Wednesday, November 27, 2013

10News - Is your smartphone outsmarting you? Operating systems bury ad and tracking settings - - News

The fact that cell phone companies can do this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, most of the programs these companies use to track you, keep track of things you do and things you like where originally developed by or for the United States government, for example GPS was developed by and for the military. No matter how democratic and free the country is that you live in, the majority of people who work for the your country's government whether it is the military or the president, prime minister or king/queen they want nothing more than to know what every citizen is doing and thinking, why?

Governments want to know what each and everyone of us is doing because THEY want to feel safe and secure. Yes NSA is going to tell us it's because they want to keep us safe from terror attacks and crime and they may be using some of that technology for that purpose, but in the process the true reason is even the United States government don't trust the average citizen, and though there have been few plots to over throw the US government from with in (and there has been), the biggest thing our government fears is a coup attempt, because there are people in this country from the top to the regular citizen who would love nothing more than to over throw this government, but you know what at least we live in a country where we know about some of it, and its not just because of Edward Snowden, it's because we live in a country where although not perfect, there is transparency. Without transparency we wouldn't even have GPS available to us and would be living in "blissful ignorance".

10News - Is your smartphone outsmarting you? Operating systems bury ad and tracking settings - - News

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