Friday, December 27, 2013

10News - Man buys an iPod for Christmas, finds a surprise inside; new box filled with erasers - - News

Honestly, I can't believe people are saying this guy is responsible for switching these I phones, tell me how is he going to package the replacement exactly as Apple would have after manufacturing the iPod. Someone in the Apple or Target supply chain is making the switches and I'm sure this isn't only happening to this guy, if we do so research on other news station web pages around the country and Canada you will find more examples of this. If all the occurrences are from Target stores it is probably someone from Target, if the stores vary then the culprit is from Apple. There is no way a customer could do this, however now you will probably have people going to stores now saying he look I bought this iPod and this is what we found in the packaging on Christmas morning rather than the iPod even though they really got the iPod, we all know there are a lot of dishonest people in this world!!  

10News - Man buys an iPod for Christmas, finds a surprise inside; new box filled with erasers - - News

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