Friday, January 31, 2014

Lunch taken away from students at Utah elementary school -

 Someone in this school needs to lose their job, if it can't be placed on
one particular person then the principal of this school needs to loose
his/her job. If someone ever did that to my child because of a mistake I
made I would sue the school district. Other children are watching and
can be very cruel to other children who are embarrassed or "disciplined" in public and this could hurt these children in the long run!!

Lunch taken away from students at Utah elementary school -

Deputy, a 'good man,' killed in Utah trying to aid a 'disabled' car -

First I want to send my prayers to Sgt. Wride's family and friends. 
Anyone who spends 19 years of his life risking his life every single day
he went to work so that he could help and protect others had to have
been a really good guy. In my book he is a hero.  Second I send my
prayers to the families of the wounded officers and I hope they have a
full recovery and will return to the occupation they freely chose, they
too are hero's in my book!

Deputy, a 'good man,' killed in Utah trying to aid a 'disabled' car -

Man dies after firefighters won't cross street to help, daughter says -

 So two employee's who where in the station "working" are suspended with
pay??? So  basically they where put on paid vacation so they won't be at
said station to answer reporter's questions. Someone needs to loose
their job and I believe that said person should also face manslaughter
or at the very least negligent homicide charges, a man died

Man dies after firefighters won't cross street to help, daughter says -

Panama releases crew of North Korean ship -

 It's good Panama released most of the crew, they are just working stiffs
trying to make money to take care of their families and most don't care
what the ship they are working is carrying as long as they get paid
when they get too their destination. The Captain and any first officers
are responsible for the ship and the cargo that they carry, so they
will  be punished as was the North Korean Government, and since North
Korea want their ships to still be able too use the Panama Canal so they
will pay the $666.666.

That fine for North Korea and Cuba is
worth it, since I'm sure other North Korea flagged vessels have passed
through the canal since this one was seized,  carrying other weapons,
some probably more up to date then the 1960's era migs

Panama releases crew of North Korean ship -

10News - Police say woman attacked by man with Taser is escort: Brendan Mathis linked to similar case - - News

Who cares if the victims involved here are escorts, they are victims and this guy is not new at what he is doing, and it may be as you read what was in his duffel bag he may have been moving to serial killer.  Most times when you hear about the items in a suspected rapist's rape kit it doesn't include a axe, that is absolutely scarey and if this guy Brendan Mathis has never killed I think he was getting very close to killing his first.

10News - Police say woman attacked by man with Taser is escort: Brendan Mathis linked to similar case - - News

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

10News - U.S. Customs and Border Protection drone goes down off Point Loma - - News

 This is why unmanned drones are a good idea, first and foremost if their is a malfunction no human life is lost, the unmanned drones can stay in the air longer than manned aircraft, are smaller than man aircraft so harder for the smuggler to spot.  I know people are paranoid over drones flying over their backyards but you know what if you have nothing to hide why worry. It's those that are worried about being found out that complain about their privacy and drones.

10News - U.S. Customs and Border Protection drone goes down off Point Loma - - News

10News - Obama vows to flex presidential powers in speech - - US/World News

Honestly I do not care for President Obama
although at times I think he has good ideas, he just doesn't have the
respect of the congress, his own party and the American people to carry
it out fully and I don't think he will be able to, because as soon as he
tries to sidestep congress there will be a fight and everything he
try's will be caught up in red tape, his term as President just needs to
end and someone new needs to come into officer.

The problem is
even then things won't change, this country needs to go back to it's
roots, you shouldn't have to be a millionaire to run for president. It
was meant for the average American to become involved and be elected
president of this country without having to have 5 million dollars in
your bank account to run for officer.

10News - Obama vows to flex presidential powers in speech - - US/World News

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

10News - 2 teens arrested in connection with skateboard attack in Spring Valley - - News

What is happening in our country today is so horrible, how can people, especially young people like this have no respect for the miracle of human life.  Where has this come from and what can we do about it, I know murder has been a part of society from the day that Cain killed Able and maybe the fact that the world has become "smaller' because of the media and the internet because as a kid growing up in the 70's you heard about murder in on the news in your immediate area.

Today because of mass media, the internet and social media we hear about a murder that happened clear across the country, so maybe that makes it seem like there are more murders than in the past, but I may be wrong, because I believe people today (not all people) have less or no respect for human life, I could never imagine even getting the thought in my head about taking someones life, unless in defense of myself, my wife or my son.

I am a firm believer in the death penalty, however if it is used it must be 100% positive that the defendant committed the crime, with DNA or a eye witness that is totally confident and believable or security cameras that record the deed.

Although I support the death penalty, and believe that it does keep the murder rate lower than it would be, it does not work completely as a deterrent obviously in every case. The only true way to bring respect back in this nation for human life is to bring God back into this country and stop persecuting those who try to preach and live the gospel. I know people will probably scoff at me, write rude comments for my opinion on this, but I am standing up for my belief that we must give this great nation of The United States of America back to God as the founding fathers intended or this country will some day cease to be.

My prayers go out to the family of the victim and for the suspects, and most of all to our nation, God Bless the USA  

10News - 2 teens arrested in connection with skateboard attack in Spring Valley - - News

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Syria: Photos charging mass torture by regime 'fake' -

Come on if the Syrian leadership doesn't think that the rest of the
world isn't aware that the al-Assad regime and military are made of a
bunch of murderers and state terrorists than they are stupid, Hello they
gassed a wide area populated by civilians. children and babies who died
from that poison and they expect us to believe that they don't perform
torture than they need to be shot right now.

However we are not
stupid and also know that the various rebel groups fighting the Syrian
government also use terror tactics, murder and torture so both sides are
guilty and that is what is going to be sad about what is going to
happen to they Syrian people because they will eventually win this civil
war but then when it comes time to install a new government by election
they are going to choose from people who are evil, horrible and bad. 
Not very good odds Huh?

Syria: Photos charging mass torture by regime 'fake' -

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Mug shots: Meth takes frightening toll on addicts | WMUR Home - Health

 I tell you what if you are using meth, take a look at these pictures and know if you don't stop this is what is happening to you and it's going to get worse.  If your thinking about doing meth, stay away because you don't want this to be you.

There is another thing that this slide show don't explain, how meth also changes the chemistry of your brain, people become violent, paranoid  and forgetful when using meth, not to mention it ages your brain more than it ages your body, the brain is a very sensitive organ.

Forgetful, on meth because it does age your brain so fast you will begin to forget things of your past, good memories you may have had from your childhood will no longer be there. Then  recent memory will go, things you did a month, week, day or even minutes ago will not be retained and you won't even know that you did things or something was done to you.

What about your  internal  organs such as your heart, kidneys and lungs begin to age, often leading to heart failure and stroke and then if your smoking it, the fact that it burns your lungs far worse than a cigarette ever will.

I've never done crystal-meth but I lived in San Diego and the surrounding cities for over 30 years so I've seen the results and what it did and is doing to people I know, I am also an intern drug and alcohol intern and I've seen the near end results (meaning death as the end result)

So please do yourself a favor, if your using get help and quit, if your thinking of using meth or have been offered, for that matter if your even offered in the future just say no!!!!

Mug shots: Meth takes frightening toll on addicts | WMUR Home - Health

Friday, January 17, 2014

Supreme Court to decide fate of warrantless cellphone searches | Al Jazeera America

 This is a very controversial subject but it shouldn't be that hard to decide, the police should not be able to search your cell phone if you are arrested, so many people have every part of their life on those phones and not just theirs as they may have the info about other family members and friends on the phone.

The thing about this is the fact that if the police want to search the phone then they need to get another warrant to search the information on the phone which if they have the person already in custody I'm sure a judge will give them a warrant.

The problem here is there is a difference between having someone in custody and placing someone under arrest. Yes the supreme court has ruled that if they have someone in custody the police officer can search pockets, bags and their car mainly for the reason to protect the officers and to see if the suspect involved has anything linking them to the immediate situation such as an armed robbery on their person, car or bags.

The problem with searching a cell phone without a warrant is the police officer will have access to information that has nothing to do with a crime they may be currently investigating and things the police officer has no right to see.

Supreme Court to decide fate of warrantless cellphone searches | Al Jazeera America

Children of executed inmate plan to sue over use of never-tried drug | Al Jazeera America

Give me a break, the family of this murderer is going to sue the state of Ohio because he supposedly suffered when he died, did the family of the young pregnant lady sue the murderers family when he killed her???  I'm quite sure her and her unborn baby suffered horribly when the knife was pushed into her body.

This dirt bag basically went to sleep and I'm sure had no conscious thought when he started having having air hunger, to me it seems the family of this monster is just greed and are now trying to gain something for themselves out of their fathers death and they should be disgusted by there own actions.

Children of executed inmate plan to sue over use of never-tried drug | Al Jazeera America

Why birds fly in a V-formation | Seattle

I love it when studies like this are published in newspapers for the public to read, this was a very interesting one and I'm glad it was published here  because I learned something new and  I love it when I learn something new

Why birds fly in a V-formation | Seattle

Threats made on Granite Falls school leads to arrest | Seattle

What a good job on tracing this guy down, I'm glad that when things like this is discovered that the authorities are taking the threats seriously, the thing is you never know if the person making the threats are serious and that they aren't laying low, stocking up weapons and getting ready to strike!! The actions of Snohomish County Sheriff's Office and Granite Falls Police Department may have saved lives by getting this kid before he carried out his threats.

Yes this guy may never have done what he wrote to the school, it may have been just a kid blowing off stress but in the process he scared a lot of people and cost a lot of money when it comes to law enforcement expenses in protecting the school, students and staff as well as the cost to track him down.

Threats made on Granite Falls school leads to arrest | Seattle

Pierce Co. 'Doomsday Prepper' arrested for possessing guns | Seattle

Thank God we probably won't see a doomsday scenario in our lifetimes but if we did this guy is the type of person you have to protect yourself against.

He wasn't very smart by appearing on the reality show and describing his plans, which begs the question what happens when the doomsday scenario never happens and there stands him and his family who have been practicing robbing other houses, they are probably going to get bored and start robbing anyways. This guy needs to be locked up away from his family.

Oh yeah not to mention he's a registered sex offender so I'm sure if there was a doomsday he would be doing more than robbing homes women and children would have to protect themselves against him and his family as well.  

Pierce Co. 'Doomsday Prepper' arrested for possessing guns | Seattle

State blasts feds’ response to Hanford leak | Seattle

 So this place has a little leak, come on people the whole Hanford  facility is a danger to the Columbia River and the whole area.  From what I understand this place is the most contaminated spot in the United States.

Another thing what do you think is going to happen by suing the United States Department of Energy. They are the federal government and all they will do is either ignore the court, win in court or throw some money at the state and the state will forget about it. Honestly I don't think there is anyone involved in what goes on at the Hanford sight knows what to do about any of the nuclear waste stored there.

State blasts feds’ response to Hanford leak | Seattle

10News - Retired law enforcement officer criticizes San Diego police for shooting after pursuit - - News

 I agree with this retired officer, unless this guy was standing there shooting throughout the neighborhood the primary response should have been from the lead pursuing car.  They department is very lucky that innocent bystanders or other officers weren't hit by friendly fire.  I think someone should do a complete investigation on the scene to include locating where every bullet ended up. I would like to know if any rounds struck buildings or vehicles in the area and how much they actually put the public in danger.

I understand the adrenalin gets flowing in situations like this, and the officers are concerned with the safety of the public and other officers but someone needed to be in control of this situation. By the way it is explained in the story it seems that at one point other officers may have been in the crossfire and I'm just going to say everyone involved is lucky no innocent bystanders where hit by stray rounds. I believe this is an isolated incident and normally the situation would be under control by a senior officer on the scene I just think this is one of the rare situations that get out of hand.

Another thing I do believe that this many officers firing at one man in a car is to much and the car in the lead and the officer or officers who where in that vehicle should have been the only one's firing their weapons unless  they requested assistance then the assisting officers should have attempted to move up to the lead cars position to assist. Instead it seems like every officer that responded to the chase also ended up being in the shoot out and this is probably the reason the suspect did not survive the shooting, many times when as few as officers as possible return fire they can disable the shooter and the shooter will end up going to trial.

10News - Retired law enforcement officer criticizes San Diego police for shooting after pursuit - - News

10News - Internal probe launched after deputy's curse-filled outburst caught on video - - News

OK I understand the deputies concerns about the light being shined on him, pretty much spotlighting him when there is a armed suspect on the loose, however there is no reason for that same deputy to talk to the photographer in the manner he did. I'm sure that Mr. Playford would have understood if the officer had explained to him calmly about his concerns and Mr. Playford I hope would have understood but when the officer stepped on his foot and started cursing at him I'm sure Mr. Playford said "hey this is wrong the way this deputy is acting and I'm going to get it on camera."

Then there is the other problem, the deputy then started cursing at the woman in the car, what is the excuse for that, I'm sure she wasn't shining a light on the officer at the time. It seems to me that this deputy believes that is the proper way to deal with the public. I think he needs to go through some type of training on how to deal with the public.

10News - Internal probe launched after deputy's curse-filled outburst caught on video - - News

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Police departments consider whether to allow off-duty officers to work security at pot shops | Seattle

What? So if you are a police officer you have to get your supervisors permission to get a second job, what happened to the freedom that we are accorded in this country. I can understand the police departments just as the military does, make it against policy for an officer to smoke marijuana while off duty, as a police officer or member of the military you have to be top notch and receive respect from the community and I believe even if marijuana is legal police officers and members of the military would loose the trust of the public if they where to consume marijuana whether they are off duty.

Now working at a "pot shop" I don't think hurts anything and won't hurt the reputation of the department, I think it is bull that a officer has to get permission first to work another job and second get approval of where they get that job.  If the person is a police officer I think he/she can make the judgement whether the second job will interfere with their primary duty as a police officer.   

Police departments consider whether to allow off-duty officers to work security at pot shops | Seattle

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Vigil held for Kirkland mother who was found strangled | Seattle

 How awful this whole situation is, shows you that a protection order is basically a worthless piece of paper if the person who its against doesn't respect it, they truly need to come up with a new way to protect people who are truly in danger.

Vigil held for Kirkland mother who was found strangled | Seattle

10News - Driver accused in suspected DUI crash that killed 3 pleads not guilty - - News

 First my prayers go out to the families of all the victims.  This is such a sad situation all the way around and every one looses. However no matter how much this guy hurts when you get in a vehicle and DECIDE to drive you make the decision to put other peoples lives in your hands and in this case people died no differently than if he had made the decision to pick up a gun and shoot them. People need to learn you can't drink and drive

10News - Driver accused in suspected DUI crash that killed 3 pleads not guilty - - News

On The Go

Hello my friends and readers (if I have any readers) I have good news for all of you, I have finally downloaded blogger for android  which means you can and will hear more from me on my blog.

Now I can post my thoughts any time I feel the urge. Currently I am walking along the side of the road  (watching for traffic of course, don't want ti become a statistic).

So thats all for now, I just wanted to pass on the good news (warn you?) so please if I do have readers please leave a comment even if it is just to say hi I'm from...... My wife says I'm wasting time on this blig please proove her wrong and post a comment.


10News - Egg farm worker exposed in Team 10 investigation could face charges - - News

This was a terrible thing to happen to these chickens but in no way should the worker face charges, I'm sure he was ordered to kill these chickens by the supervisors of this company and the way this guy went after the hens I am sure is a company accepted method so if there are charges they should be filed against the company. Not to mention these are chickens, workers in other  companies kill chickens every day so the American public can eat them.

I never understand some of these animal activists they complain about how the animals that humans kill everyday to feed the population of the world, what are they going to do start charging all these workers for killing and butchering the animals the American public want on their dinner plate? 

10News - Egg farm worker exposed in Team 10 investigation could face charges - - News

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

10News - At least 3 people, including pregnant woman, hurt in 3-vehicle crash in Mission Valley - - News

Here it is the daily alcohol related crash, I know I write this every time and I'm getting tired of writing it, "when will people learn you can't consume alcohol then drive a vehicle. It seems no matter what society makes the punishment for drinking and driving people are still willing to risk their lives and the lives of others by drinking and driving. Some people say we should increase the penalty for drinking and driving that it would stop this problem and I agree the penalty should be tougher but I'm afraid that even if we made the penalty death alcohol has such a grip on the human race that people would risk it, I mean the do anyways every time they get behind the wheel after drinking.

10News - At least 3 people, including pregnant woman, hurt in 3-vehicle crash in Mission Valley - - News

Sunday, January 12, 2014

MV Cape Ray (T-AKR-9679) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

 Here is the Wikipedia entry for the USNS Cape Ray (USNS stands for United States Navy Ship)

MV Cape Ray (T-AKR-9679) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Look at the Massive Ship Will Destroy Syria’s Chemical Weapons

I think disposing of the chemical weapons at sea is a very good idea for a number of reasons, first of course is the safety doing it at sea will provide and even though the US Navy already has a good plan in case there is a spill of some kind, just doing at sea has a major safety benefit in the fact  if there is a inadvertent release if the ship was to be in the India Ocean, which is the most likely place, the ship will be so far from shore that it would be totally impossible to affect populated areas.

A second benefit of doing it out at sea is security, if any terrorist group has plans to try and steal the weapons it will be impossible out at sea. I promise you the US Navy will have this disposal ship surrounded by warships fully armed and ready to fight any threat that would develop out at sea.

Now the only thing is the United States needs to ensure full transparency in the destruction of these weapons, there can never be any thought in the collective minds of the world that the United States isn't keeping or hiding any of the chemical weapons, that every ounce of the chemicals are being destroyed.

I just pray that this will be the last the world ever has to deal with chemical weapons, however I am afraid that as long as their are leaders in this world who cares for their own place of power and willing to use any method possible to keep themselves in power we will always be dealing with weapons of mass destruction.   

A Look at the Massive Ship Will Destroy Syria’s Chemical Weapons: To neutralize the most dangerous chemicals stockpiled by Syria in a weapons program that brought global attention to a violent civil war, the international community will rely on a massive ship currently docked in Portsmouth, Va.: the MV (motor vessel) Cape Ray, a transport and...

M6.4 - 57km N of Hatillo, Puerto Rico 2014-01-13 04:01:04 UTC

So there was a 6.4 earthquake near Puerto Rico today and the funny thing is this earthquake shows me how much people really pay attention to what is going on in the world today, even though because of mass media, social media and the news media people say the world is getting smaller.

The reason I say it's funny is because on social media I keep hearing people comment on how rare an earthquake like this is in this region, it seems people either forget easily or they don't know their geography let alone their geology.  This is actually a very seismic active zone of the world, it was only 4 years ago to the day that a major 7.0 earthquake destroyed Haiti, there was another earthquake (3.1)  right on the beach in Puerto Rico earlier today almost directly along a line from this one.

There was also a 5.0 earthquake off the coast of Cuba on January 9th, I think that in some ways all the "mass", as in so much information that is constantly passing in front of our eyes and through our brain every minute of every waking hour that we miss things mainly because what does catch our eyes today are the things catastrophic and that is what we remember.

M6.4 - 57km N of Hatillo, Puerto Rico 2014-01-13 04:01:04 UTC

Canada teen convicted of 'sexting' photos of boyfriend's ex -

Ah, this one is for the books at least in Canada, here is the deal can a child be found guilty of distributing child pornography? As far as I know, no case like this has hit the courts in the United States, however it is coming and it's going to have to be decided in this country what to do. Everyday in the country and probably almost every "western" nation a teen is probably texting, e-mailing, or posting inappropriate pictures of another teen and eventually a case will hit the courts here and we as the public are going to have to let our views be know what kind of charges said teen will face.

I will find it hard to agree with a child pornography conviction against a teen, a conviction that will require that teen to register as a sex offender for the rest of his/her life. There is only one way I would agree to a conviction of child pornography in a case like this, and that would be if prosecutors can prove that the photos where being texted, posted or e-mailed to someone who is expecting the pictures in order to get sexual gratification from those photos, for instance the teen sends the pictures to a pornographic web page.

I believe what the courts will come up with in this country, because we are also currently trying to figure out how to deal with bullying in the courts, will end up prosecuting cases such as this under some type of bullying laws as I just can't see a 14 or 15 year old be charged as a sexual predator for sending out these pictures especially since normally the purpose of sending or posting these pictures is usually to hurt the feelings or embarrass the person that is in those photos

Canada teen convicted of 'sexting' photos of boyfriend's ex -

Boy whose premature aging inspired film dies | Seattle

 My prayers go out to this young man's family an friends, he was such a brave soul to stand in front of his world and tell all of us, "don't feel sorry for me" I'm taking my life the way it was dealt me and make the best of it.

I look at Mr. Berns and I will never  feel sorry for myself again, he went about his life like he was going to live to be 99, he could have sat there as a teenager saying why should I go on when I know I probably won't see my 20's but he didn't, he made plans for a long life including preparing to go to college, if I had ever met him I would have told him he was my hero. I will remember him for the rest of my life and I never did meet him and I believe because of Mr. Berns and his strength someday they will find a cure of this disease in his name.

Boy whose premature aging inspired film dies | Seattle

10News - 'Hunt the black rhino to save the black rhino' - Lifestyle Story

Here is the deal people, the government of Namibia is one of the few African nations that take wild life protection seriously, and they have said the Black Rhino that is going to be allowed to be hunted would be one they where going to cull from the herd anyways so I don't see what the big deal is.  If they where auctioning for someone to go out in the wild and just pick a rhino to shoot I wouldn't agree with it but again this is a rhino the government of Namibia was going to put down anyways, and for a small nation like Namibia who has a limited budget this money from the auction will go a long way into helping the younger and stronger rhino's thrive and continue to reproduce.  Some people are just bleeding hearts which is fine because their are causes my heart bleeds over but before you bleed to death know the facts about what your bleeding for.

10News - 'Hunt the black rhino to save the black rhino' - Lifestyle Story

10News - 3 dead, 5 injured after crash on Interstate 805 transition ramp to SR-52 - - News

Its time to do something, drinking and driving is a decision, just as much as someone decides to pick up a gun or a knife. To many innocent people are dieing in what society calls and accident and they say the human race is suppose to be intelligent, if we are so intelligent why does this keep happening and the only way I can see putting a dent into this problem is increasing the punishment if you drink and drive, although I hate to say because of how alcohol effects some people you could make the punishment the death penalty and some people would still drink and drive. 

10News - 3 dead, 5 injured after crash on Interstate 805 transition ramp to SR-52 - - News

Saturday, January 11, 2014

CDC: Americans drinking more, telling doctors less - - The News for South Mississippi

So I have a question, does the fact that America has an alcohol problem surprise people? It doesn't surprise me because although I haven't had a drop of alcohol since October 30, 1998 I am an alcoholic and not ashamed to admit it and I probably should have quit drinking before then. Although it's been 16 years since I quit drinking I feel in my mind and body that I still suffer from side effects from the many years I did consume alcohol.

So why didn't I quit sooner? Well there is a couple of reasons, first of all back when I first had my first drink, oh so many years ago in the early 1980's the educational material on the effects of alcohol weren't readily available, not to say the effects weren't known it's just back then their was a conspiracy over alcohol just as there was over tobacco use in the 1970's.

You have to understand the revenue that the federal, state and local governments make from the sale of tobacco and alcohol sales, and it's not in the million of dollars but most likely in the billions so of course the various branches of government don't want to loose money from their biggest money maker therefore much of the health information was held back from the public, at least until the advent of the whistle blower.

Yet I can't blame it on the government, that would be the easy way out, I can say that back then, early in my drinking career I knew deep down that something was wrong, but it goes back to the acceptability of alcohol use and my pride.

Pride, I point at my pride for why I drank as long as I did and why today only 1 in 6 of adults who abuse alcohol discuss their alcohol consumption with their doctors or anyone else in their lives for that matter.

In this country, even though I think alcohol is the most dangerous drug their is, alcohol has always been a part of peoples social life right to the founding of this nation.  When the Europeans began exploring and moving to America they had to bring the concept of business with them, yes Native American's had their form of trade but true capitalism had to be brought to this country and there where a few vital businesses that where the first to spring up in this country.

Examples would be of course the mortician, doctor,  Inn's, livery keepers, blacksmiths and of course the pub. Second to church the pub was the social outlet for colonists, its where decisions where made, partnerships where formed, farms where bought and sold and yes wars where planned.

The social acceptance of alcohol has been something pumped into us all since we where children, most of our parents used alcohol and to me as a child it seemed they where having fun, television commercials constantly telling our young minds that drinking makes your life better, gets you the most handsome husband and the best job.

I honestly remember as a teenager day dreaming one particular day dream. That was me as an adult driving a mustang down the highway, smoking a Marlboro and drinking a bottle Lowenbrau beer. Why Lowenbrau? honestly I don't know, my only guess is that must have been the beer commercial that made the greatest impression on me when I was young because my step father drank Budweiser and my mom drank Coors

So what happened to me when my mind and body started talking to me, oh probably around 1995 (remember I didn't quit drinking until 1998)?  I was ashamed, when I should have been more worried about how much alcohol I was consuming I was more worried about what other people would think of me, that they may think I was weak if I admitted I was concerned (worried?) about my alcohol use (abuse?).

Pride is what it boiled down to for me, and I think its the same for most adults, I think they are embarrassed by the thought of admitting to their doctor or someone else that they may have a problem with alcohol, and I think it is pride that keeps so many of us listening to our bodies and minds when they have had enough.

The human body is smart, it knows when it is in trouble and I think there is a point when you know that alcohol has become a problem and you could actually quit with out experiencing withdraw, quit without putting your life at risk but I believe that window is a small one and I thank God I listened and took advantage of that window instead of letting my pride continue to get in my way.   

CDC: Americans drinking more, telling doctors less - - The News for South Mississippi

Suspect accused of killing MS officer, convicted of threatening - - The News for South Mississippi

The comment below is so sad, in truth the whole story is sad and my prayers go out to the family of the Officer Stauffer's widow and the rest of his family as well as anyone who was injured during Garnett's crime spree, but my prayers also go out to his family.  Garnett himself served 4 years in the United States Army serving his country and though it doesn't say so, I imagine he also served in Afghanistan which in all probability screwed him up.  Garnett committed the worst crime a human being can commit, and that is murder and worse yet murder of a person who swore to protect the rest of us so I do not feel sorry for him personally but for his family.  I have seen no interview with Garnett's family but because I myself spent 20 years in the US military I have seen the same story repeated over and over.

That story is usually about a young man (sometimes a young lady) who in high school was your normal teenager, one who loved his family and enjoyed spending time with his friends, playing sports and video games. AS this young person's senior year arrives and adult hood is right around the corner they find that it is time for them to decide what they are going to do when they grow up.

For many of these young people their choices are limited, especially with the economy of today when college isn't a option. Many times the follow someone in their families footsteps and because they themselves love their country they enlist in one of the branches of the military.  Their choices include US Army, US Air Force, US Navy, US Marine Corps or US Coast Guard, but here too the choice isn't always so cut and dry.

Each branch of the United States military have their own specific requirements for enlistment.  A young man or woman who does investigate the branches of the military have to start by taking what is a ASVAB or Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test .

Now the ASVAB test tells recruiters two things by the test takers score, first and foremost what branch of the military the young person qualifies for. Each branch of the armed forces have their own cut offs and the lower the score the less technical jobs they qualify for.  Normally the US Air Force requires the highest scores with the US Army and Marine Corps requires the lowest.

This is not to say that the Army and Marine Corp has less technical jobs, the actual reason is because those two branches have a large component of infantry jobs which means they have a higher quota for lower scoring recruits.

This takes us back to the young person, who grew up in mine and your home town, the kid every person liked, the star of the football team, your little brother, my little sister.  They have grown up and joined one of the branches of the military and go off to war.  They become hero's in the eye of the community in the small town they grew up in, let's say Scott City, KS. for example (my home town).

The young person completes boot camp and is soon sent to Afghanistan and sees and experiences things a human being should never see or experience, completes his or her four year enlistment and returns to Scott City and begin acting in ways that family and friends had never seen before they went off to war, family members become confused when he/she begin drinking alcohol heavily or using drugs and begin to either avoid him or her, or try to fix them not realizing the veteran is suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Soon this veteran is shunned and many times either having a hard time holding a job or already homeless and don't know where to turn and because of the combination of the alcohol and drug abuse turn to crime such as in this case they turn to crime to continue to afford the substance they are addicted to and without the proper help spin out of control. Many times it's sad to say people loose their lives, sadly many times it ends with the suicide of the veteran or even worse as in this case it ends with the death of innocent people as well as the veteran.

Now I don't know the true story behind this young man, all I do know is he was a veteran, he robbed banks and a police officer and Garnett both lost their lives and I wish people who have family members in the armed forces would learn what these young men and women have gone through, watch for the signs of PTSD so hopefully they may get help, because although the number of veterans suffering from PTSD the US Government continues to fall down on the job and despite more public attention to PTSD many veterans are confused and ashamed by their feelings and nightmares they experience and fail to seek help, help that could save the veterans lives and those of innocents like Officer Stauffer. 

Suspect accused of killing MS officer, convicted of threatening - - The News for South Mississippi

Friday, January 10, 2014

Fracking and Earthquakes

 I have mentioned many times in my blog that one of my hobbies is just basically surfing all the news channels with in the United States and read the different news around the country. Nine times out of ten what I find is normally amusing, sometimes I find things that are serious and of course anything dealing with Alcohol and Drug Abuse and the treatment of our veterans I read and take seriously.

Now this story which is from a station in Cape Girardeau, Missouri I found both amusing and serious.  In case you don't know what fracking is, it is injecting a gas into the earth to force oil and natural gas out of the earth so that it can be collected, now this is a new technology and it allows oil companies to now retrieve crude oil and natural gas that just a few years ago was considered irretrievable.

So here is what there concern in and this is why I find it somewhat amusing, but serious because the people in this area take it serious, and that is the fear that fracking cause's earthquakes. People have become concerned because in West Texas where some of the first fracking began there was a swarm of earthquakes most in the 1.0 range but a few reaching into the 3.0's.

I find this amusing because of the fact that I have lived in California for over 30 years and am used to earthquakes, the strongest was a 7.2 and guess what I and everyone living in California survived and those people in Missouri will survive as well if they experience a 3.2 earthquake, I promise you that .

Here is what I feel, I think you should go ahead and have your discussion but don't miss out on the money that fracking can bring to your economy especially with the state of the economy in this country, although I don't blame you because the New Madrid runs through your state, but all will be OK. 


Johnson Co. Board Meets Monday Jan. 13 To Discuss Fracking | WSILTV | Local News

10News - Keith Barton of La Mesa found guilty of posing as doctor, promising cancer, HIV cure - - News

Here is the deal, I understand why this guy was convicted of impersonating a doctor and is getting a possible 7 to 10 years, but am I the only one who see's this in this story "One of the children, a 9-year-old girl, subsequently died as a result of not receiving effective treatment". Should this not be a murder charge? This evil man told this girls family that he was a doctor and would cure what was wrong with this girl, which meant the family did not seek the proper treatment this little girl required and died because of it. Does anyone agree with me here? Why is there no murder charges. 

10News - Keith Barton of La Mesa found guilty of posing as doctor, promising cancer, HIV cure - - News

High Wind Watch

I'm putting this in my blog just for memories, in the link below it say high wind watch but we are actually under a high wind warning until 4 a.m. tomorrow morning and they specifically listing Oak Harbor,  WA as a place that may possibly loose power tonight with winds up to 65 mph so Sandi and i may be doing some cuddling tonight. According to the local news it should hit us about 11:00 p.m. tonight so I will keep the blog updated. If I loose power and can't use the laptop I will do blog updates using my cell phone.

So if any of you are in the area, stand by for the winds and rain tonight (up to 3 inches), cuddle up and just enjoy each others company. If you aren't in the area than think about us tonight while you are setting in California or Florida in beautiful weather.

God Bless you all and keep reading for an update.

High Wind Watch: Issued by The National Weather Service - Seattle/Tacoma, WA - Fri, Jan 10, 2014, 2:54 PM PST

10News - Police: SDG&E truck involved in fatal hit-and-run in El Cajon - - News

As many of you know who may read my blog, I am a Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselor Intern, my desire is to help others who suffer from substance abuse problems, and because of this when I am scanning the news and just reading about the current events any news report that may be alcohol or drug abuse related I tend to comment about.

Something I have noticed in the last few months because of this is the constant report of Alcohol related traffic accidents, not just in the San Diego area but all over the United States. For example here in San Diego I have come to realize there is at least one report in the local news about a traffic accident that is caused by a driver under the influence of alcohol or some other substance.

Now I read the news from all over the nation and the way I do this is I will go to Wikipedia and look up the list of television stations for a particular state, say for example Mississippi then I will spend the morning or evening with a cup a coffee and just read, other times it may be newspapers on line, so this is a trend that I have noticed occurring nation wide, and it is happening more and more. Sometimes it may be two or three news reports a week and way to often it includes a death.

So I just wanted to tell you why sometimes you will see me comment on such stories from around the country, for example this report today about the SDG&E truck, it doesn't say anywhere in the story that it is alcohol or drug related so I am speculating on that, but honestly it's the only thing that makes sense to me.

So here is the story about the SDG&E truck, by the way that is San Diego Gas and Electric.

Whoa boy how stupid can you get, hit and run in a company truck and I hate to say it because this guy works for SDG&E he has to have a valid drivers license and to drive their truck he has to have a good driving record there can only two reasons this guy hit the man and ran. The first is he just didn't see the guy and didn't realize he hit someone or something, the other is he was under the influence of alcohol and drugs. I know that these utility trucks are pretty heavy but I can't imagine running someone over and not knowing it, unless the guy was already laying on the street but still afterwards the driver should have have seen blood on the vehicle. I pray that they will be able to identify the victim and notify his family and in saying this I want to pass my prayers to this persons family.


10News - Police: SDG&E truck involved in fatal hit-and-run in El Cajon - - News

Lawyers try to toss out death penalty for Carnation killings suspect | Seattle

Let me tell you, I am a true believer in the death penalty as long as guilt of the defendant can be proved beyond a doubt using DNA evidence, eyewitness evidence (including confession) or some type of video evidence. In this case they have confessions into the murder of two children, that alone deserves the death penalty and that option should never be removed, then on top of the murder of the two children are the death of four adults, two of which where the female defendants parents, brother and sister in law.

Every detail of this crime should scream to everyone, no matter what your opinion about the death penalty, death penalty. I am truly so disturbed by the state of this world today and the human beings who inhabit this planet. I don't understand how one human being could take the life of another let alone the life of a child and it just seems no matter the punishment that the government puts on the books it is no deterrent. Parts of the human species is just so sick and depraved life means nothing to them and in that case they deserve to loose their own. 

Lawyers try to toss out death penalty for Carnation killings suspect | Seattle

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Heroin and Why Every American Should Be Scared

Things are getting scarey around here!, Where is it you ask that I'm talking about? I'm talking about everywhere in this country, every nook and cranny.  From New York City  to Oak Harbor, Washington and from Chicago, Illinois to Corpus Christie Texas.

Now some of you may think that I am talking about terrorism, the flu, crime in general or maybe all the different diseases rampant around the country, but I wish that is what I was talking about. The thing that I personally think is making this country scarey, much scarier then this country has ever been.

This thing that is making me scared and should be making you scared is something that probably most people never thought would effect your life and that would be heroin.

Now right now you may be thinking to yourself "oh come on Duane, heroin is the skid row drug, the gang drug, the drug of choice for the homeless in New York City, Chicago,  San Diego or Dallas but not Oak Harbor, Washington or Corpus Christie, Texas".  Well guess what it's true.

I recently finished my internship as a Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselor and have always had a passion to help those people affected by substance abuse addictions because in one form or another addiction has affected my family since I can remember.  Now because of an addiction of my own, which happens to be an addictions to news, current events and politics.

Because of the fact that I try to read and watch everything I can when it concerns news, current events and politics I am constantly on the internet browsing through news sites from around the country, well for that matter from around the world and because of my passion for helping others with substance abuse problems I tend to gravitate toward stories regarding alcoholism and drug use.

What I have noticed in the last year, but increasingly more so in the last few months heroin is starting to become the illegal drug of choice for people of every race, sex, economic back ground and geographic location. It is no longer the skid row drug that many of us grew up thinking it was.

I have noticed this increase in two ways, the first is like I said just by browsing the news station web pages online, just going from local station to local station and reading the news, originally I started reading more local news stations from around the country because I was startled to see in my local news in the San Diego area that there would be a report almost on a daily basis about some type of traffic accident involving a driver under the influence of some type of substance, usually alcohol but sometimes it would be something else like heroin or crystal meth.

Then something else started to perk my interest, the mention of heroin more and more in the news and what got my interest was the reports of who was being arrested for selling, possessing,  and being under the influence of heroin and it wasn't the homeless guy living on the bench on the corner or the gang member in the "hood" but it's the dad and mom on main street,  the mechanic in the local garage, sales clerk at JC Penny and the lawyer handling your divorce not to mention the police officer shaking up the dealer and keeping it for him/her self.

The most heart breaking new user of heroin is the veterans of Afghanistan and Iraq who where injured on the battlefield or by the improvised explosive device who have been pumped full of opiate pain killers during the treatment of their injuries. Once they reach the point of recovery where the military no longer requires them to be on active duty they are either medically retired or discharged and turned over to the Veterans Administration for treatment at a VA Hospital where normally the dosage of narcotic pain relievers are reduced or completely cut off.

When an injured veteran is under the care of a VA Hospital most time's the dosage  of narcotic pain relievers they have been treated with are greatly reduced or cut off all together. When the dosage is reduced after being use to larger dosages for long periods of time it is almost impossible for them to be able to cope on the smaller dosage and will run  out of their medications before it is time for their next doctors appointment and because they are addicted they have to find opiates somewhere else or go through with drawl  symptoms which by this time is worse for them than actually feeling the pain they where originally prescribed the medication for.

It is nearly impossible today to get prescriptions from various different doctors than it was 10 to 20 years ago when it was fairly simple to go "doctor shopping" as they call it to get multiple prescriptions from multiple doctors for the same narcotic and because of  this wounded veterans have had to look else where to get opiates.

That else where is the local drug dealer who will normally have a pretty good list of the different drugs they could sale you, and that list will usually include the same pills the veteran has been taking, however even though the local drug dealer may have those pills, there still exists a problem for that veteran, the cost.  The cost of narcotic pain pills on the street are very high, especially in states that have stricter prescription laws.

So you may be asking, what does this poor veteran do? Well since they are already in contact with the drug dealer they have to rely on the dealer for a suggestion and today because (believe it or not) of the war on terrorism the cheapest alternative is heroin.  Because the majority of the worlds supply of the Poppy Flower used for producing heroin comes from Afghanistan and in most cases the NATO forces presence has protected these farmers and their crops.

In the process of going after Al Qaeda and The Taliban in Afghanistan these Poppy farmers have been better able to put their product on the world market, the heroin producers by the product which is the raw extract from these flowers and produce more heroin than any other time in history.

Many of these farmers that US and other NATO forces are protecting are either Taliban themselves, Taliban family members or Taliban Supporters and the money goes to the Taliban forces which they spend on more weapons to injure and kill more service members.

Unwittingly in our war against terrorist we have helped the heroin trade become stronger and bigger than any time in history and because of this the heroin itself has become relatively cheap to buy on the street and has caused a self consuming circle.

So there you go that is what is making this country scarier, one of the most addictive drugs in the world has come from being the drug that everyone thought of as the skid row drug to the drug of choice to a growing number of Americans from every class, race and age.  There is only two other drugs that are more addictive than heroin and those two are alcohol and tobacco and to come of heroin or alcohol require the help of a physician , so if you think about it, how many American's do you think are addicted to at least one of these drugs, how about all three?

Beauty queen Monica Spear's killers nabbed, Venezuela says -

his is so sad, my prayers go out to their families and friends and especially their 5 year old daughter. I am afraid of one thing, that the killers will go free and that the people they have in custody are not the real killers. Some of the people they have in custody sounds like they may be members of a family and the people who did the killing could have sold the belongings or just left them laying where they where and these people picked them up.

We must remember where this happened and because the public is in an out rage they may try to pin these murders on may be innocent and the government just want's to be able to say look everyone we caught the killers to try and shut the public up!

Beauty queen Monica Spear's killers nabbed, Venezuela says -

Horses abandoned at an alarming rate in Whatcom County | Seattle

 So sad, horses are intelligent creatures and if you have ever owned or worked with horses you know that they each have their own personalities, they show love, humor and yes even anger so to just abandon them they way its been happening is so sad. A horse left in a pasture may have a chance to survive, but a horse left to walk down the street or abandoned in a stall somewhere will surely die.

People today have this belief with most animals that have been bread to be and kept as pets can easily revert to the life of their wild ancestors, but that is not true.

An example that is probably heard the most is for dogs, I have heard people say what is the big deal because dogs where bread originally from the wolf so if they are left to their own devices they should be able to hunt for food and their fur should keep them warm during winter, but these beliefs are not true.

The same goes for horses, yes they where originally bread from the wild mustangs found in the American wild after the original settlers of America abandoned them hundreds of years ago on the plains (When America was discovered there were no wild horses on this continent), because the horse was brought here from Europe.

Here is what happens to these domesticated animals, over the hundreds or thousands of years since they where domesticated they loose much of the hardiness and way of thinking that their original ancestors possessed. When they are abandoned in this way many die of starvation and exposure because it has been bread into their way of thinking and survival instincts to look for the human hand when they are hungry, hurt or cold and when that human hand isn't there they tend to give in and die.

Now don't get me wrong, a few horses and dogs survive being abandoned, growing up on a Kansas farm I saw a pack of dog's that ran the pastures, ranches and farms that wanted nothing to do with humans but the problem was they where still relying most times on humans to survive by raiding farms for chickens, ducks and sometimes calves, lambs and colts, they had become feral and pests to the point the even raided trash cans for food. Like I said above some horses abandoned in pastures often survived as we did occasionally find a horse on a ranch that we didn't know where they came from.

Other animals have a better chance on surviving if abandoned such as pigs and cats. Pigs often are not abandoned, but are notorious for escaping from pens and going feral to the point by the second generation of a feral pig their appearance begin to look like wild boars and even act like them, so they are usually successful. Lastly I don't think I have to go into how cats survive, we see stray cats all the time. Even if they are still with their owners they act and can survive in the "wild".     

Horses abandoned at an alarming rate in Whatcom County | Seattle

Six More Arrested in Breathtaking $45 Million ATM Theft -

 Thieves are every where whether they are stilling merchandise right off of store shelves or stealing the money from the banks by using computer crimes, every type of crime like this that hurts businesses hurts us the consumers in the long run, making even the use of ATMs more expensive for ;us the little guys

Six More Arrested in Breathtaking $45 Million ATM Theft -

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

10News - First flu-related death in San Diego County reported - - News

 I've been looking around the news sights around the country to see what the flu reports are looking like and to me it looks like this is going to be a tough flu season. Two of the trends I see in these news reports are that this strain of flu which is also known as the Swine Flu that everyone was scared of a few years back.

Ok the two trends I see are, the first is that this strain of flu is hitting the portion of the population that normally resists the seasonal flu, and hitting them hard and that is the 20-40 age group composed of healthy adults with no underlying health problems and some have died. Now this is not to say other age groups aren't being affected because they are so everyone has to be careful no matter your age.

The second trend is deaths are happening quickly and very early in the season and that goes for the group I mentioned above also and as I write this doctors are trying to figure out why, for example in the Seattle, Washington area six  adults have died and of those 4 had no underlying health problems.

So this flu season seems like it's going to be a tough one and everyone needs to pay attention to what the medical professionals and wash your hands often especially when your out in public, don't touch your face with your hands and ensure your children learn the same, teach them they need to wash their hands often when they are at school.

Most of all EVERYONE should go out and get that flu shot, I do it every year just to be safe and I haven't been sick once with the flu itself since I can remember and I am 47 nor has the flu shot itself ever made me sick. Now I will say this, my wife is afraid of needles and doesn't get the flu shot but in the 14 years we have been married I think she has only been sick twice, however she is a germ phobic person (not to the point of scrubbing her hands to the bone) to the point she keeps our house very clean and ensures everyone in the house hold washes their hands once we come home from being out grocery shopping, the play ground etc.

So as for me I recommend the shot because I have never been sick like I said above, but I want to ensure you that if you don't want to get the shot, if you follow the advice of keeping your hands clean and not touching your face chances are you will make it through the flu season as well unscathed, so to all you out there good luck!!

10News - First flu-related death in San Diego County reported - - News

Eastside Catholic to 'welcome' engaged gay coach | Seattle

  agree with Carol below, as long as the terms of the contract covered those things he did were listed in his contract as something he could not do, including same sex unions than it was a flagrant disregard for the contract he signed and yes it is legal for an employer to put that in an employment contract as a judge already declared that legal in a fight over a company who had a no smoking policy which stated a employee can't smoke or use tobacco at any time whether the product is used at home or work.

Eastside Catholic to 'welcome' engaged gay coach | Seattle

Monday, January 6, 2014

10News - Mother calls man who found her 2-year-old son abandoned on street his 'guardian angel' - - News

Thank God the baby is OK, I  am not going to say anything bad about the dad and the mother, these things happen when their is a member of the family who has mental illness. The other members of the family need to come up with a safety plan to keep this from happening again, I doubt the father had any alcohol in his system to keep this from happening again.

I personally don't think their was a crime here, despite the mother's age it seems she is a good mother, I don't know from the article how many other family members there are but they need to get help for the father and this shouldn't happen again.

10News - Mother calls man who found her 2-year-old son abandoned on street his 'guardian angel' - - News

10News - Jury selection continues in trial of Keith Barton; La Mesa man accused of posing as doctor - - News

 This man needs to be prosecuted for murder, the charges he is facing is minor and he caused the death of a child. I'm sure that I will see people on here comment that you can't get him for murder because the child who died had HIV, and that may be true however as everyone should know, today people can live to old age and have a good quality of life when they receive proper treatment for HIV.

Just the fact that today like I said above, people HIV positive who are treated with the proper drugs can live a normal life never contracting AIDS and a prime example of that is basketball star Ervin "Magic" Johnson who is now 54 years old.

The main reason I believe this person should face murder charges (even if the child had been diagnosed with full blown AIDS and given a limited time to live) is that no matter what he shortened the child's life even if he/she had been dieing. I think there is something so wrong with the justice system if he is not charged and prosecuted for murder.

I am so upset by this situation I would personally if on the jury would give this man the death penalty which I know would be hard for the court to sentence him with death, because it would have to be proven that he set out to kill the child purposely, but here is my take, he did know he wasn't a doctor and that his "treatment" was not the proper treatment and he took the child away from his/her family who are also sick. I'm sorry I know I am rambling but this is the most upset I've been from a news report since the gassing of children in Syria.

10News - Jury selection continues in trial of Keith Barton; La Mesa man accused of posing as doctor - - News

10News - Longtime San Diego Padres radio announcer Jerry Coleman dies - Sports Story

Jerry for sure is up there "hanging the stars". I feel as if I have lost a part of my childhood. I never got to see him play because he retired from the ball game before I retired, but I was 6 when he began broadcasting and if me and my uncle where not at the game we where sitting outside listing his play by play and I tell you he set the standard. I remember his year as manager, sorry to say it was a disaster with San Diego in last place in the division (73 W 89 L) but me and my uncle stood by the Padres. To Jerry's family I send my prayers and tell them he is a great part of my childhood memories!

10News - Longtime San Diego Padres radio announcer Jerry Coleman dies - Sports Story

Friday, January 3, 2014

10News - San Diego fire truck struck by hit-and-run driver overnight on SR-52 - - News

Most likely a drunk or drugged driver or just someone without insurance, it show's how driving under the influence can cause you to screw up, I mean don't get me wrong, I know accidents happen and sometimes emergency vehicles are involved in traffic accidents but rarely are they involved in a hit and run accident and even that much rarely are they hit in the middle of the night during the "witching" hour but when the unthinkable happens and someone is involved in an traffic accident with a firetruck, ambulance or police vehicle they never take off running so that pretty much tells me who ever was involved in this hit and run had to be drinking.

I imagine the driver in this case will most likely be caught for two reasons, however, the first is that many first responder vehicles have dashboard or better camera's and second any bystanders are probably remember more details about an accident involving a fire truck. The thing that sucks is that unless the person is caught and for some odd reason is still under the influence of something or using some drug that has a short half life and can still be detected in the blood or urine to the point it could determine that the driver was under the influence during the accident the person will probably only be charged with hit and run.

Come on people I just wish we would for once, as a human race remember so much we do in our lives effect others whether in the positive or negative (so often in the negative) and in the process effect us personally the same way and it is a shame that even those people who risk their lives to protect ours on a daily basis aren't safe from those idiots who refuse to drive sober!!

10News - San Diego fire truck struck by hit-and-run driver overnight on SR-52 - - News

10News - Thieves strike Rolando Park Elementary School; windows smashed, computers stolen - - News

People suck, to go out and strike out at the little kids this way. These children are out enjoying their Christmas break with their families right now and will return to school on Monday just to find out some scum bag adults or teenagers broke into their schools while they where away and stole their computers. School is one of the places children should feel safe and when a place of safety such as this is struck it takes a lot away from the children's world. I just wish adults would grow up and respect others!!

It is just so awful that humans have such disrespect for each other that they even strike out at our innocent children. There are two important parts of a child's life and those two parts would be family and school, and I hate to say in some respects children are unsafe at home and only have school to look forward to each and every day where they can go and feel safe and respected only to find that adults can even strike them their.

It's not just that the classroom computers where stolen, because those can be replaced, expensive yes, but they can be replaced it's the fact the child's security can be taken away. Even if children don't see the results of the break end by loosing out on computer time or seeing the damage, children hear things, they can hear teachers and other staff talking about the break ins, they sit with their parents in the morning as everyone is preparing for their day as the news is on or the parents read the papers and discuss what happened.

The worse thing of all is when things happen as described above such as where the children either witness the damage or missing equipment first hand or even just hear about it, many, many times it takes away that child's faith in education and they may start to think why should I take my education or education in general  seriously when those adults who I put my trust in to ensure I get my education don't even respect me enough to make sure I receive a safe and quality education?

I doubt there are any children reading this good ole' blog of mine but their may be a teenager, I just want you too know their are adults out here like me who do care about you, your educations and your lives. Just keep working hard and keep that promise in your heart and remember you can accomplishment any thing you put your mind to, just keep faith in the adults in your life, and if some reason you feel you are being let down by the adults, let it be known how you feel and what you need and their will be people there to help you the best we know how. 

10News - Thieves strike Rolando Park Elementary School; windows smashed, computers stolen - - News

Thursday, January 2, 2014

King Co. deputy arrested on-duty denies allegations | Seattle

 You know, yes even a police officer is innocent until proven guilty of a crime. This officer is a 15 year veteran of the Sheriff''s department and I am finding it hard to believe that she was hunched over the steering wheel of his vehicle while under the influence of narcotics. I actually hope I am right and what he would be guilty of is falling a sleep on duty, which isn't good but it's not being under the influence of narcotics either!!!

King Co. deputy arrested on-duty denies allegations | Seattle

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 It Is Here

Well ladies and gentlemen, we have made it once again to another year and believe me in this day and age whether you where born on Jan 01, 2013 that is an accomplishment to have made it to Jan 01, 2014 and for a youngster like me who was born way back to 1966 who is getting a month closer to making it to 48 I think I am doing quite well.

I look back into my past and remember the ghosts of New Years Past, my first being Jan 01, 1967 not that I actually remember that year but I do know many people of my fathers age group where serving overseas in the United States newest war in Vietnam, that after the generations before them served in the war to end all wars, World War II and Korea and here where our young men and women in this out of the way country that  few remembered  hearing about before they where shipped out.

Of course today the constant rotating war machine hasn't stopped and we've lost service members in Lebanon, Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Kuwait, and Afghanistan. Another odd thing is every new year every President, King, Queen, Prime Minister and dictator have placed their wish for world peace as New Years wish to the voting (or oppressed) public.

So what am I looking for in 2014? Well let me see as some of you may have seen in a past rambling post about my son, so of course I want my son with me, also sticking with family I must say though I don't mention her very often because of her chronic shyness. My best friend is such a wonderful lady, her name is Sandi and we have known each other since 1998 and married since January 22, 2000 so here we are going on our 14th year.

It's funny people think hey you and Sandi had a really good dating period, 2 years of dating before you married, ah but they don't know what was really behind that, my poor memory, believe me I wanted to marry my soul mate two year earlier but see us waiting until 2000 I (We) will never forget what anniversary it is. It's easy math since we married Jan 22, 2000 this year 2014 will be our 14th wedding anniversary. Pretty smart right (although I think she is the one who needs reminding (joking)).

What I want is peace, I want peace in my family, in my home and in my country, in my world. The problem is I don't see it in my life time and I hate to say probably not in my son's because of the plan for so many to wage terror on the innocent's who have nothing to do with government but to vote for the people sitting in office.

Well good luck people the new year has started and it looks like it is going to be a great on this new year, just be careful but don't hide from the thug Terrorists

10News - Heavy holiday crowds force Disney World to turns guests away from the Magic Kingdom - - News

 Wow has this ever happened before? That place is so huge I can't imagine it being filled to capacity, but no matter how unbelievable it may be I am sure that Disney didn't turn people away just to give their workers some time off, they are in business of making money and if they where turning people away at the gates than Disney World must have been filled 100% to the brim and then some. This may be a bad thing to into history for, but if it is the first time over all these years that they turned people away than I guess that is a great history and possibly may be the first gleaming of recovery for the country.

I'm not a expert but at my age I know that when times get rough financially many times the first thing many of us set aside are summer trips and family vacations during the holidays, if Disney World was so packed that they had to close the gates and turn people away than this may be like a said a show of recovery. Even if many of these people visiting where local, Disney World and Disneyland tickets are not cheap.

So whatever you may feel about this, please allow me this little glimmer of hope and think of it as a time that our economy is getting better if we are able to spend the money to let our little ones run free in the Magic Kingdom!!

10News - Heavy holiday crowds force Disney World to turns guests away from the Magic Kingdom - - News

10News - Beloved 'Fresh Prince' star James Avery dies at 65; played character Uncle Phil on hit 1990s sitcom - Story

 So very Sad, he was a great actor and a great person. My prayers go out too all his family and friends. I know it has to be hard for everyone who worked with him on the set of Fresh Prince and at such a young age. Sad that such a great person is gone.

I was already out of my parents home and in the US Navy when this show was running new, and I wish there where show out there like Fresh Prince today. Instead our options for our children is 16 and pregnant and other show glamorizing alcohol, drugs and teenage sex. It wasn't necessarily as "wholesome' as the Walton's or Little House On The Prairie but it is a show I wouldn't be afraid to let my 7 year old son watch today at a time where I have a hard time with some of the "children's" cartoons the put on the air today.

10News - Beloved 'Fresh Prince' star James Avery dies at 65; played character Uncle Phil on hit 1990s sitcom - Story

10News - Man falls, dies at San Diego Convention Center - - News

Sad, I really hope he didn't jump the sad thing though, although I'm guessing it's quite probable that alcohol was involved whether he climbed up there and fell our jumped. You know everyone over 21 (should be 18, 18-20 year old's can serve in Afghanistan but not drink legally) can legally drink and make their won choices and I don''t ever want to take away peoples rights but I wish people would look at alcohol as the dangerous drug it can be if not treated with respect.

The thing about alcohol is you don't even have to have an addiction for it to cause trouble for the drinker and the family, the effects of just one family member being addicted to alcohol can devastate a entire family or even community just like this example.

Again I don''t  know the entire circumstances regarding here with this young man, but I am about 99.99% sure that alcohol will be involved in this young mans death, and that makes me sad and I want everyone of his family members and friends I and my family are praying for them.  

10News - Man falls, dies at San Diego Convention Center - - News