Hello and welcome to another try at a blog. I have been trying to start and continue a excellent blog for years now, not a good blog but an excellent blog. I want to write things that I want to read, that I would take some time out of my busy life and sit down and read it, because I know if I would take the time maybe other people would sit down and take the time to try and read my blog as well.
My name is Duane Donecker and I love to write, but most of the time I find I would never take the time as a reader to sit down and read what I have written, which really bums me out, because I think I am smart and I have a lot of good ideas to put out there but each time I start a blog I get fed up with it because I wouldn't read it if I was just someone browsing blogs to read.
Things are going to be different on this blog however because a friend sat me down and told me that yes most people would love to find out they have dedicated readers of a blog they are writing, but that comes to few writers unless you keep at it and don't quit. He said the first thing you need to think about is something you said to me once before (I wrote that above), I asked him "what is that" and he said you told me once that you love to write", and he reminded me that I had told him at the same time "that I write to get things off my chest because everything that happens around me affects me, from things I see on the news, things my family and I do together and the way I see people act on the streets, especially people I don't know."
I sat the last few days and thought about that, that number one fact, that I do love to write and I do it because I enjoy it whether it means anything to anyone else, it means something to me, but at the same time I don't want to hide it like you might a diary.
One place I write on a daily basis is on news web sites, whether it's local news, CNN, Fox News or the new outbreak Aljazeera. Once I had someone start harassing me about my opinion I had put on a local news station and trying tell tell me I wouldn't back up what I wrote by writing more about it, but I one up'ed that person, if you look at most sites, hell if you look almost anywhere in on the internet people rarely use their real names when posting something, I don't. No Matter where I post I post using my name, I told that person I didn't have to because everything I write I am serious about and I use my name because I stand by what I write, and if I write something that is suppose to lampoon or not be serious I will still use my name but you will know it was meant to lampoon or make fun.
So here is what I am trying to say, from this day on, I'm writing because I like to write, I like to put my views out there for others to see, and I don't care if they agree with me, and at times I have people say they didn't understand what I was writing because I was rambling. If I ramble that means it's something very passionate to me, when I read what I wrote and realize I rambled most times I leave it the way it was because it does get my feelings across, if I write something else about the subject it's not to apologize for my rambling but its because I have more to say.
Well here we go, I hope I get people to start reading it but if they don't oh, from this day forward I am writing for my self!
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