - South Africa prepares to welcome world leaders for Mandela funeral, memorial services - 10News.com - US/World News

God Bless Nelson Mandela, a man that was one of my hero's growing up and to this day. He stood up for what was right in his country and though the government at the time was a controlled by the white minority who where almost NAZI like in their persecution of black citizens. Mr. Mandela risked death on a daily basis as he watched many of his compatriots die around him or being taken prisoner, meaning agony from torture and for some death in prison.

Nelson Mandela was eventually taken prisoner, and at times the South African government who realized his importance in the anti-apartheid movement and offered him deals for his freedom, deals though that required him to deny his belief in the anti-apartheid movement which he would not do and he stayed in prison.

Eventually of course the United States and other world powers boycotted all trade and diplomatic contact with the apartheid government of South Africa and it collapsed leading the way for Nelson Mandela to become the first black president of South Africa and the symbol for the world on equal rights.

I will be posting another entry on Nelson Mandela at a later time either here or on my history blog, watch for that!

10News - South Africa prepares to welcome world leaders for Mandela funeral, memorial services - 10News.com - US/World News

10News - Korean War veteran Merrill Newman back home in California - 10News.com - News

Thank God he is home, this man did not deserve to be held against his will in North Korea, I don't know why exactly Mr.Newman chose to return to North Korea but I do know that many wartime veterans return to the country where they where in combat to deal with feelings and nightmares they experience on a daily basis and this may have been his reason. I don't understand why people question why he was there, he is a citizen of the United States and free to go where he wishes, there are tourist agencies in the United States that offer trips to North Korean pre-approved areas of North Korea, and although I served during the first Gulf War and up to 2005 and will most likely return to Iraq and Afghanistan if and when they are stable, I wouldn't mind a trip to North Korea

10News - Korean War veteran Merrill Newman back home in California - 10News.com - News

Saturday, December 7, 2013

10News - Local veterans remember Pearl Harbor attack during ceremony onboard USS Midway Museum - 10News.com - News

 God bless our veterans of World War II and all wars, it is tough being in the military serving your country bur becomes life and death during war. Pearl Harbor than 9/11 and though I hate to say it, there will be more, so always love and cherish your service member and acknowledge the sacrifice the live in their daily for us to live in this land of the free and the brave. 

10News - Local veterans remember Pearl Harbor attack during ceremony onboard USS Midway Museum - 10News.com - News

10News - More than 300 children take part in 20th annual 'Shop with a Cop' - 10News.com - News

This is an awesome program, not only is it good for kids who get to interact with police officers, it also allows the officers to interact with the public, not only the children but the parents are there as well, and believe it or not there are parents there who will have bad attitudes toward law enforcement. How ever there are also police officers who have bad attitudes to the public, sometimes certain sections of the public but some have bad attitudes toward the public in general so it can help on both sides.

Most of all this is a great program to help children who may other wise not even have presents for Christmas, and it helps relieve anxiety that the parents may be suffering with with the thought of not being able to provide a Christmas to their children.

10News - More than 300 children take part in 20th annual 'Shop with a Cop' - 10News.com - News

10News - Retrial jury finds Richard Tuite not guilty in 1998 slaying of Stephanie Crowe - 10News.com - News

  I honestly don't think the boys had any thing to do with the death of Stephanie, however I do believe that Richard could have done it. I believe he got in the house thought he had found this girl Tracey and killed Stephanie but the possibility of cross contamination was too much and if I was on this jury I would have believed that cross contamination could have happened in the crime lab so I would have come up with the same verdict just because I would have also believed of the incompetence of the Escondido police department.  I agree with others who say that if the boys had done it one of them. would have slipped and told someone that they had done it. I am sad about the whole situation because unless there is a jail or death bead confession I don't think we will ever know who committed this horrible crime.

Here is where I believe the problem lays, both the Escondido, Ca and Oceanside, Ca police departments  are small town the equivalent of small town police departments; though because of a gang problem they both have their share of gang related murders and I will touch on that in a second.

Let me start with the small  town issue. These two police departments don't get this type of crime very often (thank God) and they don't have the experience and should have asked for help from the San Diego police department or the FBI, Escondido should have never turned to Oceanside. The police officers and detectives that would have had to be at the murder scene with this young girls body still present would have been emotional as this would have been something that hit home as some of them would have had young children at home, and being citizens of the city of Escondido and would have wanted this case solved to give them as well as the public that feeling of security the city was used too if they caught the murderer quickly.

First they pinned it on teenage boys including the brother, they put heavy tv style pressure on these kids and got them to confess and announced that they caught the killers and the people let out a collective sigh of relief, and everyone was happy because there would soon be a trial. Thank God they boys were not convicted.

I believe it was this small town mentality that ruined the investigation, they wanted and needed a suspect fast and that pressured the lab and mistakes where made.

Now let's visit the gang murder issue that people bring up and other murders that happen in Escondido and the Oceanside areas of responsibility, yes both police departments have experience in these type of murders where gang members shoot and kill each other or domestic murders (husband kills wife), however these types are usually straight forward and the suspect is usually on the scene or they have eye witnesses in the Crowe case they had a mystery on there hands and the victim was a young girl, that experience they don't have and the pressure of that is what I think led to the mistake.

I am afraid because of the unintentional blunders made during the investigation that the person responsible will never be found, even if it was someone right there in the family, and that's horrible and worst of all it means that it is possible that a murder of this kind can happen again. 

10News - Retrial jury finds Richard Tuite not guilty in 1998 slaying of Stephanie Crowe - 10News.com - News

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Fast Food and Supporting A Famiy: No Fast Food Thursday

Here in two days, Thursday December 4th, 2013 to be exact the American Fast Food Worker is again going to try and make a stand, a stand that any of us would ask for and that is to be able to work a job and earn enough money to support our family.

Now I am not at all surprised that most executives of corporations that own and operate the numerous fast food restaurants don't support any such thing, but something I have seen over the internet lately has disturbed me, the number of normal everyday American's who don't stand by these workers demands. Many of these remarks have been down right rude and even raciest.

I'm not even to give the people who are raciest the time of day, they don't deserve time on my blog and I don't think they deserve anyone's time unless they are being placed in prison for hate crimes or being deported from this country I love so much.

The second group I believe are just innocent individuals who are stuck in the past, so many of them have made comments saying that fast food workers don't deserve a living wage because working fast food is not a career but a work force made up of teenagers looking for spending money, college students looking to make ends meet and mom's just trying to bring a little extra money in the house. These people are absolutely stuck in another time period, and obviously have not been affected by the current state of America's economy.

To the people stuck in another time I ask that the next time you walk into Mc Donalds, Wendys or Burger King take a closer work at the people working behind the counter, many of these individuals of course will be teenagers and college students, but take a closer look. Many of these people are college graduates, military veterans and veterans of decades in the work force who once worked in positions I guess these people judging them would consider a career minded type occupation.

However today with America's economy many of these like I said are college graduates who can't even find a entry level position in the area they received there very expensive degree and are working fast food because that's what was open and they have too work, after all they do have those college educations to pay for.

How about the American Veteran who is returning to the civilian job market after serving tours in Iraq and Afghanistan?  Veterans have their heads filled prior to enlisting and while on active duty that once we finish our military obligation employers out their will be fighting to hire us once we show up in their office with our resume and application in hand, well let me be the one to break the bad news, that may have been true prior to 9/11 but it no longer stands true after. One of the biggest problem is just the sheer number of veterans entering the civilian work force, the second is many companies are now afraid to hire veterans because of four  letters that are frightening to them, PTSD, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and until employers are educated on PTSD they have this fear that a service member is going to freak out on the job and either become unreliable or have a flash back and hurt somebody. However both are untrue and the public sector needs to be educated about this

Then there is the professional who has worked in a career for many years, possibly a couple of decades, planning their retirement, always loyal to their company. They leave work one night and everything is fine and when the return the next morning they are told they are being let go because of budget cuts, or even worse everyone is gone because they show up and find the gates closed and locked and the window shuttered with the words on the front door "Out Of Business", which is also the first time that loyal employee finds out his company was having financial difficulties.

The one industry in this country that isn't hurting as bad as the rest (don't get me wrong I have seen some shuttered Burger Kings and Dominoes in the San Diego area), and are willing to take on those career minded professionals who lost their long time jobs in another industry, those over qualified college graduates and those veterans who served their country to ensure the rest of us have the freedom to work, live and enjoy our lives.

So I beg you, next time you walk into a fast food joint, look into those faces and realize the majority of them are there because they have to be, not because they want to make pocket change, but because that's all that's available, they are not on unemployment, (don't yell at me, there are plenty of people on unemployment who want to work but can't find a job, I'm not putting them down), they are out there trying to care for their family.

So please let's support these hard working people and make this Thursday December 4th 2013 NO Fast Food Thursday and let them know we stand by them and their right to a living wage that will let them take care of their families and pay their bills.

Union rep: Train engineer William Rockefeller 'was nodding off' - CNN.com

All around a very bad situation, this is where I always get into the discussion of acceptable losses. Every government and big business have what they call acceptable losses, where they compare the price of fixing a problem and how much human life must be lost prior to them spending the required money to fix a known hazard.

This type of accounting has gone on since the beginning of time, that is how the military developed such weapons as the tank, back in the day when the loss of life wasn't so alarming (to the military) it was fine to send in line after line of infantry, but at the end of World War I with the initial advent of weapons of mass destruction such as poison gas, aerial bombs dropped from balloon, then aircraft and machine guns began to slaughter thousands of soldiers on both sides in a matter of minutes and the outcry of the families back home brought about the invention of tanks, helmets and bullet proof materials.

It is the same way today, that is why you don't see a city install traffic lights at a four way stop intersection though numerous accidents happen their each year, it is not until the deaths hit their magic number that exceeds acceptable loss that the city will spend that money to install traffic lights. The other way is they get sued by a causalities family members.

So until we get on what ever organization who has responsibility over a certain dangerous situations butt's nothing gets done, I just this world would just come to the realization that 1 human life is worth more than any amount of money!! 

Union rep: Train engineer William Rockefeller 'was nodding off' - CNN.com

10News - Packages found at Bell Middle School declared safe - 10News.com - News

Thank God that people are alert in these days and authorities take every possible threat seriously, it is sad though that the world has ended up the way it is that it may not even be safe to go about our daily lives, but American's are strong and it's not easy to put us down, look at Pearl Harbor and 9/11 as an example; this country mourned and then got to the business of kicking butt. Yes we have to be security minded but we still enjoy the freedom that other people want to take away from us!! 

One thing I have feared since 9/11 is that The United States may go through a wave of terror attacks in this country to the scale that Israel once experienced, where bombs exploded almost on a weekly basis in public places like grocery stores, night clubs and public transit (especially buses). To this day Israel still deals with bombings and missiles flying over their borders but two things have happened, first security has been greatly increased to the point you may have to go through a security checkpoint to go to a night club and ride the city bus, second the citizens of Israel have gotten used to the daily threat and live their lives accordingly.

We are lucky in this country to have a government that will protect us, though people complain about having to go through increased security to fly on a plane but it's better than being dead!

10News - Packages found at Bell Middle School declared safe - 10News.com - News

Sunday, December 1, 2013

10News - Four people dead, 63 injured in New York City train derailment - 10News.com - News

My prayers go out to everyone and their families involved in this accident especially the one's who lost their lives. It seems there has been quite a few train accidents lately and I have a feeling most of them come down to money and the inability of many companies to maintain their systems adequately like they did in the past, not to mention the age of much of the rail in this country.  The thing that really sucks is the government won't get involved unless their is a high loss of life as every government has set numbers that they consider acceptable losses, that is why for example a community may be up in arms about a dangerous intersection or stretch of road where there is a numerous amount of accidents and the citizens are wondering why the city don't put lights at the intersection. It usually takes two things for the city to make changes, the first is the voters make it clear if the city don't do anything to fix the problem the officials won't have a job come next election cycle. The second is when the numbers exceed acceptable losses, and that number can be different in each community and how they come up with these numbers usually has something to do with money.

It will be the same in the rail accidents, until the losses surpass that number they will allow the corporation that operates the line to police and try to make fixes to the system themselves until that number is reached.  Don't misunderstand that number either, it's not usually a fixed number total, for example it's not a number where they say OK once 300 people did in at this intersection we will put lights, it's usually a yearly or one time accident total. For example if 10 people die in accidents this year, we will have to put lights up there, or if say a school bus gets wiped out.

If you are wondering where a system like this comes from all you have to to do is look at the military, most new equipment and combat methods are usually developed once numbers go beyond acceptable losses. World War I was a major turn around for military forces around the world, prior to that the primary means of combat was infantry charge, where they would line up a large number of soldiers on both sides who would charge head on into each other with single shot rifles and bayonets and commanders relied on the sheer number of soldiers to win just as the soldiers relied on the sheer numbers for their comrades to survive. When World War 1 began weapons such as machine guns and poison gas had been invented which resulted in high casualty numbers, and that is what brought on the new inventions meant for war, such as the tank and armored vehicles and the simple metal helmet. 

10News - Four people dead, 63 injured in New York City train derailment - 10News.com - News

Thursday, November 28, 2013

China's presence looms amid massive U.S.-Japanese AnnualEx war games - CNN.com

More proof that the United States had the greatest and most flexible navy in the world and it isn't to be trifled with, what other military in the world can go from providing humanitarian aide in one region of the world one day, then move to another corner of the globe the next day and flex its military muscles. This is the reason that since the 1940's American Presidents ask where are the carriers whenever their is a confrontation or humanitarian crisis brewing in some part of the world that involves the United States.

I guarantee that even though this exercise "AnnualEx 2013" is a annual exercise and is scheduled every year at this time of the year and every year it involves ship and aircraft movements in the South China Sea, and was already set for this date before china declared their zone, I can tell you one thing that is going to happen, there will be more exercises than normal with Japan in this area triggered by China's new Air Defense Identification Zone and most likely there may be more exercises scheduled with allied nations such as the Philippines and South Korea than normal since both those nations also declare islands in the South China Sea,

The next thing I am waiting for China to do is declare a new Sea Defense Zone, or extend it's economic zone out at sea to cover the same area as the Air Defense Zone, and if that does happen, we will have to watch closely because in such a scenario the possibility of an actual confrontation becomes much more likely with the number of nations which declare many of the same islands in the South China Sea as their own territory as China does, which would include nations such as China, Japan, Vietnam, South Korea, Philippines and North Korea. Three of those nations Japan, Philippines and South Korea we have mutual defense treaties with.

To up the anti a bit, this report also states that China is sending it's own aircraft carrier into the region, which can be dangerous but let me tell you their aircraft carrier is no competition for the USS George Washington, here are some comparisons.

George Washington Carries 90 aircraft compared to Liaoning's 30, George Washington is 1,092 feet long, Liaoning is 999 ft long, George Washington carries 5,000 sailors, Liaoning 2,626 and finally George Washington can travel 35 mph (reported, the actual speed is classified and I served on two aircraft carriers and I can tell you it is MUCH faster than that  while the Liaoning can travel 30 mph . The main thing is the fire power difference is mind boggling and then there is crew experience, the United States had been operating Aircraft carriers going on 100 years now and this is China's first.

The United States will not stand for this new zone of China's as shown by the B-52 fly over this zone this week and though this Annualex 2013 had been scheduled prior to China's deceleration, even if it hadn't been plan their would be an exercise to  challenge China, and like I said I believe their will be more than normal exercises until China backs off on its Air Defense Zone.
China's presence looms amid massive U.S.-Japanese AnnualEx war games - CNN.com

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

US flies bombers over disputed islands claimed by China | Fox News

 First of all, I believe that when China declared this zone, they knew out of all the nations in the world the United States is the one they would be dealing with the most, now I'm not saying that Japan is going to give in to China's demands because they won't and they haven't, but The United States has always been involved with disputes of this nature no matter what part of the globe a country declares as their own when, like China did here it expands into an area where 99% of the countries in the world agree is international waters or air space.
A good example goes to 1989 and the Gulf of Sidra incidents with Libya but you can actually go as far back to our countries independence when first England, France and Spain tried to declare certain areas in international and US territorial waters as their own, matter of fact if you look at the words of the US Marine Corps Hymn where it mentions the Shores of Tripoli resulted from the same type of confrontation with the government of Tripoli declaring an area as theirs and demanding the US pay to transit and trade in the area resulted  in The First Barbary War of 1801-1805.
Of course the difference today from the Gulf of Sidra incident the United States wanted to provoke Libya into military action, we don't want that from China but the United States will prove it's point and defend the right of passage with force if China reacts militarily, either toward our forces or allied forces. The danger I really see here is that China isn't only saying it wants military aircraft to follow their demands but also passenger planes, and as of today Japanese airlines who fly through this zone announced their intention of not following China's demands, this could lead to tragic circumstances even if it is just Chinese military aircraft intercepting civilian aircraft. So for now this is a dangerous situation that requires careful attention from everyone.
US flies bombers over disputed islands claimed by China | Fox News

Lara Logan apologizes for '60 Minutes' Benghazi report - CNN.com

The problem with the media in this country, even though some of them say they don't lean one way or another, they have their own bias depending on who is in power in the government  whether they are anti or pro toward the current presidential administration and I'm talking about the present, past and future. Its always been that way and just because someone is a publisher, editor  or owner of a news media outlet it doesn't exempt them from having their own political thoughts and feelings and because they are only human they will lean in one direction or another. Obviously in this report they were trying to discredit President Obama

Now I am far from being pro Obama however in my opinion CBS News is anti President Obama and are looking for ways to discredit him and his people and where in such a hurry to do so that they failed to completely check out their source and because the information provided by this source aligned with some of the beliefs belonging to people in charge of CBS and 60 Minutes they weren't as  thorough as normal in verifying the information in this report.

Like I said before it doesn't matter what media outlet it is, they do lean one way or another however the normal method when it comes to a anti administration media outlet and a report that is anti administration they will still verify there sources and not put out false reports, and if something that is a pro administration report they just won't mention it or bury it on page 10.

What CBS did here in trying to discredit the current president was a major fail, and they ended up discrediting themselves.

Lara Logan apologizes for '60 Minutes' Benghazi report - CNN.com

10News - Is your smartphone outsmarting you? Operating systems bury ad and tracking settings - 10News.com - News

The fact that cell phone companies can do this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, most of the programs these companies use to track you, keep track of things you do and things you like where originally developed by or for the United States government, for example GPS was developed by and for the military. No matter how democratic and free the country is that you live in, the majority of people who work for the your country's government whether it is the military or the president, prime minister or king/queen they want nothing more than to know what every citizen is doing and thinking, why?

Governments want to know what each and everyone of us is doing because THEY want to feel safe and secure. Yes NSA is going to tell us it's because they want to keep us safe from terror attacks and crime and they may be using some of that technology for that purpose, but in the process the true reason is even the United States government don't trust the average citizen, and though there have been few plots to over throw the US government from with in (and there has been), the biggest thing our government fears is a coup attempt, because there are people in this country from the top to the regular citizen who would love nothing more than to over throw this government, but you know what at least we live in a country where we know about some of it, and its not just because of Edward Snowden, it's because we live in a country where although not perfect, there is transparency. Without transparency we wouldn't even have GPS available to us and would be living in "blissful ignorance".

10News - Is your smartphone outsmarting you? Operating systems bury ad and tracking settings - 10News.com - News

Happy Thanksgiving

Hey everyone, here we are the day before Thanksgiving and I just wanted to take the time out and tell everyone to have a safe and happy thanksgiving. It looks like the weather isn't going to cooperate to make sure everyone gets home in time to spend the holiday with their family and though that will suck just be thankful you have that family.

One thing I haven't talked about in this blog is the fact that I spent 20 years in the United States Navy and retired on 31 Dec 2005. While serving in the navy I served in 3 ships and have been all over the world and because of that I have learned to be thankful for what I have, and right now I don't have a whole lot given the fact I am actually homeless and have been since June, but that is another story I may or may not cover in this blog, probably most likely I will cover it piece by piece but not in one big story.

This Thanksgiving I am spending alone and homeless, my wife is in a hospital in Monroe, Washington and my son is stuck with his evil grandparents (evil to me and my wife) who are my wife's mother and step father, and again that is another story that will 100% be covered in this blog because I want to help make sure what has happened to Sandi and I don't happen to others, however I'm sure there are few people out in the world who are like my in-laws, but again that story is not the purpose of this post.

The purpose of this post is just to tell you to have a Happy Thanksgiving and be thankful for what you have, and even though I am homeless and will spend this Thanksgiving alone, I am still thankful, thankful because even though I am not with my wife and son this thanksgiving, I love them and I am thankful that I have them. I don't own anything right now either except the clothes on my back, some clothes in a back pack, a couple of books (I love to read about history so I always have some type of history book on me), a cell phone and this laptop.

Back when I retired in 2005 my wife and I had everything. We owned our own home, 3 vehicles, a camping trailer and Sandi as many shoes and perfume as she wanted. Jesiah our son was born 3 months after I retired in March 2006 which puts him at 7 years old now, I mean it we had everything we thought we ever wanted. Then I got sick, I have FSH Muscular Dystrophy, or the complete name;  Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy and that will be another thing I blog about, maybe not here but I may start a blog just about that and the progress of the disease.

OK as you can see, sometimes its easy for me to get distracted, so let me get back on track. I learned from seeing things and people in other countries to be thankful for what I have and in some cases for things I don't have. Some of the things I am thankful for follow down below, and it's going to only be a couple because I am thankful for many things because I live and am a citizen of the United States of America.

  1. I am thankful that I don't have to go to the San Diego County landfill to find food for my family to eat each night, that when we are together even though I am sick and it's hard for me to work, that I make enough on my retirement from the navy to provide food for the table.
  2. I am thankful that I have a wife who has stood by me through thick and thin, and though it seems we have had more than our share of thin times, we have stood by each other. Divorce has become way to accepted in today's day and age, its almost expected to happen.
  3. I am thankful that I served in the military and retired in a nation that does what it can to take care of it's veterans, and although the system isn't perfect its better than most.
  4. I am thankful that I have medical insurance, one of the benefits of serving 20+ years in the US Navy, my wife and I have insurance for the rest of our lives and Jesiah is taken care of until he is 27. Just think as of right now I don't even have to worry during this time of Obamacare.
  5.  Lastly, and their is many more, just like how the government isn't perfect in taking care of it's military veterans, there are still programs that are in place to help the homeless and less fortunate, especially those of us who want help to get off the streets and make a better life for ourselves and families.
Well here I have gone again and got carried away, but I guess that's alright as I have no readers of this blog yet, and if you are reading this and saw my previous entry that tells you the main reason I write this blog is for myself. I know for a normal reader a blog entry this long would probably be skipped by 99.99% of most readers. So let me end it here and just say again, have a Happy Thanksgiving, be safe if your driving (remember the weather is sucking in most of the country and your family would rather have you show up late in your car then show up in a coffin), and be thankful for what you have, and in some case's what you don't have.

10News - San Diego woman may be victim of 'knockout' game - 10News.com - News

I can't believe that people are calling this a game, teenagers are running around the cities of this country thinking this is funny, it's just more proof that teenagers brain's are not fully developed and although they may understand the difference between right and wrong, there brains don't process what the complete consequences of their actions can lead to. One of these times a teenager is going to "play," this "knock out game" and their victim is going to die and when that happens the teen is going to look at the police with a bewildered look like they didn't know something this bad could happen. This to is another example that parents aren't spending time with their kids and giving them guidance, they are getting guidance from their peers and it seems there is never an adult in the loop.

Now I know people reading this are going to pop off with their normal remarks about anchor babies, gang members and how these type of people need to be wiped off the face of the earth, but what I am saying here is scientific fact, children and teenagers brains aren't fully developed until they are about 21-22 years (some scientists and doctors say 26)  old and the last part of the brain to develop is the frontal cortex and until this part of the brain in fully developed teens and young adults tend to behave in more impulsive, irrational and dangerous ways. For example when I was a teen I thought I was invincible, stand on the top of my buddies truck and car surf, I would never think about doing that today.

So it's people say, it's scientific proof that teens don't understand, but we didn't run around that age and knock people out, and I say your right, in my opinion it still comes down to parental guidance and though I took risks back as a teen that put myself in danger my parents, grandparents, teachers and other adults in my life taught me to respect other people, that was a concept I understood and in the process of showing others the respect they deserved I didn't hurt or put others in danger.

Thanks Dad and Mom  

10News - San Diego woman may be victim of 'knockout' game - 10News.com - News

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Nurse dies protecting patients in Texas surgical center stabbing - CNN.com

I'm not going to waste my time here trying to get involved in the gun debate here, the thing here is that a very brave lady, a nurse who dedicated her life to helping others gave her life protecting others, it doesn't matter to the family how she was killed, what matters is that she was killed and she died a hero. My prayers go out to this ladies family and what I will be interested about finding out here is if this 22 year old man was suffering from mental problems or was on some type of drug. It sounds to me like he was hallucinating about her mother being injured or dieing here at this surgery center, though the story doesn't even state where his mother was. My prayers go out to his family as well because they to will loose a son either to prison (This happened in Texas so the death penalty is likely possibility) or a mental institution.

Nurse dies protecting patients in Texas surgical center stabbing - CNN.com

Just Me And My Writing

Hello and welcome to another try at a blog. I have been trying to start and continue a excellent blog for years now, not a good blog but an excellent blog. I want to write things that I want to read, that I would take some time out of my busy life and sit down and read it, because I know if I would take the time maybe other people would sit down and take the time to try and read my blog as well.

My name is Duane Donecker and I love to write, but most of the time I find I would never take the time as a reader to sit down and read what I have written, which really bums me out, because I think I am smart and I have a lot of good ideas to put out there but each time I start a blog I get fed up with it because I wouldn't read it if I was just someone browsing blogs to read.

Things are going to be different on this blog however because a friend sat me down and told me that yes most people would love to find out they have dedicated readers of a blog they are writing, but that comes to few writers unless you keep at it and don't quit. He said the first thing you need to think about is something you said to me once before (I wrote that above), I asked him "what is that" and he said you told me once that you love to write", and he reminded me that I had told him at the same time "that I write to get things off my chest because everything that happens around me affects me, from things I see on the news, things my family and I do together and the way I see people act on the streets, especially people I don't know."

I sat the last few days and thought about that, that number one fact, that I do love to write and I do it because I enjoy it whether it means anything to anyone else, it means something to me, but at the same time I don't want to hide it like you might a diary.

One place I write on a daily basis is on news web sites, whether it's local news, CNN, Fox News or the new outbreak Aljazeera. Once I had someone start harassing me about my opinion I had put on a local news station and trying tell tell me I wouldn't back up what I wrote by writing more about it, but I one up'ed that person, if you look at most sites, hell if you look almost anywhere in on the internet people rarely use their real names when posting something, I don't. No Matter where I post I post using my name, I told that person I didn't have to because everything I write  I am serious about and I use my name because I stand by what I write, and if I write something that is suppose to lampoon or not be serious I will still use my name but you will know it was meant to lampoon or make fun.

So here is what I am trying to say, from this day on, I'm writing because I like to write, I like to put my views out there for others to see, and I don't care if they agree with me, and at times I have people say they didn't understand what I was writing because I was rambling. If I ramble that means it's something very passionate  to me, when I read what I wrote and realize I rambled most times I leave it the way it was because it does get my feelings across, if I write something else about the subject it's not to apologize for my rambling but its because I have more to say.

Well here we go, I hope I get people to start reading it but if they don't oh, from this day forward I am writing for my self!

10News - Sinkhole reported on North Harbor Drive in Point Loma - 10News.com - News

The underground piping in this city, actually in about every city is corroding to the point if will soon become emergencies in almost every area of the United States, and with today's economy city and county governments have no clue what to do about it. They know what needs to be done, they need to look at the plans of the city and go from the section with the oldest piping and replace every single mile of pipe, but there is not a government in this country that can afford to do that, so no all we can do is wait to see what part of town the next water main break and sink hole is going to happen, and its happening on a weekly basis. The sinkholes are nothing like the ones in Florida but they can still severely injure or kill someone and there is not a darn thing anyone can afford to do about it with governments with no money.
10News - Sinkhole reported on North Harbor Drive in Point Loma - 10News.com - News