Saturday, December 21, 2013

Report: Air Force Maj. Gen Michael Carey boozed, misbehaved in Russia -

 I'll tell you right now, this activity is unbecoming an officer of any branch of the United States Armed Forces. He does not need to be reassigned, he needs to first receive treatment for substance abuse than stand court martial for his actions even though he did not hurt the substance of the United States Nuclear Program he did hurt the way Russian and other World leaders look at members of our Armed Forces.

In the Court Marital he should be found guilty of all charges, spend time in the brig and be discharged with a dishonorable discharge from the United States Air Force. What the US military tends to do is let these officers move over to work in a less sensitive areas and then allowed to quietly retire.

I myself did 20 years as an enlisted man in the United States Navy and I know that if I was overseas and did this the officers would waste no time in discharging me from the service;, it wouldn't have mattered if I was a couple days from  discharging me honorably with a retirement ceremony, the ceremony would have been cancelled and I would have been whisked away to a military prison with a guilty verdict. Don't let t;his happen anymore, make officers of the US Military Forces accountable. If a US Navy Captain is relieved of their command of military vessel than they do not deserve to quietly slink away and retire. I had to perform honorably for 20 years with no actions against my integrity as a member of the United States Military to receive my retirement  and it should be the same for a officer.  

Report: Air Force Maj. Gen Michael Carey boozed, misbehaved in Russia -

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