Wednesday, April 30, 2014

'From Kiev, no orders' as east Ukraine police slip out of control | Reuters

Right at this moment the Central Government of Ukraine is loosing control of Eastern Ukraine, I understand how in a situation like this some police departments can't even be expected to stand up to extremists who are probably better armed than they are, I'm pretty sure they aren't worried about hurting locals because I still don't believe most of these groups or "green men" as they are called aren't even from Ukraine.

My fear is however that if the government and military of Ukraine don't get in there and take control of these areas they are going to loose more than Crimea and Eastern Ukraine. Right now President Putin and his cronies aren't a bit scared of any threats of economic sanctions that the United States and the European Union have put in place or thinking about adding. The only thing that is going to change the mind of President Putin is going to be force.

I personally believe that if the Ukrainian military go in and start to take control of the government buildings that the Russian operatives have already taken over the true Ukrainian citizen is going to stand up and protect their country, and right now I think the average Ukrainian doesn't have a clue about what their government plans on doing, when the President a few weeks ago said he was going to send troops in for a anti terror operation and few troops showed up and those that did gave up some of their equipment the people lost some faith in their government. Right now before any other areas are lost the Ukrainian military needs to go in, hit hard and fast, give the people some hope and the people will stand up to protect their country from becoming part of the Russian Federation.

'From Kiev, no orders' as east Ukraine police slip out of control | Reuters

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