I'm starting to think that Putin may soon start regretting what he has
stirred up in Ukraine, I think there are more forces at work here then
him or his cronies in Moscow had expected and I think now that shooting
has started in Eastern Ukraine he is going to realize he doesn't have
the control that he thought he had.
The first sign of that was
when the flyers first appeared stating the requirement for all Jewish
residents where going to have to register with the new government, I'm
pretty sure with what happened in the area during World War II that the
last thing Putin would want is for it to appear that forces he supports
are behind any form of Jewish persecution, and I don't think these
flyers came from the Pro-Russian demonstrators or anyone representing
the Ukrainian Government.
Now the shootings on Wednesday I do
believe where instigated by Pro-Russian protesters, who where hoping
they could have the same success that their counterparts in Crimea did,
that they would be able to peacefully take over a Ukrainian military
facility as the demonstrators in Crimea did, problem, they aren't in
Crimea and the Ukrainian soldiers they dealt with on Wednesday are
protecting their homeland.
As far as the Easter Sunday firefight,
I don't think this incident was instigated by either the Pro-Russian
group endorsed by Putin nor from the Ukrainian government, I think there
are some fringe groups who have been biding their time that have now
found the perfect opportunity to strike, quick examples would be Muslims
(est. pop 500,000) or Crimean Tartars (est. Pop 300,000) I'm not saying
the perpetrators are from these groups, I'm just saying that in an area
larger than Crimea with a more diverse population this situation could
easily backfire on Putin.
Mysterious fatal shooting in eastern Ukraine adds to tension - CNN.com
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