Saturday, April 19, 2014

Teen to government: Change your typeface, save millions -

What a interesting and real world science project, many times when
you see middle schooler and high schooler science projects they are
usually technical and pertains to a scientist sitting in a lab and would
normally not affect the normal everyday citizen, however with the
recent government shut down and the fight for budget monies in the
government this seems like a simple and common sense approach for
government and civilian agencies to save money and help protect the
planet at the say time.

I actually I take back the
comment of his project being common sense because the majority of us I'm
sure never sat down and looked at a document we receive from a
government agency and said to our selves, wow I wonder how much money
the government spends on ink every year and how could I possibly come up
with an easy way for the government to save money by changing the way
they print out their documents. I know I never have.

the government ends up going full on with the recommendation of this
young mans project maybe a little of that money could be used as a
scholarship for him, he cold end up working for the government and
saving the taxpayers a lot of money.

Well done young
man, not only are you very intelligent you have common sense as well
which seems many people have a shortage of lately. Teen to government: Change your typeface, save millions -

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