Wednesday, November 27, 2013

10News - San Diego woman may be victim of 'knockout' game - - News

I can't believe that people are calling this a game, teenagers are running around the cities of this country thinking this is funny, it's just more proof that teenagers brain's are not fully developed and although they may understand the difference between right and wrong, there brains don't process what the complete consequences of their actions can lead to. One of these times a teenager is going to "play," this "knock out game" and their victim is going to die and when that happens the teen is going to look at the police with a bewildered look like they didn't know something this bad could happen. This to is another example that parents aren't spending time with their kids and giving them guidance, they are getting guidance from their peers and it seems there is never an adult in the loop.

Now I know people reading this are going to pop off with their normal remarks about anchor babies, gang members and how these type of people need to be wiped off the face of the earth, but what I am saying here is scientific fact, children and teenagers brains aren't fully developed until they are about 21-22 years (some scientists and doctors say 26)  old and the last part of the brain to develop is the frontal cortex and until this part of the brain in fully developed teens and young adults tend to behave in more impulsive, irrational and dangerous ways. For example when I was a teen I thought I was invincible, stand on the top of my buddies truck and car surf, I would never think about doing that today.

So it's people say, it's scientific proof that teens don't understand, but we didn't run around that age and knock people out, and I say your right, in my opinion it still comes down to parental guidance and though I took risks back as a teen that put myself in danger my parents, grandparents, teachers and other adults in my life taught me to respect other people, that was a concept I understood and in the process of showing others the respect they deserved I didn't hurt or put others in danger.

Thanks Dad and Mom  

10News - San Diego woman may be victim of 'knockout' game - - News

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