Right at this moment the Central Government of Ukraine is loosing control of Eastern Ukraine, I understand how in a situation like this some police departments can't even be expected to stand up to extremists who are probably better armed than they are, I'm pretty sure they aren't worried about hurting locals because I still don't believe most of these groups or "green men" as they are called aren't even from Ukraine.
My fear is however that if the government and military of Ukraine don't get in there and take control of these areas they are going to loose more than Crimea and Eastern Ukraine. Right now President Putin and his cronies aren't a bit scared of any threats of economic sanctions that the United States and the European Union have put in place or thinking about adding. The only thing that is going to change the mind of President Putin is going to be force.
I personally believe that if the Ukrainian military go in and start to take control of the government buildings that the Russian operatives have already taken over the true Ukrainian citizen is going to stand up and protect their country, and right now I think the average Ukrainian doesn't have a clue about what their government plans on doing, when the President a few weeks ago said he was going to send troops in for a anti terror operation and few troops showed up and those that did gave up some of their equipment the people lost some faith in their government. Right now before any other areas are lost the Ukrainian military needs to go in, hit hard and fast, give the people some hope and the people will stand up to protect their country from becoming part of the Russian Federation.
'From Kiev, no orders' as east Ukraine police slip out of control | Reuters
Hi, I'm just a dad and I believe I am a good dad, and I am also a widower as my wife and best friend Sandi Donecker who was only 38 passed away March 11, 2014
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Vladimir Putin called: He wants his warships - Fortune Features
Let me tell you what is going to happen, first of all the world economy
right now is so horrible it's going to be impossible for the United
States or nations from Europe to actually impose any sanctions against
Russia that have any teeth to them. As of right now President Putin and
Russia aren't even squirming when it comes to easing off of the
situation in Ukraine. Just as is pointed out in this article, France has
a chance to hurt Russian and President Putin militarily without firing a
shot by with holding these ships from being delivered to the Russian
Here is the problem, France and President Francois
Hollande, just like the rest of the world is facing a bleak economic
future, at least for the near future and this deal for the Mistral class
amphibious assault ship has been a big boost for the people living and
working in the Saint-Nazaire area. If France decides not to deliver on
this contract because of the Ukraine crisis it would critically hurt an
area where building these ships have been the only economic bright spot
in quite a while, the unemployment rate would skyrocket and of course
President Hollande and his Socialist Party would most likely loose power
and with the world economy in the state that it's in I'm sure there is
no other customers out there who would be interested in buying them, in
which case France would take a major loss because by International Law
they would have to pay Russia back the money already paid, even if the
money ended up frozen in the west, eventually it would go back to
So what is going to happen? Ukraine is going to fall,
most of it is going to become part of the Russian Federation and other
portions may decide to go for their own form of independence and right
now I believe it is already to late to stop what is happening unless
President Putin himself put a stop to it. The only other person I can
see who may be able to stop the fall of Ukraine is ex- President
Yanukovich and I'm pretty sure he likes the way things are going right
Vladimir Putin called: He wants his warships - Fortune Features
right now is so horrible it's going to be impossible for the United
States or nations from Europe to actually impose any sanctions against
Russia that have any teeth to them. As of right now President Putin and
Russia aren't even squirming when it comes to easing off of the
situation in Ukraine. Just as is pointed out in this article, France has
a chance to hurt Russian and President Putin militarily without firing a
shot by with holding these ships from being delivered to the Russian
Here is the problem, France and President Francois
Hollande, just like the rest of the world is facing a bleak economic
future, at least for the near future and this deal for the Mistral class
amphibious assault ship has been a big boost for the people living and
working in the Saint-Nazaire area. If France decides not to deliver on
this contract because of the Ukraine crisis it would critically hurt an
area where building these ships have been the only economic bright spot
in quite a while, the unemployment rate would skyrocket and of course
President Hollande and his Socialist Party would most likely loose power
and with the world economy in the state that it's in I'm sure there is
no other customers out there who would be interested in buying them, in
which case France would take a major loss because by International Law
they would have to pay Russia back the money already paid, even if the
money ended up frozen in the west, eventually it would go back to
So what is going to happen? Ukraine is going to fall,
most of it is going to become part of the Russian Federation and other
portions may decide to go for their own form of independence and right
now I believe it is already to late to stop what is happening unless
President Putin himself put a stop to it. The only other person I can
see who may be able to stop the fall of Ukraine is ex- President
Yanukovich and I'm pretty sure he likes the way things are going right
Vladimir Putin called: He wants his warships - Fortune Features
Kyiv says it has lost control of eastern Ukraine | Al Jazeera America
I hate to say this but I agree, the Central Government has obviously lost control of it's civil police forces in this area, but I tell you what Ukraine better just go ahead and send the military units that the government can trust to do their duty and go in and take these facilities back because if they don't this is going to give Putin the green light to go ahead and send his troops in to take over the Eastern and possibly the Southern sections of Ukraine.
We all know that Russia is behind all that has been happening and much of it is caused by his propaganda machine. It has already been reported that these "green men" have not only taken over some of the local government buildings but they have also seized offices belonging to newspapers, radio stations and television making it that the citizens of Ukraine are only hearing what President Putin wants them to hear, and that is exactly how many battles are fought in this day and age. I understand that people are afraid that if the Ukrainian Military where to crack down that Russia's military machine is going to come rolling in, I think that's going to happen anyways.
I am hoping that if the Ukrainian military begins to take action I think those true Ukrainian citizens will stand up and defend their nation against these "green men" who the majority of have come across the border and are Russian citizens and members of the Russian military. Right now I think they haven't taken a stand because they want to insure that the military will be there when the time comes to protect them from these "green men" and the Russian troops massed at the border roll across.
One last thing the United States and the EU best get off butts and give Ukraine some kind of help besides these sanctions which are obviously doing nothing to change President's Putin's current plans for Ukraine, OK I get it NATO has no plans to send in troops to help, but the least they can do is start sending in some offensive and defensive weapons and the training required to operate them as well as monetary assistance, because if they don't Russia is going to be sitting at Poland and other nations of NATO's back door (or front door depending where you happen to be sitting).
Kyiv says it has lost control of eastern Ukraine | Al Jazeera America
We all know that Russia is behind all that has been happening and much of it is caused by his propaganda machine. It has already been reported that these "green men" have not only taken over some of the local government buildings but they have also seized offices belonging to newspapers, radio stations and television making it that the citizens of Ukraine are only hearing what President Putin wants them to hear, and that is exactly how many battles are fought in this day and age. I understand that people are afraid that if the Ukrainian Military where to crack down that Russia's military machine is going to come rolling in, I think that's going to happen anyways.
I am hoping that if the Ukrainian military begins to take action I think those true Ukrainian citizens will stand up and defend their nation against these "green men" who the majority of have come across the border and are Russian citizens and members of the Russian military. Right now I think they haven't taken a stand because they want to insure that the military will be there when the time comes to protect them from these "green men" and the Russian troops massed at the border roll across.
One last thing the United States and the EU best get off butts and give Ukraine some kind of help besides these sanctions which are obviously doing nothing to change President's Putin's current plans for Ukraine, OK I get it NATO has no plans to send in troops to help, but the least they can do is start sending in some offensive and defensive weapons and the training required to operate them as well as monetary assistance, because if they don't Russia is going to be sitting at Poland and other nations of NATO's back door (or front door depending where you happen to be sitting).
Kyiv says it has lost control of eastern Ukraine | Al Jazeera America
Experts: Claim of possible Flight 370 wreckage obligates a search - CNN.com
First of all the "experts" who have found nothing where they thought
they heard the pings are going to have to investigate this companies
claims whether they believe in the technology or not, people have to
remember at one time there was no such thing as GPS, computers,
airplanes and cell phones so it is possible this is a totally newly
developed technology. If they have truly found something in the Bay of
Bengal, even if it's not MH370 but lets say another aircraft that no one
realizes is missing this technology could possibly be used to find
they heard the pings are going to have to investigate this companies
claims whether they believe in the technology or not, people have to
remember at one time there was no such thing as GPS, computers,
airplanes and cell phones so it is possible this is a totally newly
developed technology. If they have truly found something in the Bay of
Bengal, even if it's not MH370 but lets say another aircraft that no one
realizes is missing this technology could possibly be used to find
I believe these scientist's who are behind GeoResonance
believe in their technology and truly believe they have found something
there in the Bay of Bengal, why else would they come public like this,
because if they are wrong everyone involved in this company will never
have a future in the scientific community. They risk loosing everything
by making this public and its a hoax that is why I say someone needs to
go to this area and make a serious attempt to verify the findings of
these scientists. If they find MH370 these guys will be hero's if
nothing is found there these guys will be treated as fools the rest of
their lives.
Experts: Claim of possible Flight 370 wreckage obligates a search - CNN.com
believe in their technology and truly believe they have found something
there in the Bay of Bengal, why else would they come public like this,
because if they are wrong everyone involved in this company will never
have a future in the scientific community. They risk loosing everything
by making this public and its a hoax that is why I say someone needs to
go to this area and make a serious attempt to verify the findings of
these scientists. If they find MH370 these guys will be hero's if
nothing is found there these guys will be treated as fools the rest of
their lives.
Sentencing Wednesday for Scripps Ranch man whose gun discharged, killed boy - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
This is hard for everyone, most of all the family that lost their child, but also the man and his family who owned the gun, some people are going to say no matter what the sentence is not going to be enough, and I agree there is nothing in this world that is going to bring Eric back to his family but at the same time I'm sure that Mr. Francis is going through his own personal hell, that few people could even imagine. Yes in this case the family of the child is suffering the most, but this was not an intentional murder but still something Mr. Francis will live with the rest of his life as well. My prayers go out to everyone from both families
Sentencing Wednesday for Scripps Ranch man whose gun discharged, killed boy - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
Sentencing Wednesday for Scripps Ranch man whose gun discharged, killed boy - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
First hearing on San Diego minimum wage proposal hike - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
Here is the deal, every American citizen deserves a living wage no matter where they live in this country, and the wage increases are not keeping up with the cost of living in this country. Yes I agree people should work hard to better their situation whether it is going back to college, a trade school, there are opportunities out there, however few adults going back to school can afford to pay for school, care for their families and pay their rent on the current wages out there. I agree that we must be careful of how high and how fast minimum wages are raised because if it's done wrong it can hurt the economy more than help, but everyone deserves that chance and people will have a better chance of bettering their situation with a minimum wage closer to the cost of living.
First hearing on San Diego minimum wage proposal hike - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
First hearing on San Diego minimum wage proposal hike - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Ukraine crisis: EU names 15 individuals targeted by latest sanctions - CNN.com
By now the EU and the United State should understand that sanctions
aimed at the people who run Russia isn't going to do any good, the only
sanctions that are going to cause change, are going to be sanctions that
make the average Russian citizen start to squirm. I hate the thought of
individual citizens of Russia having to suffer for what their
government is doing, but it is their government and at this moment it is
only the Russian citizen that can make Putin change his policy toward
Ukraine crisis: EU names 15 individuals targeted by latest sanctions - CNN.com
aimed at the people who run Russia isn't going to do any good, the only
sanctions that are going to cause change, are going to be sanctions that
make the average Russian citizen start to squirm. I hate the thought of
individual citizens of Russia having to suffer for what their
government is doing, but it is their government and at this moment it is
only the Russian citizen that can make Putin change his policy toward
Ukraine crisis: EU names 15 individuals targeted by latest sanctions - CNN.com
Company's claim that it may have found airplane wreckage disputed - CNN.com
I can't believe that the people in charge of the search in Australia are
so quick to discount the information this company is giving them, it
also upsets me that they have been ignoring these scientists since March
31, its not like it was a bunch of civilians are just guessing and
saying "why don't you go check out the Bay of Bengal" this is a group of
This may be a chance for the government of Malaysia
to actually do something positive, besides now that this information is
now known to the public and especially the families of passengers that
where on MH370 someone from the primary search effort is going to have
to go there and at least take a look.
Now is not the time to
discount any information that comes from reliable sources as in the
current search area they have not found anything, not even a seat
cushion from this airplane, they are already spending tons of money so
someone needs to dispatch a crew out there right now, and someone should
have been there March 31st. Just another example of incompetence in
this investigation.
Company's claim that it may have found airplane wreckage disputed - CNN.com
so quick to discount the information this company is giving them, it
also upsets me that they have been ignoring these scientists since March
31, its not like it was a bunch of civilians are just guessing and
saying "why don't you go check out the Bay of Bengal" this is a group of
This may be a chance for the government of Malaysia
to actually do something positive, besides now that this information is
now known to the public and especially the families of passengers that
where on MH370 someone from the primary search effort is going to have
to go there and at least take a look.
Now is not the time to
discount any information that comes from reliable sources as in the
current search area they have not found anything, not even a seat
cushion from this airplane, they are already spending tons of money so
someone needs to dispatch a crew out there right now, and someone should
have been there March 31st. Just another example of incompetence in
this investigation.
Company's claim that it may have found airplane wreckage disputed - CNN.com
Monday, April 28, 2014
Workers evacuated from Hanford tank farm as a 'precaution' | KING5.com Seattle
Things out there are starting to get scary, I wonder if they have any plans of how they are going to replace these aging tanks in the first place, most chemicals have some type of corrosive quality, meaning some can me highly corrosive and right on down the line and although I am not positive I would think any type of chemical that may be used in manufacture nuclear weapons, especially those used back in the experimental days of the 1940's have to be highly suspect so I am afraid that this place is a major disaster in the making and to make matters worse if the main contractor out there is dragging its feet to ensure workers safety I can't imagine what they aren't doing to keep the surrounding public safe.
Overall Hanford is owned by the United States Government and right now I think it is time they stop relying on contractors who's main responsibility as they see it is to share holders and how to save them money to bring in the highest dividends better send their own investigators who are on government payroll and have no personal interest in the company to find out what is really going on out there!!
Workers evacuated from Hanford tank farm as a 'precaution' | KING5.com Seattle
Overall Hanford is owned by the United States Government and right now I think it is time they stop relying on contractors who's main responsibility as they see it is to share holders and how to save them money to bring in the highest dividends better send their own investigators who are on government payroll and have no personal interest in the company to find out what is really going on out there!!
Workers evacuated from Hanford tank farm as a 'precaution' | KING5.com Seattle
2 more Hanford workers sick, up to 28 since March | KING5.com Seattle
OK here is the deal, over all I think that Washington River Protection Solutions and other contractors in this facility have the responsibility for keeping their workers safe and must take every precaution to do so, however one thing I noticed in this story is that Protection Solutions said that wearing respiratory protection at the majority of the areas at this sight is voluntary.
My first point here is if management of these contractors think the risk is bad enough that it be voluntary to wear breathing protection it is probably enough of a hazard that it should probably be mandatory that employees in this area wear respirators, and most likely OSHA is probably going to hit them hard in this area.
My second point here is safety is the primary responsibility of me, the employee and I know that if the company I work for tells me that a area may me hazardous enough that I can wear a respirator if I want and I care about my health and if I care about my family I'm sure the hell going to take the few extra minutes it takes to strap on that respirator and I know people complain that wearing a respirator can be annoying and uncomfortable but you know what I have a 8 year old son and I want to be around for him for a long time I'm going to deal with be annoyed and uncomfortable to guarantee that I will be.
Now don't get me wrong, even though I say you are overall responsible for your own safety federal and all states have laws on the books requiring that employers must provide up to date and complete warnings for every chemical that a company uses and believe it or not those laws are so in depth they even cover chemicals such as white out. Those same laws also require that the employer also provide training and proper equipment to ensure that all employees know how to protect themselves.
I think what we may find here is that some heads are going to roll because the decisions made to declare these voluntary respirator areas where wrong, management probably knew the areas should be mandatory and was probably officially recommended but up to the employee.
2 more Hanford workers sick, up to 28 since March | KING5.com Seattle
My first point here is if management of these contractors think the risk is bad enough that it be voluntary to wear breathing protection it is probably enough of a hazard that it should probably be mandatory that employees in this area wear respirators, and most likely OSHA is probably going to hit them hard in this area.
My second point here is safety is the primary responsibility of me, the employee and I know that if the company I work for tells me that a area may me hazardous enough that I can wear a respirator if I want and I care about my health and if I care about my family I'm sure the hell going to take the few extra minutes it takes to strap on that respirator and I know people complain that wearing a respirator can be annoying and uncomfortable but you know what I have a 8 year old son and I want to be around for him for a long time I'm going to deal with be annoyed and uncomfortable to guarantee that I will be.
Now don't get me wrong, even though I say you are overall responsible for your own safety federal and all states have laws on the books requiring that employers must provide up to date and complete warnings for every chemical that a company uses and believe it or not those laws are so in depth they even cover chemicals such as white out. Those same laws also require that the employer also provide training and proper equipment to ensure that all employees know how to protect themselves.
I think what we may find here is that some heads are going to roll because the decisions made to declare these voluntary respirator areas where wrong, management probably knew the areas should be mandatory and was probably officially recommended but up to the employee.
2 more Hanford workers sick, up to 28 since March | KING5.com Seattle
Ex-pastor Barry Minkow sentenced for defrauding local church out of $3M - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
People like this guy is disgusting, to have no qualms about ruining families lives they way he has, and then the second time to do it to a church, which is the reason he chose a church because he found how forgiving and caring true Christians are. However it is people like him that make such a bad impression on non Christians and new Christians when it comes to God and the church.
The worse thing is this guy will spend a couple of years in prison again but I promise you before that judge even read the sentence Minkow already had a plan in his head for his next scam when he is released and you know what despite being all over the national news (twice no) he will get away with some type of fraud, at least for a little while, when he is released again. People like him get away with it because their special skill is getting people to trust them, and they do despite their previous records, many get away with it over and over again.
Ex-pastor Barry Minkow sentenced for defrauding local church out of $3M - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
The worse thing is this guy will spend a couple of years in prison again but I promise you before that judge even read the sentence Minkow already had a plan in his head for his next scam when he is released and you know what despite being all over the national news (twice no) he will get away with some type of fraud, at least for a little while, when he is released again. People like him get away with it because their special skill is getting people to trust them, and they do despite their previous records, many get away with it over and over again.
Ex-pastor Barry Minkow sentenced for defrauding local church out of $3M - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Teens using lip balm on eyelids to enhance being drunk, high - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
This is very concerning as an alcoholism and drug abuse counselor, this is just another things that the young of our society is coming up with something that can be very dangerous. The good thing about making this story public is to use it as a warning.
I will be honest with you I am in the profession and this is the first time I have ever heard of this but I do want to say to parents keep an eye out, it doesn't even have to be Burt's Bee lip balm, but if you suddenly notice your preteen or teen suddenly using this product and it's not something they used to use or if it's something you have seen your kids use but it seems he/she is going through it and buying more than they used to, it could be a good sign that they are drinking or using drugs. Parents should always be on the look out for subtle things that as a adult you may not think would have anything to do with drugs or alcohol because that could be the sign you see that could save their life.
Teens using lip balm on eyelids to enhance being drunk, high - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
I will be honest with you I am in the profession and this is the first time I have ever heard of this but I do want to say to parents keep an eye out, it doesn't even have to be Burt's Bee lip balm, but if you suddenly notice your preteen or teen suddenly using this product and it's not something they used to use or if it's something you have seen your kids use but it seems he/she is going through it and buying more than they used to, it could be a good sign that they are drinking or using drugs. Parents should always be on the look out for subtle things that as a adult you may not think would have anything to do with drugs or alcohol because that could be the sign you see that could save their life.
Teens using lip balm on eyelids to enhance being drunk, high - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
Vandals repeatedly target Ramona man's home - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
I hate when people aren't allowed to live there lives peacefully, that some people get offended over little things and will take actions beyond what a normal person would do. This poor man and his family are actually fearing for their lives at this time. When ever these people painted the swastika and the gay slurs that it would immediately become a hate crime so obviously the person or people behind this don't care about the consequences because this has now beyond harassment and vandalism.
I hope by this time the local police are starting to put some kind of patrol or permanent presence in the area of this families home, because I do that whoever this person is, it it may be the person he thinks it is and many times when it's people you know who are mad or hold a grudge for some reason it can me much worse than a random person you don't know picking you out.
Vandals repeatedly target Ramona man's home - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
I hope by this time the local police are starting to put some kind of patrol or permanent presence in the area of this families home, because I do that whoever this person is, it it may be the person he thinks it is and many times when it's people you know who are mad or hold a grudge for some reason it can me much worse than a random person you don't know picking you out.
Vandals repeatedly target Ramona man's home - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
Man wearing headphones hit, killed by train - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
My prayers go out to this young mans family and friends. It is so upsetting to me when people are injured or killed because they where doing something that could have been prevented. Everyday people go to work and throughout the day they think about safety, safety, safety, yes I understand that its because the boss emphasizes safety while you are at work.
To some people it may seem that I am paranoid, however whether I am at work or on my free time I try to think of the possible consequences of my actions and make smaller things habit. I have seen way to many adults for example hit and killed by a car just because they didn't look both ways before crossing the street, something as parents we always demand that our children do, yet watch and read the news and see how many reports you hear about an adult being hit and killed by a car. Another common one is when I hear about adults who drown after falling from a boat while in a lake, river or on the ocean who would have lived if they had been wearing the life vest that investigators later say was sitting right there in the boat. I actually lost a friend a couple years back because he feel in and wasn't wearing his life jacket and even though I wasn't there at the time I remember other times I was there and I remember he didn't want to wear his jacket because he didn't want to look like a geek.
Please people when you are out and about living your daily life, you don't have to be paranoid but just think before you act, whether your driving, crossing the street or sky diving just make sure you are doing it the safest way that you can.
Man wearing headphones hit, killed by train - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
To some people it may seem that I am paranoid, however whether I am at work or on my free time I try to think of the possible consequences of my actions and make smaller things habit. I have seen way to many adults for example hit and killed by a car just because they didn't look both ways before crossing the street, something as parents we always demand that our children do, yet watch and read the news and see how many reports you hear about an adult being hit and killed by a car. Another common one is when I hear about adults who drown after falling from a boat while in a lake, river or on the ocean who would have lived if they had been wearing the life vest that investigators later say was sitting right there in the boat. I actually lost a friend a couple years back because he feel in and wasn't wearing his life jacket and even though I wasn't there at the time I remember other times I was there and I remember he didn't want to wear his jacket because he didn't want to look like a geek.
Please people when you are out and about living your daily life, you don't have to be paranoid but just think before you act, whether your driving, crossing the street or sky diving just make sure you are doing it the safest way that you can.
Man wearing headphones hit, killed by train - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Jewelry store employee transporting cash, jewelry says he was forced off I-5 in Oceanside and robbed - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
This is way more than suspicious, it is quite obvious that this was a well planned robbery, even the greenest police recruit could see that. The first stop of course will be the jewelery store and it's employees and if they get no clues there then up to Orange County and the employees of his store.
I guarantee you that San Diego Police or Sheriffs department will solve this case, especially if this transfer was well planned and the info was kept to a limited number of the two jewelery store's employee's. This robbery was planned by someone who knew every aspect of this jewel and cash transfer right down to the route this guy was going to drive back up north to Orange County
Jewelry store employee transporting cash, jewelry says he was forced off I-5 in Oceanside and robbed - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
I guarantee you that San Diego Police or Sheriffs department will solve this case, especially if this transfer was well planned and the info was kept to a limited number of the two jewelery store's employee's. This robbery was planned by someone who knew every aspect of this jewel and cash transfer right down to the route this guy was going to drive back up north to Orange County
Jewelry store employee transporting cash, jewelry says he was forced off I-5 in Oceanside and robbed - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
Man killed in Seattle's Central District | KING5.com Seattle
![]() |
Shipka From Romania/Wikipedia |
First my prayers go out to the family and friends of this man . Then I just want to say what is sad is you can do as much legislating targeted at gun owners and the only people that aren't going to have guns are the honest, law abiding citizens of this country, do you think these gang members, robbers and murders went through the proper channels and received back ground checks to get the guns they commit their crimes with? Of course not, they buy them off the street from weapons dealers who themselves stole the guns they are selling in the first place.
Other guns on the street are actually smuggled into the country from other countries, such as Russia, Slovakia and some of the other previous countries that once belonged to the Soviet Union because there is a large market in the country for AK-47's, ALFA Pistols, Shipka's and AK-101's they get those guns in the country and they don't even have to worry about filing of serial numbers.
The only way that you are going to reduce gun violence is for this nation to put more money into the prison system and in the process increasing the prison time for people who commit gun related crimes, especially repeat offenders and even though immigration activists will scream because as a side affect it will affect illegal immigration, but the borders would have to be beefed up, actually more than that you would have to build a fence on both the north and south borders and have every square inch of the borders monitored 24 hours a day.
Then you have another problem is we have 88,633 sq miles of shoreline that would have to be guarded, you would have to have ships off the coast and every sq foot of that 88,633 sq miles would have to be monitored by camera or some other method, almost monthly at least one boat gets caught trying to smuggle something illegal into the United States from the coast of California, that's 1 boat so you can imagine how many got through, many times the boat that gets caught is a decoy with a small amount of illegal contraband or immigrants.
Man killed in Seattle's Central District | KING5.com Seattle
When Women Used Lysol as Birth Control | Mother Jones
Do you realize how scary this
or have you even though about it? Many of the household products our
parents may have used for cleaning, pest control, hygiene, and minor
medical issues are now banned and considered dangerous today.
doctors, the companies who manufactured and sold and yes the United
States government admit today that a lot of that stuff was actually
dangerous for the public's health and yes some even deadly after time
because they where found to be carcinogenic, the example here of Lysol
which is now used for disinfecting the home caused poisoning for some of
the poor women who where duped into using by the advertising and the
companies would continue to advertise these products as "doctor
recommended" even after it was found to be hazardous.
Of course
two prime examples everyone is familiar with (or should be) those of
course are cigarettes and lead based paint. Even today when you rent or
buy a older home there may still be lead based paint in the home and the
realty company has to inform you if you have lead based paint or not.
Children back in the early 1900's to the 70's where getting led
poisoning (as we know children put weird things in their mouths) from
eating paint chips. Of course we all know the dangers of smoking.
is one many of us probably remember but don't know it is now illegal to
sell in the United States, Mercurochrome when I was a kid this was the
mothers remedy for the everyday boo boo's that we used to call "Monkey
Blood", was used as an antiseptic and was advertised as "safe for all
ages", it came in a small bottle with a little dropper and was a very
dark red . I remember I would skin my knee or elbow and come howling to
my mom and I would be screaming for the "Monkey Blood" and she would
apply it to my scrape. Like I said it was dark red and tuned your skin
and boo boo the same color.
Now here is the problem that our
mother didn't know back then, there is two problems with Mercurochrome,
first and the major problem is it contains Mercury and Mercury Poisoning
can be very debilitating and fatal, which is the main reason it has
been banned.
The second reason is believe it or not was it's
color, doctors wanted it banned or the color changed because it was so
dark red that if the person using it actually did get an infection, the
color would cover up the beginning signs of an infection and the person
could get very sick or die if infection wasn't caught in time. This
complaint was filed before anyone even realized the danger of Mercury.
here is the good news as far as studies done today tell us, that there
have been no reported illnesses or deaths reported from the generation
back in the 1900's (1900-1980) who used this product. That's for now
because the majority of us that did use this are now in there 40's 50's
and 60's so if there is any long term effects to be found they would
probably start showing up in us now.
When Women Used Lysol as Birth Control | Mother Jonesor have you even though about it? Many of the household products our
parents may have used for cleaning, pest control, hygiene, and minor
medical issues are now banned and considered dangerous today.
doctors, the companies who manufactured and sold and yes the United
States government admit today that a lot of that stuff was actually
dangerous for the public's health and yes some even deadly after time
because they where found to be carcinogenic, the example here of Lysol
which is now used for disinfecting the home caused poisoning for some of
the poor women who where duped into using by the advertising and the
companies would continue to advertise these products as "doctor
recommended" even after it was found to be hazardous.
Of course
two prime examples everyone is familiar with (or should be) those of
course are cigarettes and lead based paint. Even today when you rent or
buy a older home there may still be lead based paint in the home and the
realty company has to inform you if you have lead based paint or not.
Children back in the early 1900's to the 70's where getting led
poisoning (as we know children put weird things in their mouths) from
eating paint chips. Of course we all know the dangers of smoking.
is one many of us probably remember but don't know it is now illegal to
sell in the United States, Mercurochrome when I was a kid this was the
mothers remedy for the everyday boo boo's that we used to call "Monkey
Blood", was used as an antiseptic and was advertised as "safe for all
ages", it came in a small bottle with a little dropper and was a very
dark red . I remember I would skin my knee or elbow and come howling to
my mom and I would be screaming for the "Monkey Blood" and she would
apply it to my scrape. Like I said it was dark red and tuned your skin
and boo boo the same color.
Now here is the problem that our
mother didn't know back then, there is two problems with Mercurochrome,
first and the major problem is it contains Mercury and Mercury Poisoning
can be very debilitating and fatal, which is the main reason it has
been banned.
The second reason is believe it or not was it's
color, doctors wanted it banned or the color changed because it was so
dark red that if the person using it actually did get an infection, the
color would cover up the beginning signs of an infection and the person
could get very sick or die if infection wasn't caught in time. This
complaint was filed before anyone even realized the danger of Mercury.
here is the good news as far as studies done today tell us, that there
have been no reported illnesses or deaths reported from the generation
back in the 1900's (1900-1980) who used this product. That's for now
because the majority of us that did use this are now in there 40's 50's
and 60's so if there is any long term effects to be found they would
probably start showing up in us now.
Friday, April 25, 2014
6 men in custody after woman claims assault - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
These guys need to be locked up, she drank a bottle of water, no alcohol so she was obviously drugged so I hope they gave her a blood test to figure out what they used on her, then they need to get warrants search all their homes, they will find a trace of it somewhere I'm sure, people like this aren't smart enough to know how to get rid of evidence.
Another thing if other women think this may have happened to them, not necessarily with all six suspects but even if you woke up with one guy and you didn't know what happened, because I don't think this is the first time these guys have done this, separately or together.
6 men in custody after woman claims assault - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
Another thing if other women think this may have happened to them, not necessarily with all six suspects but even if you woke up with one guy and you didn't know what happened, because I don't think this is the first time these guys have done this, separately or together.
6 men in custody after woman claims assault - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
Number of military suicides dropped last year - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
I'm happy the military is finally getting a handle on this problem with active duty members, now they may have to come up with a different program for the young men and women in the Reserve and National Guard sections of the military. The problem here is once they return from combat deployments and even those that may have other issues that lead to suicide are not seen but maybe once a month for a weekend or a week of training so fellow members of their command may not pick up on a problem that may lead to suicide so I believe that the military may have to reach out to civilian employers and family members with some type of training, because the people who are going to see changes and warning signs in the "citizen soldiers" are those who see and interact with them on a daily basis.
This may be expensive and the requirement to form some type of task force in the the Reserve and National Guard commands but the time and money will of course be with it if one life can be saved. The military knows already how to contact family members and know who the civilian employers are of these men and women and they may have to reach out to them with training or training material, not singling out the member but just giving the opportunity for people who see these men and women on a daily basis.
Number of military suicides dropped last year - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
This may be expensive and the requirement to form some type of task force in the the Reserve and National Guard commands but the time and money will of course be with it if one life can be saved. The military knows already how to contact family members and know who the civilian employers are of these men and women and they may have to reach out to them with training or training material, not singling out the member but just giving the opportunity for people who see these men and women on a daily basis.
Number of military suicides dropped last year - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Ukraine tense as Russia launches military drills; activists are killed - CNN.com
This is starting to get away from Putin I'm afraid, I think he though he
would be able to put his troops at the Ukrainian border and intimidate
the government and the people as he dad in Crimea, which was a much
smaller area and easier to contain then Ukraine.
There are
video's coming out from the citizens of Eastern Ukraine showing what is
really happening there and how the majority of the citizens, who are
made up of more then just Russians, most of all even most of the people
of Russian ancestry consider themselves Ukrainian and are willing to
stand up for there government, that is why you don't see thousands of
people protesting in the streets in favor of Putin and Russia. Crimea
was mostly of Russian ethnicity and even they didn't want Russia coming
in, but because they know Putin and realizing they had no choice went
along with it.
In Ukraine Russia does not have that luxury and
the majority of the support that Russia has is the Pro-Russian
demonstrators now called militia or self defense force, who came across
the border from Russia in the first place. Of course you have the few
politicians who try to lean in the direction that will give them the
most profit, they stand up for their own benefit (not the peoples) and
declare independence on Russia's side.
The Russian military and
President Putin must know that the sanctions from President Obama and
the EU. If they go into Ukraine they are also going to end up fighting a
guerrilla war against the majority of the citizens there. The sad thing
is Russia is better equipped but either way there will be a lot of
death on all sides, Ukrainian Military, Ukrainian civilians and most of
all the Russian military if they come across the border. The bulk of the
Ukrainian citizens are behind their own government and will stand up to
protect it.
I believe the people of Crimea would have done the
same, but they where cornered and had no other choice, but to go along
with Russia or be eradicated and live in a police state run by Putin and
the GRU
Ukraine tense as Russia launches military drills; activists are killed - CNN.com
would be able to put his troops at the Ukrainian border and intimidate
the government and the people as he dad in Crimea, which was a much
smaller area and easier to contain then Ukraine.
There are
video's coming out from the citizens of Eastern Ukraine showing what is
really happening there and how the majority of the citizens, who are
made up of more then just Russians, most of all even most of the people
of Russian ancestry consider themselves Ukrainian and are willing to
stand up for there government, that is why you don't see thousands of
people protesting in the streets in favor of Putin and Russia. Crimea
was mostly of Russian ethnicity and even they didn't want Russia coming
in, but because they know Putin and realizing they had no choice went
along with it.
In Ukraine Russia does not have that luxury and
the majority of the support that Russia has is the Pro-Russian
demonstrators now called militia or self defense force, who came across
the border from Russia in the first place. Of course you have the few
politicians who try to lean in the direction that will give them the
most profit, they stand up for their own benefit (not the peoples) and
declare independence on Russia's side.
The Russian military and
President Putin must know that the sanctions from President Obama and
the EU. If they go into Ukraine they are also going to end up fighting a
guerrilla war against the majority of the citizens there. The sad thing
is Russia is better equipped but either way there will be a lot of
death on all sides, Ukrainian Military, Ukrainian civilians and most of
all the Russian military if they come across the border. The bulk of the
Ukrainian citizens are behind their own government and will stand up to
protect it.
I believe the people of Crimea would have done the
same, but they where cornered and had no other choice, but to go along
with Russia or be eradicated and live in a police state run by Putin and
the GRU
Ukraine tense as Russia launches military drills; activists are killed - CNN.com
Sandi Marie Rogers Donecker (1975 - 2004) - Find A Grave Memorial
Birth: | Aug. 21, 1975 Fort Lauderdale Broward County Florida, USA |
Death: | Mar. 11, 2004 Oak Harbor Island County Washington, USA [Edit Dates] |
Sandi Marie Donecker (Rogers) Wife of Duane A. Donecker, married 14 years, and Mother of Jeisah Raine Donecker who is 8 years old. She passed away in her sleep at home in Oak Harbor, Wa on 11 March 2014and was cremated 18 March 2014 and her ashes rests at home with me. God took a great lady, wife, best friend and mother at the young age of 38. She is greatly missed by her family. She was always willing to give her shirt off her back to help someone. Loved her family especially her son, they to where best friends and Jesiah misses her so very much |
Seattle mayor to announce minimum wage plan | KING5.com Seattle
I think raising the minimum wage is a good idea, but it has to gradual where the businesses can handle the situation. First of all if minimum wage was to suddenly go up to $15 an hour some small mom and pop businesses would go out of business and other businesses that could afford to will probably relocate.
Those companies that stay in business will lay off some of the employees and prices will sky rocket. I believe that everyone deserves a living wage, and I think it is unfair that a mother has to work two jobs and the second job is to pay for child care so she can work the first job.
However we need to look at the people who employee these people a sudden raise to $15 will kill and reduce so many businesses the unemployment rate in Seattle will sky rocket.
Then of course it will spread to the smaller communities, say the towns on Whidbey Island, Oak Harbor businesses could no way afford any such raise. The K-Mart in Oak Harbor just closed there doors because of the lack of business. Think about the small businesses if this was to spread there.
Seattle mayor to announce minimum wage plan | KING5.com Seattle
Those companies that stay in business will lay off some of the employees and prices will sky rocket. I believe that everyone deserves a living wage, and I think it is unfair that a mother has to work two jobs and the second job is to pay for child care so she can work the first job.
However we need to look at the people who employee these people a sudden raise to $15 will kill and reduce so many businesses the unemployment rate in Seattle will sky rocket.
Then of course it will spread to the smaller communities, say the towns on Whidbey Island, Oak Harbor businesses could no way afford any such raise. The K-Mart in Oak Harbor just closed there doors because of the lack of business. Think about the small businesses if this was to spread there.
Seattle mayor to announce minimum wage plan | KING5.com Seattle
Air Force Captain's Career on The Line After Run-In With Cop on His Own Property
His family was kicked out of Paraguay and they went into exile in the United States. They worked hard to get what they have. Captain Aquino received a commission and is now serving his adopted country in the United States Air Force. Then in one short hour he was confronted by police on his own property and despite showing proof he was the home owner the put him in handcuffs and then finally released him after searching his home, which he did not give them permission to do.
They finally released him there on his property but a short time later he found out he has a warrant for his arrest for resisting arrest from this incident and now he is suspended and his Air Force Career is threatened. Watch his video and see how much he loves the country that adopted him.
Air Force Captain's Career on The Line After Run-In With Cop on His Own Property
They finally released him there on his property but a short time later he found out he has a warrant for his arrest for resisting arrest from this incident and now he is suspended and his Air Force Career is threatened. Watch his video and see how much he loves the country that adopted him.
Air Force Captain's Career on The Line After Run-In With Cop on His Own Property
Team 10 gets eyesore removed from neighborhood - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
That is one of the worse vacant home I have ever seen anywhere, there wasn't much left of it, I hate that it takes the city forever to get anything done and the only way this was taken care of was because Mr. Garcia brought it to the attention of 10 News.
Not only was it being used to sell and do drugs homeless people where sleeping in it at night and as you can see in the video teenagers where hanging out there, even climbing on the roof that looked like it could collapse at any minute. The city and Mr. Johnson are lucky that no one was injured or worse killed in there.
As far as who will pay for the demolition, the bill will go to Mr. Johnson because he is the property owner, if after a certain amount of time of not paying the city will seize the property and put it up for sell, but unless Mr. Johnson decides to sell it right away and pay of the bill to the city that lot will sit there with a fence around it for a long time.
I do like the churches idea of using it for parking, good idea as long as they pave it and there isn't dust flying around when cars come and go, a better idea would to be donate it to Habitat for Humanity and let them build a new home for a family that needs a home.
Team 10 gets eyesore removed from neighborhood - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
Ramona church burglary suspects in court today - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
How low can you get, not just breaking into a church and stealing money, but taking the sacramental wine as well, I would have to say in my opinion these burglaries are most likely alcohol or drug related. Meaning that they where under the influence of something when they committed the burglaries and the money and any thing of value was used to buy more drugs and alcohol. I imagine the first thing they did after leaving the church is try to add on to their buzz with the wine. Funny though and I don't know about this church but some use non alcoholic wine for The Lords Supper so I hope they drank it then wondered why they weren't drunker.
Ramona church burglary suspects in court today - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
Ramona church burglary suspects in court today - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Florida City About to Make it Illegal For Homeless People to Have Possessions in Public | Care2 Causes
What a horrible story, if this law does pass I pray that the police officers will use common sense when enforcing this law. No matter what the city says about trying to make the city look better this is a targeted law against the homeless people of the city. I agree with this story if they are going to pass a law that requires the homeless to find some place to store there property.
How stupid is that, they are homeless if they had some place to store the few things they do own they probably wouldn't be homeless. So what your going to see here if the police start enforcing this law is emigration of the homeless to the next city over. With this law it gives police officers some leeway to decide what is storage and what isn't. Hopefully they are compassionate, the problem I will see is if law enforcement are told whether straight out or by suggestion to target the homeless. If you see them starting to confiscate a homeless mans belongings in a park and 20 yards away there is a man in a business suit with his shoes off and briefcase beside him and they leave him alone then you know there is selective enforcement and it will be time for a law suit
Florida City About to Make it Illegal For Homeless People to Have Possessions in Public | Care2 Causes
The World Cup and Olympics threaten to overwhelm Rio – yet there is time to create a sensation out of disaster | Cities | The Guardian
I think that these and most large sporting events have become a mockery of what their original intentions where meant to be by the original organizers. For example the Olympics where mean to bring the people of the world to a time of peace and cooperation, the World Cup was meant to bring the fans and athletes together in a celebration of the sport. Now its about the members of the various committees and sponsors and what they can get out of the events.
An example would be the Super Bowl and various college bowl games in the United States, I read an article recently in the San Diego Union that the city gains no profit from the two college bowl games they host, the Holiday Bowl and the Poinsettia Bow. Even though studies had showed that the city was loosing money from the Holiday Bowl the same organizers went ahead and resurrected the Poinsettia Bowl in 2005 which has itself become a loser for San Diego but a winner for the committees that organize the events and of course the sponsors
I think this is a chance for Brazil to become the nation that brings the World Cup and the Olympics back to their roots and make it about the athletes and fans, of course if they are as far behind as reports say they are they may have no choice but to become innovators, however the one thing I don't agree with is I don't think any sports should be cut out from the Olympics. Remember it's should be about the athletes and the fans cutting out certain events would be morally wrong to me.
Brazil needs to step back, ask for help if they need it, re-organize and give the events back to the people.
The World Cup and Olympics threaten to overwhelm Rio – yet there is time to create a sensation out of disaster | Cities | The Guardian
An example would be the Super Bowl and various college bowl games in the United States, I read an article recently in the San Diego Union that the city gains no profit from the two college bowl games they host, the Holiday Bowl and the Poinsettia Bow. Even though studies had showed that the city was loosing money from the Holiday Bowl the same organizers went ahead and resurrected the Poinsettia Bowl in 2005 which has itself become a loser for San Diego but a winner for the committees that organize the events and of course the sponsors
I think this is a chance for Brazil to become the nation that brings the World Cup and the Olympics back to their roots and make it about the athletes and fans, of course if they are as far behind as reports say they are they may have no choice but to become innovators, however the one thing I don't agree with is I don't think any sports should be cut out from the Olympics. Remember it's should be about the athletes and the fans cutting out certain events would be morally wrong to me.
Brazil needs to step back, ask for help if they need it, re-organize and give the events back to the people.
The World Cup and Olympics threaten to overwhelm Rio – yet there is time to create a sensation out of disaster | Cities | The Guardian
CNN Exclusive: MH370: Australia transport official tells what's next - CNN.com
I think it is about time that a better agreement about how they are
conducting the search and who has what responsibilities during this
search. When the flight first disappeared I think Malaysia was trying to
show the world they where wearing their big boy pants and quickly
hammered out how they wanted to go about searching for the missing
flight, then they ask Australia to lead the investigation but then puts
restrictions on what Australia can do at each step unless conferring
with the Malaysian government.
I will be interested to
find out what is actually going to be in this agreement. If they want
Australia to run the investigation they need to give them the freedom
they would have if this aircraft had been a Australian registered
airplane, the Prime Minister and the Transportation Minister is trying
to run the investigation themselves from a far. That would be like
President Obama who has no experience in investigating air disasters
trying to run a investigation in this country.
Right now the
government of Malaysia needs to step back and let the professionals run
the investigation and maybe they will start earning the trust of the
family members of the passengers that where on board.
CNN Exclusive: MH370: Australia transport official tells what's next - CNN.com
conducting the search and who has what responsibilities during this
search. When the flight first disappeared I think Malaysia was trying to
show the world they where wearing their big boy pants and quickly
hammered out how they wanted to go about searching for the missing
flight, then they ask Australia to lead the investigation but then puts
restrictions on what Australia can do at each step unless conferring
with the Malaysian government.
I will be interested to
find out what is actually going to be in this agreement. If they want
Australia to run the investigation they need to give them the freedom
they would have if this aircraft had been a Australian registered
airplane, the Prime Minister and the Transportation Minister is trying
to run the investigation themselves from a far. That would be like
President Obama who has no experience in investigating air disasters
trying to run a investigation in this country.
Right now the
government of Malaysia needs to step back and let the professionals run
the investigation and maybe they will start earning the trust of the
family members of the passengers that where on board.
CNN Exclusive: MH370: Australia transport official tells what's next - CNN.com
4 killed in blast in Nairobi, Kenya, suburb - CNN.com
My prayers go out to these people and all people of Kenya, it is going
to take a while for them to get the terrorism in their country under
control. The main problem is wide open borders and so many refugees in
the country. But I must say I am impressed that the government of Kenya
are showing compassion, in some countries if terror activities as been
happening like it has in Kenya would be sending the refugee's back
across the border, Kenya don't do that showing they are truly leaders of
the African Continent
4 killed in blast in Nairobi, Kenya, suburb - CNN.com
to take a while for them to get the terrorism in their country under
control. The main problem is wide open borders and so many refugees in
the country. But I must say I am impressed that the government of Kenya
are showing compassion, in some countries if terror activities as been
happening like it has in Kenya would be sending the refugee's back
across the border, Kenya don't do that showing they are truly leaders of
the African Continent
4 killed in blast in Nairobi, Kenya, suburb - CNN.com
Bangladesh disaster spurred reform
Thank God there are people like these who are willing to go into these countries and help the people who work in their industry, yes of course it didn't happen until after a horrible accident, but at least it is happening.
The thing that amazes me the most about that fact that the people doing this are from the garment industry in the western nations who moved their factories to these countries such as Bangladesh to save money in the first place, so for them to not only insist on safer standards for the garment workers in third world nations but also take action to insure it happens, by them doing this they are going to increase their costs in the long run because these factories are going to have to invest more money into their infrastructure and employee's.
Bangladesh disaster spurred reform: Column
The thing that amazes me the most about that fact that the people doing this are from the garment industry in the western nations who moved their factories to these countries such as Bangladesh to save money in the first place, so for them to not only insist on safer standards for the garment workers in third world nations but also take action to insure it happens, by them doing this they are going to increase their costs in the long run because these factories are going to have to invest more money into their infrastructure and employee's.
Bangladesh disaster spurred reform: Column
Seattle police accountability chief forced from officer-involved shooting | KING5.com Seattle
Let's see, if he had never been harassed at other officer related shootings it must be obvious that most Seattle Police Officers must know who he and other people from his office are and what their jobs at the scene of shooting must be, so that begs the question why was he restricted from this scene and why did they even make it more difficult for him when he voiced his concern about the way he was being treated at the scene of the investigation.
Maybe the investigators in this officer related shooting needs to take a little closer look at what happened here and did the officers on scene have something they where trying to keep Mr. Murphy from seeing?
Seattle police accountability chief forced from officer-involved shooting | KING5.com Seattle
Maybe the investigators in this officer related shooting needs to take a little closer look at what happened here and did the officers on scene have something they where trying to keep Mr. Murphy from seeing?
Seattle police accountability chief forced from officer-involved shooting | KING5.com Seattle
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Obama aims to reassure Asia allies - CNN.com
This situation to has me worried, sometimes people say I worry to
much but the problem I see here is not whether the United States would
be there to support our allies in Asia and Oceania because we will be
there for them if the need arises, what I am currently worried about is
this is also the administration that says they plan to reduce the United
States military manning levels to that they where at prior to World War
II and now this is when this is all going down.
only are we still occupied with al Qaeda as demonstrated in Yemen this
week, we are also fighting al Qaeda all over the world, now we have the
Russian annexation of Crimea and troop build up by Russia along the
border with Ukraine and then finally China starting to work out a blue
water navy for themselves, trying there best to become the second world
Because of China trying to modernize their
military, especially building that blue water navy, we are starting to
move more units away from the Middle East and back toward Asia and the
South Pacific as we where prior to World War II our military is
beginning to become more wide spread around the world than ever before.
Then you add the normal training requirements for every unit in the
United States military.
Here is the problem I see, we
are currently providing more and more military presence in large numbers
around the globe, yes places we have been at one time or another. Asia
and the Pacific prior to World War II, every continent during World War
II, Asia during the Korean War and the Vietnam War and then the Middle
East during the Gulf War and Operation Enduring Freedom and we have
always had a presence in Central and South America.
here we are 2014 and President Obama wants to cut the size of the
military but beings we are the only super power, like it or not, we are
expected to have other nation's backs in every corner of the world all
at the same time.
In no way do I think the United
States should back out of any kind of alliance (as long as our ally is
not the aggressor). We must stand by the nations we vow to be there for,
I just think that President Obama, who can't be president again
anyways, needs to stop thinking about which ever democratic candidate
may be running for his office here in the future, the democrats need to
stop thinking about that as well and start supporting our men and women
in uniform, the thought of reducing our military puts shivers down my
If the United States keeps going the direction they are and what they are doing those in uniform
by cutting benefits and reducing size which will increase the amount
and length of deployments our volunteer military isn't going to get
enough volunteers and those that do will not want to stay to make the
military a career. Basically a post Vietnam War military before
President Regan took over.
Obama aims to reassure Asia allies - CNN.com
US troops arrive in Poland for exercises across Eastern Europe amid Ukraine crisis | Fox News
The exercises have started and the first United States soldiers are starting to take up their stations in fellow NATO allies who are close to Ukraine and the current crisis between Ukraine and Russia. I believe these exercises are a very good start in reassuring the nations in this area that the United States will honor their commitments to these nations if they are called upon.
The problem is I don't think these exercises in Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are going to be enough, sure it will show President Putin that if he decided he wanted to invade Ukraine and roll right into the border states in a bid to resurrect the Soviet Union (or his view of it) that the United States and the rest of NATO will not stand for it. More is going to need to happen, for instance a larger fleet of United States Navy ships need to show presence in the Black Sea, not just a destroyer every once in a while. The United States our NATO allies need to establish a Black Sea Fleet of their own, a 100% commitment to keeping the sea open for all nations.
Now I know their is no way we can put a aircraft carrier into the black sea but with United States Air Force and Marine Corp aviation assets operating in Europe can provide the perfect air cover, remember Turkey is part of NATO so by treaty the airfields in Turkey should be available for that option.
Now I am not a military strategist but I did spend 20 years in the United States Navy and know the effects of a battle group or task force showing up off some one's coast can have on other nations, and believe me a NATO task force backed up by fighter aircraft from shore could provide a punch that President Putin doesn't want to experience. The call the navy is used to hearing from the president is where is the aircraft carriers, however in this case I think he should be asking where are the cruisers and destroyers.
US troops arrive in Poland for exercises across Eastern Europe amid Ukraine crisis | Fox News
The problem is I don't think these exercises in Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are going to be enough, sure it will show President Putin that if he decided he wanted to invade Ukraine and roll right into the border states in a bid to resurrect the Soviet Union (or his view of it) that the United States and the rest of NATO will not stand for it. More is going to need to happen, for instance a larger fleet of United States Navy ships need to show presence in the Black Sea, not just a destroyer every once in a while. The United States our NATO allies need to establish a Black Sea Fleet of their own, a 100% commitment to keeping the sea open for all nations.
Now I know their is no way we can put a aircraft carrier into the black sea but with United States Air Force and Marine Corp aviation assets operating in Europe can provide the perfect air cover, remember Turkey is part of NATO so by treaty the airfields in Turkey should be available for that option.
Now I am not a military strategist but I did spend 20 years in the United States Navy and know the effects of a battle group or task force showing up off some one's coast can have on other nations, and believe me a NATO task force backed up by fighter aircraft from shore could provide a punch that President Putin doesn't want to experience. The call the navy is used to hearing from the president is where is the aircraft carriers, however in this case I think he should be asking where are the cruisers and destroyers.
US troops arrive in Poland for exercises across Eastern Europe amid Ukraine crisis | Fox News
Official: Extensive U.S. involvement in anti-terror operation in Yemen - CNN.com
Good show of force there, I know the Yemeni government was starting to
get more worried as time went by because they do feel like they are
loosing control of their country and this new video last week was all
the proof they needed, and this time they came to the United States for
It is good when the United States stands up and assists
their allies when they are called upon. Not only was this a good show of
force against Al Qaeda it will also shows our allies in NATO that are
close to the Ukrainian crisis and worried about Russia going into
Ukraine and closer to their borders that the United States will be there
when needed.
Another good thing about this particular mission it
seems to have been planned by the Yemeni military and they asked the
United States special forces for assistance instead of a mission where
the United States basically tells the nation where the operation is
going down whether you want us to our not.
Official: Extensive U.S. involvement in anti-terror operation in Yemen - CNN.com
get more worried as time went by because they do feel like they are
loosing control of their country and this new video last week was all
the proof they needed, and this time they came to the United States for
It is good when the United States stands up and assists
their allies when they are called upon. Not only was this a good show of
force against Al Qaeda it will also shows our allies in NATO that are
close to the Ukrainian crisis and worried about Russia going into
Ukraine and closer to their borders that the United States will be there
when needed.
Another good thing about this particular mission it
seems to have been planned by the Yemeni military and they asked the
United States special forces for assistance instead of a mission where
the United States basically tells the nation where the operation is
going down whether you want us to our not.
Official: Extensive U.S. involvement in anti-terror operation in Yemen - CNN.com
Stowaway Found Alive in Jet's Wheel Well - ABC News A Different One
Now this is a different example of someone who survived climbing up to a wheel well, making it from Tahiti to Las Angles, Ca. The difference here was even though this guy made it, it took doctors a lot of work for them to save this guy, so I think age really helped this kid
Stowaway Found Alive in Jet's Wheel Well - ABC News
Stowaway Found Alive in Jet's Wheel Well - ABC News
Stowaway teen says he was trying to see mom in Somalia, official says - CNN.com
This young man is so lucky to be alive, I don't understand why some of
the news media act's like this kid is lying about what he did and how he
got there when both the San Jose airport and the Maui airport both say
they have him on recordings getting into the wheel well and getting out.
is another thing I don't understand, where are his parents? The news
media has not mentioned them except to say the teen had an argument with
them the day he climbed aboard the plane. If it was my son I would have
been there on the next available flight, and if they can afford the
tickets to get there and back then the San Jose airport should be paying
there way.
Once again I am going to be another arm chair
quarterback and say where was the airport security, not one person
reviewed those security recordings for 6 hours, actually it would have
to be over 12 hours because no one knew that boy was in that aircraft
until they found him wondering around the Maui airport. Thank God this
boy wasn't a terrorist, because that plane could have been blown up
anywhere between California and Hawaii.
Perimeter security is
going to have to re-examined at every airport in the country, because if
the San Jose was considered to be a well secure airport we are in
trouble in this country.
Stowaway teen says he was trying to see mom in Somalia, official says - CNN.com
the news media act's like this kid is lying about what he did and how he
got there when both the San Jose airport and the Maui airport both say
they have him on recordings getting into the wheel well and getting out.
is another thing I don't understand, where are his parents? The news
media has not mentioned them except to say the teen had an argument with
them the day he climbed aboard the plane. If it was my son I would have
been there on the next available flight, and if they can afford the
tickets to get there and back then the San Jose airport should be paying
there way.
Once again I am going to be another arm chair
quarterback and say where was the airport security, not one person
reviewed those security recordings for 6 hours, actually it would have
to be over 12 hours because no one knew that boy was in that aircraft
until they found him wondering around the Maui airport. Thank God this
boy wasn't a terrorist, because that plane could have been blown up
anywhere between California and Hawaii.
Perimeter security is
going to have to re-examined at every airport in the country, because if
the San Jose was considered to be a well secure airport we are in
trouble in this country.
Stowaway teen says he was trying to see mom in Somalia, official says - CNN.com
EXCLUSIVE: Russia can’t be ‘firefighter and arsonist’ in Ukraine, says U.S. – Amanpour - CNN.com Blogs
NO they can't but they are going to try, here is the current problem for the Russian's and President Putin, they started the fire and now they don't know how to put it out, they sent their GRU Agents into Ukraine hoping that they would have the same situation in Eastern Ukraine that they had in Crimea, well guess what it isn't working out the way the had hoped.
Crimea was easy for Putin to take control, once Putin had decided to take action inside Crimea it was easy for him to control who went in and who came out, most of Crimea is surrounded by water not so with Ukraine as it contains a mostly uncontrolled border that people can pretty much come and go as they please.
As an example the self appointed mayor of Slaviansk, he personally pointed out when questioned about the photographs of possible GRU and Russina military special forces soldiers in the city that when he called for help his former military buddies from all over the region crossed the border to his aide, well guess what it goes both ways.
There are plenty of other former military members from other regions who have always made it their life's work to defeat first the Soviet Union and then Russia so now there are people and groups that neither Russia, Ukraine or anyone else wants there toting weapons who would love to see both Russia and Ukraine fail and I don't think that Russia is going to put out that fire, the only thing that is going to put a stop to what is happening is a united Ukrainian people of all ethnic backgrounds standing up and voting in upcoming elections.
EXCLUSIVE: Russia can’t be ‘firefighter and arsonist’ in Ukraine, says U.S. – Amanpour - CNN.com Blogs
Crimea was easy for Putin to take control, once Putin had decided to take action inside Crimea it was easy for him to control who went in and who came out, most of Crimea is surrounded by water not so with Ukraine as it contains a mostly uncontrolled border that people can pretty much come and go as they please.
As an example the self appointed mayor of Slaviansk, he personally pointed out when questioned about the photographs of possible GRU and Russina military special forces soldiers in the city that when he called for help his former military buddies from all over the region crossed the border to his aide, well guess what it goes both ways.
There are plenty of other former military members from other regions who have always made it their life's work to defeat first the Soviet Union and then Russia so now there are people and groups that neither Russia, Ukraine or anyone else wants there toting weapons who would love to see both Russia and Ukraine fail and I don't think that Russia is going to put out that fire, the only thing that is going to put a stop to what is happening is a united Ukrainian people of all ethnic backgrounds standing up and voting in upcoming elections.
EXCLUSIVE: Russia can’t be ‘firefighter and arsonist’ in Ukraine, says U.S. – Amanpour - CNN.com Blogs
North Korea steps up activity at its nuclear site, South says - CNN.com
This is the area that deems necessary to be watched, with every ones
eyes on Ukraine and Russia right now North Korea is feeling left out of
the world spotlight, although they can not do anything to seriously to
hurt the United States or it's allies but they can cause enough problems
to cost hundreds or thousands of lives if they pull something that
makes South Korea feel threatened so it's a good time for Obama to be
visiting because North Korea is going to take it to mean President Obama
is visiting because people feel they are a threat, but let's hope they
don't pull something stupid while Obama is there.
North Korea steps up activity at its nuclear site, South says - CNN.com
eyes on Ukraine and Russia right now North Korea is feeling left out of
the world spotlight, although they can not do anything to seriously to
hurt the United States or it's allies but they can cause enough problems
to cost hundreds or thousands of lives if they pull something that
makes South Korea feel threatened so it's a good time for Obama to be
visiting because North Korea is going to take it to mean President Obama
is visiting because people feel they are a threat, but let's hope they
don't pull something stupid while Obama is there.
North Korea steps up activity at its nuclear site, South says - CNN.com
Ukraine: Photos show undercover Russian troops - CNN.com
This too will calm down, I think things are starting to get out of hand
for Putin and the others in the Russian government who are backing him. I
think there are third parties now involved that Russia wasn't planning
on and I think between the 3 or 4 main players (Ukraine, Russia, The EU,
and The United States) I think they will get things under control and
new elections will be held resulting in a buffer state between NATO and
Russia that will eventually keep all sides happy.
I don't think
that Putin is worried about any sanctions that may be placed against him
and his people but I don't think he wants a true civil war in his front
yard, he has enough problems with terrorists in his own back yard.
Ukraine: Photos show undercover Russian troops - CNN.com
for Putin and the others in the Russian government who are backing him. I
think there are third parties now involved that Russia wasn't planning
on and I think between the 3 or 4 main players (Ukraine, Russia, The EU,
and The United States) I think they will get things under control and
new elections will be held resulting in a buffer state between NATO and
Russia that will eventually keep all sides happy.
I don't think
that Putin is worried about any sanctions that may be placed against him
and his people but I don't think he wants a true civil war in his front
yard, he has enough problems with terrorists in his own back yard.
Ukraine: Photos show undercover Russian troops - CNN.com
Enemies share eternity together[1]|chinadaily.com.cn
What a awesome story, this is one that everyone in the world should read with everything that is going on in this world today. It is time for every government to look at their past and come clean with their own atrocities that they have committed to either enemies during war time or to their own people.
This was a horrible time in the history of China and Japan as well, however it is heart warming for me to see the compassion that the Chinese people in this area have for the Japanese soldiers of that time. They understood that although they where not victims is the same manner the Chinese people where during this war, all the same the Japanese people where victims of the Imperialist Government of Japan during that time. They could have buried these soldiers in an unmarked grave never to be found, but they didn't. They understood that these soldiers from Japan where men, fathers, brothers and son's of people back in their homeland.
Enemies share eternity together[1]|chinadaily.com.cn
This was a horrible time in the history of China and Japan as well, however it is heart warming for me to see the compassion that the Chinese people in this area have for the Japanese soldiers of that time. They understood that although they where not victims is the same manner the Chinese people where during this war, all the same the Japanese people where victims of the Imperialist Government of Japan during that time. They could have buried these soldiers in an unmarked grave never to be found, but they didn't. They understood that these soldiers from Japan where men, fathers, brothers and son's of people back in their homeland.
Enemies share eternity together[1]|chinadaily.com.cn
Penalty enhanced for killing, eating endangered species|Society|chinadaily.com.cn
It's good to see China and many other nations starting to jump on to the bandwagon of protecting endangered species, I know it has to be hard for the government of China and the Chinese people because this has been an important part of many people's heritage.
However I don't want to see nations going to far and just banning the consumption of wildlife just to look good for the rest of the world. Just like here in the United States there are animals that are not considered endangered that can still be hunted and consumed legally as long as the proper license's and permits are obtained, humans have been a part of the food chain for thousands of years and yes at times we have gone overboard especially in the past where the animal wasn't hunted for food but for trophy and profit.
An example of this is in the Bison in the United States, back in the late 1700's and most of the early to mid 1800's millions of wild bison (buffalo) where killed just for their pelts and the meat left to rot in the hot sun of the American Mid-West to the point the species was very close to becoming extinct. However it is legal to hunt most species of deer or antelope which has been traditional for Native Americans and early settlers. If we where not allowed to hunt them the population would explode to the point they would be considered pests.
My last comment on this new law however I think it may still be to vague, in the story it states it would be illegal if the person eating the endangered animal "knew" that the animal is endangered. In the United States ignorance is not an excuse and I think it should be the same, the reason being is just like any product if there is demand there will be supply so you have to get hard if not harder on the demand.
Penalty enhanced for killing, eating endangered species|Society|chinadaily.com.cn
However I don't want to see nations going to far and just banning the consumption of wildlife just to look good for the rest of the world. Just like here in the United States there are animals that are not considered endangered that can still be hunted and consumed legally as long as the proper license's and permits are obtained, humans have been a part of the food chain for thousands of years and yes at times we have gone overboard especially in the past where the animal wasn't hunted for food but for trophy and profit.
An example of this is in the Bison in the United States, back in the late 1700's and most of the early to mid 1800's millions of wild bison (buffalo) where killed just for their pelts and the meat left to rot in the hot sun of the American Mid-West to the point the species was very close to becoming extinct. However it is legal to hunt most species of deer or antelope which has been traditional for Native Americans and early settlers. If we where not allowed to hunt them the population would explode to the point they would be considered pests.
My last comment on this new law however I think it may still be to vague, in the story it states it would be illegal if the person eating the endangered animal "knew" that the animal is endangered. In the United States ignorance is not an excuse and I think it should be the same, the reason being is just like any product if there is demand there will be supply so you have to get hard if not harder on the demand.
Penalty enhanced for killing, eating endangered species|Society|chinadaily.com.cn
bear claws,
black bear,
endangered species,
United States
Accused former San Diego police officer expected in court today - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
Here is an example of a bad police officer who gives all the rest of the cops bad names and to make it worse is father in law is the assistant police chief of San Diego so he thought he had it made and that no woman would dare blow the whistle on him. It's too bad the max he can get is a little over 3 years because he deserves much more than that for victimizing these women and abusing the trust of the people of San Diego who pay him to protect them.
It is a shame that there are people like this guy in the world because I believe that the majority of Americans want to trust the men and women in their local police department and when someone like this comes into the light it ruins that trust, a women should feel safe in the presence of a police officer not threatened and I would be very angry if something like this happened to a woman in my family or a friend.
I just pray that in this situation the jury and judge throw the book at him, as long as the allegations are proved, so maybe another police officer who thinks he can get away with the same thing is stopped from even trying, or if there are women somewhere else in this country being abused by police officers they will gain the courage to come forward to put a stop to what is happening.
Accused former San Diego police officer expected in court today - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
It is a shame that there are people like this guy in the world because I believe that the majority of Americans want to trust the men and women in their local police department and when someone like this comes into the light it ruins that trust, a women should feel safe in the presence of a police officer not threatened and I would be very angry if something like this happened to a woman in my family or a friend.
I just pray that in this situation the jury and judge throw the book at him, as long as the allegations are proved, so maybe another police officer who thinks he can get away with the same thing is stopped from even trying, or if there are women somewhere else in this country being abused by police officers they will gain the courage to come forward to put a stop to what is happening.
Accused former San Diego police officer expected in court today - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
Monday, April 21, 2014
16-year-old survives in wheel well of Maui flight - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
Crazy, thank
God that boy survived the trip, as far as him going unnoticed when he
sneaked onto the airfield and the plane that show's you how much
attention is paid to the security screens, not just at the airport but
all over the nation, after reviewing the security recordings from the
camera's at the San Jose Airport he was seen in the footage climbing the
fence, just so happened no one was monitoring the screen. I sure am
glad it wasn't a terrorist sneaking onto the San Jose Airport, now it's
probably the safest airport in the country!!
16-year-old survives in wheel well of Maui flight - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
God that boy survived the trip, as far as him going unnoticed when he
sneaked onto the airfield and the plane that show's you how much
attention is paid to the security screens, not just at the airport but
all over the nation, after reviewing the security recordings from the
camera's at the San Jose Airport he was seen in the footage climbing the
fence, just so happened no one was monitoring the screen. I sure am
glad it wasn't a terrorist sneaking onto the San Jose Airport, now it's
probably the safest airport in the country!!
16-year-old survives in wheel well of Maui flight - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
4 questioned after death of llama spotted on college campus - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
These are four guys that need to kept an eye on for a long time, not only was this a cruel act it was evil as well. It would have been just cruel if they had shot the llama with and arrow and left it at that but no they also for some reason decided it would be fun to cut it's throat as well.
It makes me wonder, especially since psychiatric and law enforcement studies have shown that many murders and serial killers start out with their first victims as animals, this is scarey because this wasn't a squirrel, cat or dog. This was a very large animal and this could have been a practice run for something worse. It is a good thing they have been caught because with them being this careless by posting it on Facebook could possibly saved some human lives.
4 questioned after death of llama spotted on college campus - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
It makes me wonder, especially since psychiatric and law enforcement studies have shown that many murders and serial killers start out with their first victims as animals, this is scarey because this wasn't a squirrel, cat or dog. This was a very large animal and this could have been a practice run for something worse. It is a good thing they have been caught because with them being this careless by posting it on Facebook could possibly saved some human lives.
4 questioned after death of llama spotted on college campus - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
CBS 2: 5 Teens Questioned After Alleged Central Park Robbery Spree « CBS New York
What happened to the days when kids this young where still acting like
kids instead of our robbing and hurting innocent people, I just hope
that once these kids are prosecuted and sentenced they get some help and
don't become just more kids turning to adults in the prison system. All
three of them are young enough if but in the right environment can
become productive members of society.
CBS 2: 5 Teens Questioned After Alleged Central Park Robbery Spree « CBS New York
kids instead of our robbing and hurting innocent people, I just hope
that once these kids are prosecuted and sentenced they get some help and
don't become just more kids turning to adults in the prison system. All
three of them are young enough if but in the right environment can
become productive members of society.
CBS 2: 5 Teens Questioned After Alleged Central Park Robbery Spree « CBS New York
San Diego teen girl faces kidnapping charge - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
What a stupid kid, first of all, you know that 7 year old kid had to have said something when that girl got in the car and drove off so she won't be able to say she didn't know the children where in their. I'm sure she is a troubled young lady and I pray that she gets the help that she needs and not just thrown in the system and left to her own devices until the end of what ever jail time she may get, only to be released and returning again as an adult.
As for the father he absolutely deserves at least endangerment charges for leaving his children in the car, I don't know who would think that a 7 year old is old enough to be left alone in a parked vehicle or anywhere else by him/herself, let alone taking care of a 3 and 1 year old even for 1 second. You can see here there was nothing a 7 year old could do to stop even a 15 year old girl from taking them and the car, thank God it wasn't a adult sex offender who found the car unattended with them in it. I hope the mother of these kids kicked the dad's butt as soon as she got a hold of him.
San Diego teen girl faces kidnapping charge - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
As for the father he absolutely deserves at least endangerment charges for leaving his children in the car, I don't know who would think that a 7 year old is old enough to be left alone in a parked vehicle or anywhere else by him/herself, let alone taking care of a 3 and 1 year old even for 1 second. You can see here there was nothing a 7 year old could do to stop even a 15 year old girl from taking them and the car, thank God it wasn't a adult sex offender who found the car unattended with them in it. I hope the mother of these kids kicked the dad's butt as soon as she got a hold of him.
San Diego teen girl faces kidnapping charge - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Mysterious fatal shooting in eastern Ukraine adds to tension - CNN.com
I'm starting to think that Putin may soon start regretting what he has
stirred up in Ukraine, I think there are more forces at work here then
him or his cronies in Moscow had expected and I think now that shooting
has started in Eastern Ukraine he is going to realize he doesn't have
the control that he thought he had.
The first sign of that was
when the flyers first appeared stating the requirement for all Jewish
residents where going to have to register with the new government, I'm
pretty sure with what happened in the area during World War II that the
last thing Putin would want is for it to appear that forces he supports
are behind any form of Jewish persecution, and I don't think these
flyers came from the Pro-Russian demonstrators or anyone representing
the Ukrainian Government.
Now the shootings on Wednesday I do
believe where instigated by Pro-Russian protesters, who where hoping
they could have the same success that their counterparts in Crimea did,
that they would be able to peacefully take over a Ukrainian military
facility as the demonstrators in Crimea did, problem, they aren't in
Crimea and the Ukrainian soldiers they dealt with on Wednesday are
protecting their homeland.
As far as the Easter Sunday firefight,
I don't think this incident was instigated by either the Pro-Russian
group endorsed by Putin nor from the Ukrainian government, I think there
are some fringe groups who have been biding their time that have now
found the perfect opportunity to strike, quick examples would be Muslims
(est. pop 500,000) or Crimean Tartars (est. Pop 300,000) I'm not saying
the perpetrators are from these groups, I'm just saying that in an area
larger than Crimea with a more diverse population this situation could
easily backfire on Putin.
Mysterious fatal shooting in eastern Ukraine adds to tension - CNN.com
stirred up in Ukraine, I think there are more forces at work here then
him or his cronies in Moscow had expected and I think now that shooting
has started in Eastern Ukraine he is going to realize he doesn't have
the control that he thought he had.
The first sign of that was
when the flyers first appeared stating the requirement for all Jewish
residents where going to have to register with the new government, I'm
pretty sure with what happened in the area during World War II that the
last thing Putin would want is for it to appear that forces he supports
are behind any form of Jewish persecution, and I don't think these
flyers came from the Pro-Russian demonstrators or anyone representing
the Ukrainian Government.
Now the shootings on Wednesday I do
believe where instigated by Pro-Russian protesters, who where hoping
they could have the same success that their counterparts in Crimea did,
that they would be able to peacefully take over a Ukrainian military
facility as the demonstrators in Crimea did, problem, they aren't in
Crimea and the Ukrainian soldiers they dealt with on Wednesday are
protecting their homeland.
As far as the Easter Sunday firefight,
I don't think this incident was instigated by either the Pro-Russian
group endorsed by Putin nor from the Ukrainian government, I think there
are some fringe groups who have been biding their time that have now
found the perfect opportunity to strike, quick examples would be Muslims
(est. pop 500,000) or Crimean Tartars (est. Pop 300,000) I'm not saying
the perpetrators are from these groups, I'm just saying that in an area
larger than Crimea with a more diverse population this situation could
easily backfire on Putin.
Mysterious fatal shooting in eastern Ukraine adds to tension - CNN.com
Pot holiday goes mainstream in Colorado: Tens of thousands expected at festival at Denver park - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
Here you go another example of legalizing marijuana bringing money to
the economy, I'm sure more states will jump on the band wagon to
legalize marijuana just because of Colorado's example.
also has legalized marijuana however they aren't as well organized as
Colorado. In some cities of Washington there are legal battles over who
is going to be able to open the pot store in their cities and towns,
only because each town can have only so many stores supplying marijuana.
For example in Oak Harbor Washington they are only aloud to have 1
store and they of course have about 5 people who want to be the one's
operating it.
In the long run the main point is that the Colorado
should be the example for other states on how to do this properly. I
actually think that the federal government should legalize it for two
reasons, the first is that once it is legalized you won't have such a
black market for it and it will take a major money making activity away
from drug cartels across the border as well as gangs and dealers in the
United States, which of course reduce the murders related to the
trafficking of marijuana
Second the state or federal government
will not only make money as they already to with cigarettes and alcohol,
which are also drugs and they make money off of. Then you have
organized celebrations like this that will bring money into the local
Pot holiday goes mainstream in Colorado: Tens of thousands expected at festival at Denver park - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
the economy, I'm sure more states will jump on the band wagon to
legalize marijuana just because of Colorado's example.
also has legalized marijuana however they aren't as well organized as
Colorado. In some cities of Washington there are legal battles over who
is going to be able to open the pot store in their cities and towns,
only because each town can have only so many stores supplying marijuana.
For example in Oak Harbor Washington they are only aloud to have 1
store and they of course have about 5 people who want to be the one's
operating it.
In the long run the main point is that the Colorado
should be the example for other states on how to do this properly. I
actually think that the federal government should legalize it for two
reasons, the first is that once it is legalized you won't have such a
black market for it and it will take a major money making activity away
from drug cartels across the border as well as gangs and dealers in the
United States, which of course reduce the murders related to the
trafficking of marijuana
Second the state or federal government
will not only make money as they already to with cigarettes and alcohol,
which are also drugs and they make money off of. Then you have
organized celebrations like this that will bring money into the local
Pot holiday goes mainstream in Colorado: Tens of thousands expected at festival at Denver park - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
CHP: Driver in deadly crash off Interstate 8 facing murder charge - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
My prayers go out to the family of the two victims, it is so horrible that reports of DUI's, it's even worse when it becomes common to see a DUI in the news that takes a innocent victims life. In today's news there are two reports of DUI that caused death.
I honestly don't know that society can do to prevent people from driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, states continue to raise the punishments for drinking and driving to the point that when you cause the death of someone you are now faced with murder charges, yet people still take the risk and drink and drive. I guarantee you that the two drivers in the two stories today did not get up this morning and plan the murders of the taxi driver in the first story and the two 20 year olds in this story, yet the did decide to drink or do drugs and get behind the wheel of their weapon even though in the back of their mind they knew the risks involved yet shrugged it off and told themselves it won't happen to me, but it did and it does, yet people continue to do it and that is why they are charged with murder or in the case of the wrong way driver in the first story she will be. It is a shame that alcohol has such a grip on this society that good people who normally give great contributions to this world end up at the end of the day with murder charges, and the only way that this country will be able to cut down the DUI rate would be to outlaw alcohol but that would not be fair to those adults who do drink responsibly.
Yet we know outlawing alcohol would not stop everyone anyways just look back at the prohibition days of the United States, people still had access to alcohol the only difference it was in the black market just like drugs are today, then you wouldn't have just drug cartels, you would have alcohol cartels as well, killing each other over distribution.
Sorry I rambled on, just this is a very emotional subject to me, and it's frustrating that it seems there is nothing we can do to stop innocent people from dieing in alcohol related crashes.
CHP: Driver in deadly crash off Interstate 8 facing murder charge - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
Taxi driver killed in hit-and-run described as a family man - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
Seems like someone I would of liked to hang out with, so sad for his family especially his children, my prayers go out to his family and friends during this terrible time. I"m glad they got this woman on felony DUI charges especially since she first drove away from the accident and was hoping to get away because the original report says she drove away parked by the downtown jail, then was later arrested so I think she was trying to sober up before she turned her self in, in this case she still had enough alcohol in her system to be drunk.
I honestly don't know what society can do about drunk drivers, we continue to increase the punishments but people still get behind the wheel and drive. Some people out there will see this case on the news, feel sorry for the family, then will turn around and drive drunk, it just shows the terrible hold that alcohol has on this society.
Taxi driver killed in hit-and-run described as a family man - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
I honestly don't know what society can do about drunk drivers, we continue to increase the punishments but people still get behind the wheel and drive. Some people out there will see this case on the news, feel sorry for the family, then will turn around and drive drunk, it just shows the terrible hold that alcohol has on this society.
Taxi driver killed in hit-and-run described as a family man - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Saudi Arabia to build world's tallest building 1-kilometer tower - CNN.com
It is amazing what we can do with technology these days, I am not
normally scared of heights but in this case I may be a bit nervous about
going into a man made structure that is over a half mile high into the
sky, this is a very ambitious project but I know it can be done, and
done safely.
Saudi Arabia to build world's tallest building 1-kilometer tower - CNN.com
normally scared of heights but in this case I may be a bit nervous about
going into a man made structure that is over a half mile high into the
sky, this is a very ambitious project but I know it can be done, and
done safely.
Saudi Arabia to build world's tallest building 1-kilometer tower - CNN.com
Teen to government: Change your typeface, save millions - CNN.com
What a interesting and real world science project, many times when
you see middle schooler and high schooler science projects they are
usually technical and pertains to a scientist sitting in a lab and would
normally not affect the normal everyday citizen, however with the
recent government shut down and the fight for budget monies in the
government this seems like a simple and common sense approach for
government and civilian agencies to save money and help protect the
planet at the say time.
I actually I take back the
comment of his project being common sense because the majority of us I'm
sure never sat down and looked at a document we receive from a
government agency and said to our selves, wow I wonder how much money
the government spends on ink every year and how could I possibly come up
with an easy way for the government to save money by changing the way
they print out their documents. I know I never have.
the government ends up going full on with the recommendation of this
young mans project maybe a little of that money could be used as a
scholarship for him, he cold end up working for the government and
saving the taxpayers a lot of money.
Well done young
man, not only are you very intelligent you have common sense as well
which seems many people have a shortage of lately. Teen to government: Change your typeface, save millions - CNN.com
Rebecca Sedwick suicide: Police file raises questions about bullying - CNN.com
This is a very sad case, the point here is the police have dropped all
charges against the two girls accused of bullying. The two girls
admitted to past bullying but there was no evidence found about any
current bullying by them in the 7 months prior to Ms. Sedwick's death.
know there are cases where bullying by others have led to suicide by
individuals, however I do agree that right now the country is going
though bully mania, kind of back in the 80's with the McMartin preschool
molestation case, shortly after the arrests made in that case there was
a major influx of reports of molestation by staff members of other
schools where the majority of the reports turned out to be false.
not denying the bullying happened in this case and because there is no
record of online or text bullying the bullying and name calling she
wrote down may have been actual verbal bullying but no one has came
forward to report any bullying during the preceding months prior to her
death. However I think because of the major news outlets such as CNN and
Fox immediately jumping on the bullying bandwagon when reports of a
teen suicide are made public that today people are too quick to point
their fingers to bullying and I think that in itself is a tragedy
because all the other possible factors are ignored, factors that may be
just as important in preventing another teenagers death
Rebecca Sedwick suicide: Police file raises questions about bullying - CNN.com
charges against the two girls accused of bullying. The two girls
admitted to past bullying but there was no evidence found about any
current bullying by them in the 7 months prior to Ms. Sedwick's death.
know there are cases where bullying by others have led to suicide by
individuals, however I do agree that right now the country is going
though bully mania, kind of back in the 80's with the McMartin preschool
molestation case, shortly after the arrests made in that case there was
a major influx of reports of molestation by staff members of other
schools where the majority of the reports turned out to be false.
not denying the bullying happened in this case and because there is no
record of online or text bullying the bullying and name calling she
wrote down may have been actual verbal bullying but no one has came
forward to report any bullying during the preceding months prior to her
death. However I think because of the major news outlets such as CNN and
Fox immediately jumping on the bullying bandwagon when reports of a
teen suicide are made public that today people are too quick to point
their fingers to bullying and I think that in itself is a tragedy
because all the other possible factors are ignored, factors that may be
just as important in preventing another teenagers death
Rebecca Sedwick suicide: Police file raises questions about bullying - CNN.com
South Korean ferry: 13 more bodies found, many more still missing - CNN.com
One thing I don't understand is even though the third mate is being
charged even though she was the one in the wheel house, she was
following orders of the Captain and he is the only one that should be
charged. She took the course he plotted and was steering according to
the captain's standing orders.
South Koreans are known to be
honest people and I believe what the third mate is saying, and I think
once the investigation is complete they will find there was a mechanical
problem with the steering.
South Korean ferry: 13 more bodies found, many more still missing - CNN.com
charged even though she was the one in the wheel house, she was
following orders of the Captain and he is the only one that should be
charged. She took the course he plotted and was steering according to
the captain's standing orders.
South Koreans are known to be
honest people and I believe what the third mate is saying, and I think
once the investigation is complete they will find there was a mechanical
problem with the steering.
South Korean ferry: 13 more bodies found, many more still missing - CNN.com
Suspect in custody after disturbance at LA Times building - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
Another person with mental issues, this is not someone with a normal mental disposition would do, yes if this guy would have actually had a firearm with him then it would have truly been his plan to kill someone, but here he didn't actually have a firearm just a bag of bullets which means he just wanted people to think he planned on killing someone even though he never had the intention of killing anyone. He has probably been giving signs for a while that he needed help but many times family and friends will be in denial when they see a loved one starting to show signs of mental issues.
Suspect in custody after disturbance at LA Times building - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
Suspect in custody after disturbance at LA Times building - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
2 National City police officers credited with saving woman's life - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
These two police officers are hero's in my book. I know many people don't like police officers and just like in any profession you have a few bad apples that give the others a bad name. These two officers point out that they are not hero's and that distinction should go to those fighting overseas, but the way I look at it, us in the military are overseas fighting for our country but while we are there its the police officers (and firefighters) are the ones here on the home front who are willing to risk there lives as these two did to save and protect the lives and property of people they don't even know. To me the police officers (and firefighters) are the hero's here at home. I always have civilians who realize I'm retired military who thank me for my service and that's cool but if you cross paths with a police officer (or firefighter) today take the time and thank them for their service as well.
2 National City police officers credited with saving woman's life - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
2 National City police officers credited with saving woman's life - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
Friday, April 18, 2014
Former Blue Angels commander relieved of duty - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
USS Zumwalt DDG-1000/Courtesy Wikipedia |
I can't believe what is happening in our armed forces, this is probably another commanding officer that had inappropriate relationships with junior people in his command, most likely young women. I don't know what these people that are in charge are thinking now a days. In my 20 years in the navy we stood by our core values and our senior people in the command made sure they where careful about their relationships with us the junior people in their commands.
It is a totally new generation running our nations military and if this keeps up we are going to have some of the same command climates that existed during and after the Vietnam War until Admiral Zumwalt took over.
Right now this is all I am going to write about this situation because I am steaming mad and I will start ranting and rambling on, so for now I'm going to leave it where it is and calm down then I am going to write a complete piece about what is happening in our armed forces today. I served 20 years in the US Navy and have been retired right now for almost 10 years and the things I see happening right now is just upsetting, to see people in the highest level of the chain of command making bad personal and command decisions, I take that back, bad isn't even the word for what they are doing, I would have to say Stupid Decisions that these Commanders, Captains and Admirals are making. If this same situation had been going on when I was still active duty I don't know if I could have stayed in the navy for 20 years.
See what did I tell you In am already ranting and rambling, so I will stop for now, go throw up in the toilet, brush my teeth and maybe by then I can write something about this and other situations going on in the military with out a bucket load of bile rising up my throat.
Former Blue Angels commander relieved of duty - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
S. Korea ferry disaster: Fake survivor posts add to nation's anguish - CNN.com
Human beings can be so cruel, for people to fake texts saying they are
people alive on board the ship is about as evil as it can get, even if
these messages haven't been showing up on social media and it's just
false rumors being spread it is a terrible thing to do to the families.
The South Korean government don't mess around and if they find the
people responsible for these false and very misleading texts they will
pay the price.
From the times I have been to South Korea I
personally don't think these fake messages are coming from Korean
citizens, the people I met there just aren't like that, which I hate to
say is something you would expect to happen here in the United States.
thought is that these messages are coming from North Korea in a cruel
form of psychological terrorism, but if they are coming from South
Koreans or people in South Korea the government will find them and
prosecute them
S. Korea ferry disaster: Fake survivor posts add to nation's anguish - CNN.com
people alive on board the ship is about as evil as it can get, even if
these messages haven't been showing up on social media and it's just
false rumors being spread it is a terrible thing to do to the families.
The South Korean government don't mess around and if they find the
people responsible for these false and very misleading texts they will
pay the price.
From the times I have been to South Korea I
personally don't think these fake messages are coming from Korean
citizens, the people I met there just aren't like that, which I hate to
say is something you would expect to happen here in the United States.
thought is that these messages are coming from North Korea in a cruel
form of psychological terrorism, but if they are coming from South
Koreans or people in South Korea the government will find them and
prosecute them
S. Korea ferry disaster: Fake survivor posts add to nation's anguish - CNN.com
Magnitude-7.5 earthquake shakes Mexican capital - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
I pray that no one was hurt in this earthquake especially in Acapulco, I have been there and the resort section that all the tourist see looks like it will hold up to the major earthquake, however the section of the city that most tourist don't see are probably up to code, at least most of them didn't when I was there in the early 1980's, things could have been upgraded and I hope they where because they are very wonderful people living there.
I was there on board the aircraft carrier USS Constellation, CV-64 and we do in most port visits in the navy we don't hang around the tourist area but strike out to see what we can find in the rest of the city. I and a friend ended up in the hill's where that "shanty" homes are and met some of the most wonderful people, they where so nice and treated us like guests, which was cool since we found very few people that spoke English.
Magnitude-7.5 earthquake shakes Mexican capital - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
I was there on board the aircraft carrier USS Constellation, CV-64 and we do in most port visits in the navy we don't hang around the tourist area but strike out to see what we can find in the rest of the city. I and a friend ended up in the hill's where that "shanty" homes are and met some of the most wonderful people, they where so nice and treated us like guests, which was cool since we found very few people that spoke English.
Magnitude-7.5 earthquake shakes Mexican capital - 10News.com KGTV ABC10 San Diego
OPINION: Entry Ban for Russian Males Promotes Ghetto-Style Segregation in Ukraine | World | RIA Novosti
Everyone who is pro Russian and Pro Putin criticizes everything the
Ukrainian government try's to do to protect themselves and people,
however I do think this is the wrong move only because anyone coming
into Ukraine from Russia planning something subversive probably won't
use the normal border crossing and will most likely enter the country
In this case I think they should leave the border open
and not prevent people from coming and going as people have family on
both sides of the border.
OPINION: Entry Ban for Russian Males Promotes Ghetto-Style Segregation in Ukraine | World | RIA Novosti
Ukrainian government try's to do to protect themselves and people,
however I do think this is the wrong move only because anyone coming
into Ukraine from Russia planning something subversive probably won't
use the normal border crossing and will most likely enter the country
In this case I think they should leave the border open
and not prevent people from coming and going as people have family on
both sides of the border.
OPINION: Entry Ban for Russian Males Promotes Ghetto-Style Segregation in Ukraine | World | RIA Novosti
Journalists charged over human trafficking report are released on bail - CNN.com
All you have to do is look at Thailand's ranking on the Reporters
Without Borders ranking, 150 out of 180 so as you can see they are not a
true free country when it comes to the press. I can't believe that
Reuters is trying to distance itself from Chutima and make a it a point
to let the reading public know that she had nothing to do with them
winning the Pulitzer Prize, who cares if she made appointments or made
your beds she is a part of your team and Reuters should be there helping
the two of them.
Now that it is in the international press I'm
sure the Thai navy will back off, they are kind of like Malaysia they
have free press as long as it isn't criticizing any branch of the
In many ways Thailand is a free country, for example
recent demonstrations and sit ins to get rid of the current Prime
Minister, although nations such as the United States, United Kingdom,
Canada and Australia for example would never get away with using the
force the government of Thailand has at times.
The ;main thing is I
think this won't go any farther and if the Thai Navy believes they been
wronged then they should take them to civil court and not criminal
Journalists charged over human trafficking report are released on bail - CNN.com
Thursday, April 17, 2014
South Korean ferry now completely underwater - CNN.com
Another disaster caused by human negligence, I'm praying for the safe
recovery of the children, although I know time is running out. Just like
the sinking of the Italian cruise ship I don't understand why these
people are given the responsibility of all these people but when it
comes down to the abandon their posts, this captain will end in prison
for a long time, but I put my prayers go out to him as well, this must
rest heavily on his soul
South Korean ferry now completely underwater - CNN.com
recovery of the children, although I know time is running out. Just like
the sinking of the Italian cruise ship I don't understand why these
people are given the responsibility of all these people but when it
comes down to the abandon their posts, this captain will end in prison
for a long time, but I put my prayers go out to him as well, this must
rest heavily on his soul
South Korean ferry now completely underwater - CNN.com
NASA's Kepler Discovers First Earth-Size Planet In The 'Habitable Zone' of Another Star | NASA
What a interesting find, it is amazing that the last few hundred years us earthlings have gone from believing we where the center of the universe, then thinking we where the only solar system to suddenly we are finding planets similar to ours. Sometimes I am happy that our technology is not any more advanced then it already is because I don't think earthlings would be prepared for "people" of other planets showing up at our doorstep.
People say that chances are if we find other planets with life it will probably be composed of simple life forms, but to me that is like astronomers a few hundred years ago thinking we where the center of the universe, so the chances are just as good that if we discover life on another planet that they will be more advanced than us.
NASA's Kepler Discovers First Earth-Size Planet In The 'Habitable Zone' of Another Star | NASA
People say that chances are if we find other planets with life it will probably be composed of simple life forms, but to me that is like astronomers a few hundred years ago thinking we where the center of the universe, so the chances are just as good that if we discover life on another planet that they will be more advanced than us.
NASA's Kepler Discovers First Earth-Size Planet In The 'Habitable Zone' of Another Star | NASA
Life inside the densest place on earth: Photos of Kowloon Walled City - CNN.com
I was in Hong Kong in 1986 and 1992 and though I personally never walked
through the Walled City, it stood out among the rest of Hong Kong and
seemed to call to you, but if I remember right this place was off limits
to US Military personal.
As this article points out most of society don't realize what they have until they tear it down, and in a place like Hong Kong land is at a premium so I don't think anything would have saved the walled city itself, but if they would thought about it at the time parts of the city could have been saved as a museum. Its just lucky for the rest of us there are people like Mr. Girard and Mr. Tan who recognize the significance of places like this and use their cameras to record pieces of history such as the Walled City
Life inside the densest place on earth: Photos of Kowloon Walled City - CNN.com
through the Walled City, it stood out among the rest of Hong Kong and
seemed to call to you, but if I remember right this place was off limits
to US Military personal.
As this article points out most of society don't realize what they have until they tear it down, and in a place like Hong Kong land is at a premium so I don't think anything would have saved the walled city itself, but if they would thought about it at the time parts of the city could have been saved as a museum. Its just lucky for the rest of us there are people like Mr. Girard and Mr. Tan who recognize the significance of places like this and use their cameras to record pieces of history such as the Walled City
Life inside the densest place on earth: Photos of Kowloon Walled City - CNN.com
Americans wary of futuristic science, tech - CNN.com
I to am wary of what science and tech will come up in the near and
distant future but for me it comes down how people use the technology. I
think driverless cars would be awesome, mainly because I think it would
drastically cut down on the number of traffic accidents.
not the technology itself that I am actually wary about, it's how humans
will use future technology, since the government always tends to find
ways to use new technology for fighting wars. Could you imagine time
travel in the hands of the military? One mistake and the whole history
and future of the human race could be changed and for that matter
There are many things that will be invented that will
be used for the good of the human race, such as transplanting organs,
but then people talk about implanting the equivalent of Google glasses
type computers in the human brain. You think it's scary how they can
track you with your cell phone and people would be willing to implant
computer chips into your brain. That will be a true police state.
Americans wary of futuristic science, tech - CNN.com
distant future but for me it comes down how people use the technology. I
think driverless cars would be awesome, mainly because I think it would
drastically cut down on the number of traffic accidents.
not the technology itself that I am actually wary about, it's how humans
will use future technology, since the government always tends to find
ways to use new technology for fighting wars. Could you imagine time
travel in the hands of the military? One mistake and the whole history
and future of the human race could be changed and for that matter
There are many things that will be invented that will
be used for the good of the human race, such as transplanting organs,
but then people talk about implanting the equivalent of Google glasses
type computers in the human brain. You think it's scary how they can
track you with your cell phone and people would be willing to implant
computer chips into your brain. That will be a true police state.
Americans wary of futuristic science, tech - CNN.com
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Is your home's energy meter spying on you? | Fox News
This again comes down to the only people who should be worried about
something like this is anyone who has something to hide, if federal or
local law enforcement think that I'm that important that they need to
subpena my energy usage more power to them, my biggest worry would be
that someone who works for the power company running some kind of
burglary ring or something using the information to find out when I'm
away from home or not, as I have no doubt that each and every electronic
equipment you have in your home has it's own energy usage footprint, so
as someone would be able to tell if you are home because your
television is on or off
Is your home's energy meter spying on you? | Fox News
something like this is anyone who has something to hide, if federal or
local law enforcement think that I'm that important that they need to
subpena my energy usage more power to them, my biggest worry would be
that someone who works for the power company running some kind of
burglary ring or something using the information to find out when I'm
away from home or not, as I have no doubt that each and every electronic
equipment you have in your home has it's own energy usage footprint, so
as someone would be able to tell if you are home because your
television is on or off
Is your home's energy meter spying on you? | Fox News
UPDATE: Hue City to Return to Mayport Following Fire
I remember how scary a fire out at sea could be and I had been in a couple of bad ones during my time in the United States Navy, the worse being on board the USS Constellation, CV-64 back in 1986 off the coast of San Diego, Ca
UPDATE: Hue City to Return to Mayport Following Fire
UPDATE: Hue City to Return to Mayport Following Fire
Airplane Has Trouble Landing at Lindbergh Field | NBC 7 San Diego
Thank God the crew was able to troubleshoot the problem and if they
didn't get it fixed at least they where able to land safely, in most
circumstance crews of US airlines are normally able to troubleshoot and
fix any inflight problems they may have and in the cases where they
aren't able to fix the problem they are so well trained they can
normally make a safe emergency landing when it is required. I'm sure the
people where probably more nervous then they normally would be just
because of the recent Malaysian airlines situation, so in this case I
would have to praise the crew and passengers.
Airplane Has Trouble Landing at Lindbergh Field | NBC 7 San Diego
didn't get it fixed at least they where able to land safely, in most
circumstance crews of US airlines are normally able to troubleshoot and
fix any inflight problems they may have and in the cases where they
aren't able to fix the problem they are so well trained they can
normally make a safe emergency landing when it is required. I'm sure the
people where probably more nervous then they normally would be just
because of the recent Malaysian airlines situation, so in this case I
would have to praise the crew and passengers.
Airplane Has Trouble Landing at Lindbergh Field | NBC 7 San Diego
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